
  • 网络Ice Axe;Pickaxe
  1. 使用冰爪和技术冰镐“发展后的”技术。

    Using " evolved " techniques for crampons and tools .

  2. 冰镐尖上闪出了火花。

    Sparks flew from the points of their ice axes .

  3. 例如,用冰镐或者坚硬的地面攻击。

    Attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground , for example .

  4. 毕竟没有路绳没有上升器,仅凭冰抓和冰镐在这样的严寒和大风下登顶太危险。

    Without climbing rope and closer , top climbing is too dangerous to be accepted by me amateur .

  5. 她叫喊着让泰史不要拉绳子,并用冰镐和冰抓把自己固定在坡上然后解开绳子。

    She cried out to Yasushi not to pull the rope , secured herself to the slope with her AXE and crampons and untied .

  6. 登山工具包括登山靴,冰爪,护目镜,铁头登山杖,冰镐,冰锥,铜锥和绳梯。

    Climbing kit includes climbing boots , crampons , snow goggles , alpenstocks , ice axes , ice pitons , piton hammers , and rope ladders .

  7. 泰德是第一个愿意帮忙的人,“他过来时手持铁锹和冰镐,并没有对我造成伤害”,扎尔金德如是说。

    Ted , the first volunteer , showed up ' with a shovel and an ice pick and did not kill me , " she said .

  8. 冰镐,双叉破冰斧一种登山时用的小斧过去,船上的水手用手斧破冰,给船开出一条路来。

    An ice ax used in mountain climbing . The crews of such boats in times past chopped through the ice with hand axes to get the boat moving .

  9. 性感移动就有点难以形容了,那要看你在重新定位冰镐和冰爪之后,如何移动自己的身体。

    The " sexy move " is a little harder to figure out , and relates to how you move your body once you have repositioned your picks and crampons .

  10. 不是在喊狼来了,请确切的告诉我这儿有多少冬季登山者是曾经实际试过冰镐制动的?

    Not trying to sound false alarm , but how many people here who want to climb any sizable mtns during winter actually tried an iceaxe self-arrest before ? Believe me , it needs practice .