
  • 网络Artemisia frigida;artemisia frigida willd
  1. 2在0~100cm尺度上,无牧、轻牧条件下冷蒿种群的空间格局为聚集分布;

    Under non-grazing and light-grazing conditions , the spatial patterns of Artemisia frigida populations were aggregated at 0 ~ 100cm scales ;

  2. 当载畜率为1.3和工.5只羊/半年/hm2时,放牧区冷蒿地上净生长量显著高于对照区(P<0.05),植物表现超补偿性生长。

    When stocking rates were 1.3 and 1 . 5 sheep / half year / ha the aboveground net productivities of Artemisia frigida in the grazing plots were higher ( P < 0 . 05 ) than that in the ungrazing plot , which is called over-compensatory growth of plant .

  3. 损伤冷蒿VOCs比未损伤冷蒿VOCs的抑制作用增强。

    The inhibition of VOCs from damaged A. frigida was stronger than the undamaged . 6 .

  4. 冷蒿VOCs成分分析及其对植物生长发育的影响

    The Composition Analysis of VOCs from Artemisia Frigida Willd . and Its Effects on Plants Growth and Development

  5. 冷蒿VOCs对4种植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) from Artemisia frigida on germination and growth of four plant types

  6. 木本灌木繁盛起来,特别是一种称为冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida)的灌木。

    Woody shrubs in particular , a shrub called fringed sage or Artemisia frigida thrived .

  7. 冷蒿VOCs可不同程度的降低种子发芽势、发芽率与发芽指数;抑制幼苗芽与根生长;阻碍侧根(须根)产生;抑制生物量积累与分配。

    The germination energy , germination rate and germination index were reduced differently ; buds and roots growth , fibres ( lateral roots ) development , total biomass and biomass allocation were inhibited by VOCs from A. frigida .

  8. 冷蒿的养分利用效率较低(以每形成100g碳所需的养分量计算),但在退化草原却是优势物种。

    A. frigida has low nutrient use efficiency ( calculated by the amount of nutrients are needed for the formation of 100 g of carbon ), however , A. frigida is the dominant species on overgrazed sites .

  9. 冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida)种群伴随着典型草原退化演替的各个阶段,对其所在群落的结构和功能具有重要的影响。

    Artemisia frigida populations are present in every stage of degraded succession of Chinese Inner Mongolia steppe . They have important effects on community structure and function , but spatial pattern of Artemisia frigida populations are poorly understood .

  10. 中度放牧时为羊草+冷蒿+隐子草+丛生禾草群落;

    Frigida + Cleistogenes squarrosa + clustered grasses when Middle-grazing and A.

  11. 不同放牧强度下冷蒿种群小尺度空间格局

    Fine-scale spatial pattern of Artemisia frigida population under different grazing intensities

  12. 刈割强度对冷蒿可溶性碳水化合物的影响

    Effects on water-soluble carbohydrate of Artemisia frigida under different defoliation intensities

  13. 沙地冷蒿种群的耐牧机理研究初报

    Study on the Grazing Resistance Mechanism of Artemisia Frigida Population

  14. 冷蒿种群对放牧干扰响应的研究

    Studies on Response of Artemisia Frigida Population to Grazing Disturbance

  15. 内蒙古冷蒿草原适宜放牧率及可持续发展的研究

    The Study of Optimal Stocking Rate and Sustainable Development of Rangeland livestock in

  16. 温度对冷蒿枝条光合和暗呼吸作用的影响

    The influence of temperature on the shoot photosynthesis and dark respiration of Artemisia frigida

  17. 随着放牧强度的增加,冷蒿种群营养构件及总生物量增加。

    With the increase of grazing intensity , a.

  18. 不同刈割强度下冷蒿再生生长与可溶性碳水化合物的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis between Regrowth and Soluble Carbohydrate of Artemisia frigida under Different Clipping Intensities

  19. 草原火对克氏针茅+扁穗冰草&冷蒿型草地植被的影响

    Effect of fire on grassland vegetation of Stipa krylovii + agropyron cristatum-artemisia FRIGIDA type

  20. 冷蒿有性生殖分配随刈牧强度的增加而降低,繁殖方式发生了改变。

    Sexual reproductive allocation decreased with increasing grazing or clipping intensities , and reproductive mode of A.

  21. 放牧强度起调节作用是冷蒿对放牧的适应机制。

    Fringed sagebrush boasts an adaptive mechanism to adjust to the different extents of grazing pressure .

  22. 放牧对冷蒿繁殖特性的影响

    Influence of Grazing on the Reproduction Characteristic of Fringed Sagebrush Population in the Desert Steppe of Inner Mongolia

  23. 在生长初期,随着放牧强度的增加冷蒿叶片内脯氨酸含量迅速积累;

    With grazing intensity increased , contents of proline of leaves rapidly accumulated , especially in early growth period ;

  24. 不同放牧时期绵羊啃食对冷蒿和羊草生长高度的影响

    The Effect of Nibbling Sheep on the Growth Height of Leymus chinensis and Artemisia frigida in Different Grazing Periods

  25. 枝条接触土壤易产生不定根,草地退化后,冷蒿以不定根取代主根作用,成为群落的主体。

    The shoot which touched soil produced adventitious root , and the adventitious root replaced main in the deteriorated grassland .

  26. 在不同刈割强度、不同资源空间下,对冷蒿再生生长指标与可溶性碳水化合物含量、可溶性碳水化合物库进行相关分析。

    Correlation is studied between regrowth and soluble carbohydrate contents and pools under different clipping intensities and different sources and spaces .

  27. 不同样区冷蒿种子的发芽率都在60%以上,却都没有实生苗的出现。

    The germination of Artemisia frigida was above 60 % in different plots , but the seedling could not be found .

  28. 在相同的资源与空间,幼龄冷蒿比多年龄冷蒿的再生生长与可溶性碳水化合物库的相关水平高。

    In different resources and spaces , the correlation level between regrowth and soluble carbohydrate pools of younger A. frigida was higher than that of older A.

  29. 冷蒿脯氨酸含量与植物的含水量呈负相关,在生长初期和末期呈显著负相关,而生长盛期相关不显著;

    There was significant negative correlation between contents of proline and plant moisture in early and late growth period , but there was not correlation in middle growth period .

  30. 冷蒿在种子生产方面,抽穗率、结实率、种子产量之间不成正比。

    The main research results were as follows : ( 1 ) The rate of flowering , seeding and seed yield did not proportion in aspects of seed production .