
  • 网络Scientific decision-making;scientification of decision-making
  1. 投资项目可行性研究(FeasibilityStudy)是投资项目管理程序中的重要组成部分,是投资项目决策科学化的必要步骤和手段。

    Feasibility study of . investment project is an important constituent part of investment project management procedure , is a necessary step and necessary means .

  2. 农业高职教育引入ISO9000质量管理体系,构建全员参与的农业高职教育教学质量保障新体系,实现学校教学质量管理决策科学化、工作规范化、服务自觉化。

    The higher vocational education of agriculture introduces ISO9000 quality controling system , constructs the new teaching quality safeguards system which the whole staff participate , causes the school teaching quality control realize policy-making scientific style , work standardization and serves on own initiative .

  3. 将投资风险分析方法与CIM模型结合对大型工程项目投资膨胀进行估计,为工程项目经济评估与投资决策科学化提供依据。

    The method of investment risk analysis and CIM model have been combined to study the investment inflation for large engineering project in this paper . The research provides effective appraisal basis for the economic estimation of engineering project and the scientific investment decision .

  4. 加强风险论证是实现油气田开发决策科学化的基础和前提。

    Enhancing risk evaluation is the basis and premise for development decision making .

  5. 实现竞技体育发展战略决策科学化途径的探讨

    Discussion about Realizing the Scientific Ways of Decision on Strategic Concept of Athletics

  6. 决策科学化与多目标决策

    Science of Decision Making and Multiple Criteria Decision Making

  7. 博弈与企业经营决策科学化

    On game theory and scientific enterprise management decision

  8. 论新时期政府行政决策科学化的条件

    On the Condition to Make the Government 's Administration Decision Scientific in New Time

  9. 决策科学化与中国公共决策咨询系统的建设和完善

    Scientific Decision-making & Construction and Perfection of the Public Decision Consulting System in China

  10. 开发以计算机技术、网络技术支持的现代人力资源管理系统,不仅能够安全、高效、准确地实现企业的人力资源管理,而且也能促进零售企业人力资源管理现代化、决策科学化的进程。

    The development of computer technology and network technology supports modern human resource management system .

  11. 试论销售企业投资决策科学化

    On Scientific Investment Policy of Marketing Enterprises

  12. 运用人性假设理论推进大学管理决策科学化进程

    Toward a Scientific Decision-making Process in University Management by Means of Hypothesis Theory of Human Nature

  13. 以决策科学化促进农业现代化&《国家农业政策开放实验室》的总体设计

    Make Policy Science to Promote Agriculture Modernization & the open laboratory of national agriculture policy formally startup

  14. 项目后评价与项目可行性研究、项目评估共同构成投资决策科学化体系。

    Scientific-investment-decision system is made up of project post appraising , project feasibility researching and project evaluating .

  15. 实现行政决策科学化,必须具备三个必不可少的条件,即主体条件、环境条件和技术条件。

    In order to make administration decision scientific , three factors are necessary which are subject , environment and technology .

  16. 所得结论对发展现代潜艇鱼雷攻击战术和实现作战决策科学化具有一定的学术价值和实用意义。

    The conclusion is of theoretical and practical significance to the study of modern torpedo attack tactics and scientific combat decision .

  17. 可行性论证是房地产开发项目管理的重要组成部分,是房地产项目决策科学化的重要手段。

    Feasibility demonstration is the major constitution of real estate development project management and the significant means of real estate project scientific decision .

  18. 武器系统的费用&效能分析是武器系统选型、研制和改进时实现决策科学化的十分重要的手段。

    Cost-effectiveness analysis for weapon system is a very important mean for scientific decision making in weapon choosing type , development and improvement .

  19. 实际应用结果表明:煤层气开发项目经济评价方法和预测模型是项目决策科学化的重要依据。

    The results show that the economic evaluation method and prediction models for coalbed methane development project are quite useful in project decision-making .

  20. 该研究有助于提高铁路建设项目管理及规划决策科学化、规范化水平,为铁路大规模建设时期的项目决策提供依据。

    This research has helped to standardize the management and decision-making of railway projects and provided basis to decision making in mass construction period .

  21. 该系统应用计算机辅助设计技术,实现在特定立地条件下选择适宜生长的树种,并进行效益优化分析,大大推进营林生产决策科学化、定量化进程。

    CAD was applied to this system which may select suitable tree species for a given site condition , and analyze the best benefit .

  22. 这对实现油田生产技术决策科学化,减缓产量自然递减具有重大意义。

    This analysis will give a scientific base to the policy decision making on the production program and slowing down the decline of oil production .

  23. 决策科学化的本质是充分应用专业技术知识和信息技术实现决策的可重现性和可重复性。

    The essence of decision-making scientific style is to make full use of specialized technical knowledge and information technology to realize the reproducibility and repeatability .

  24. 对区域创新系统科学全面的评价可以度量创新的效果,也有利于使整体决策科学化,降低创新风险。

    To appreciate the innovation performance of regional innovation system can measure the innovation performance , make the decision-making scientific and reduce the innovation risk .

  25. 建立以信息技术支持的现代人事和工资管理系统,是建设好电子十所职工队伍的一项重要举措,也是实现电子十所人事和工资管理现代化、加速决策科学化的前提条件。

    Establishing a modern personnel and wage management system that is supported by information technology is an important basal work in the constrction of employee procession .

  26. 通过它,可以获得生产现场的实时数据信息,从而使企业管理决策科学化,达到生产、经营、管理的最优化状态。

    With it , the teal time information can be got , and then the scientific decision , optimized production and management of an enterprise achieved .

  27. 本文结论是:为了实现决策科学化,必须高度重视多目标决策的研究和应用。

    It is in the paper concluded the research and use of MCDM must be highly emphasized in order to make decision making become a science .

  28. 经济评价是项目决策科学化的重要手段,是工业项目投资风险分析的基本依据。

    Economic evaluation is an important means for making scientific decision to industrial investment projects , and also is a basis of industrial project investment risk analysis .

  29. 可行性研究的目的是使决策科学化、程序化,保证决策的可靠性,为项目的实施和控制提供依据或参考。

    Its purposes are to make decision-making scientific , programming and reliable , and to provide guidelines and references for the implementation and control of the project .

  30. 本文首先以决策科学化、管理会计、决策支持系统的相关理论为依据,论述了会计决策科学化的基础,以及会计决策支持系统辅助决策的方式;

    Based on theories of scientific decision-making , management accounting and DSS , we discuss the basis of scientific accounting decision-making and three decision-supporting manners in ADSS .