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dōng zhuāng
  • snowsuit;winter dress;winter clothing
冬装 [dōng zhuāng]
  • [winter clothing;winter dress] 冬季穿的御寒的服装

冬装[dōng zhuāng]
  1. 春天到了,脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。

    It 's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here .

  2. 既然天气已转暖,我们可以脱掉冬装了。

    Now that the warmer weather has come , we can cast off our winter clothing .

  3. 你们经历过第一次穿冬装第一次恋爱或第一次C

    you 've had your first , whether it 's a winter coat , a love or a C

  4. HelloKitty将展示时装设计师约翰?加利亚诺设计的“迪奥”最新秋冬装系列,杂志还将刊登HelloKitty与设计师的合影以及她在巴黎尽情采购的情景。

    The fashion spread will show Kitty modeling the latest autumn and winter designs by John Galliano for the Dior brand , posing with the designer and enjoying a shopping spree in Paris .

  5. 在去年穿过的冬装外套里发现20元钞票。

    Finding a $ 20 bill in coat from last winter .

  6. 他们现在的冬装都在打折。

    2 all of their winter apparel is on sale now .

  7. 很多人都穿上了暖和的冬装。

    Many residents have wrapped themselves up with warm winter clothes .

  8. 先生,什么样的衣服,冬装还是夏装?

    What kind of suit , sir , summer or winter ?

  9. 这家商店的冬装大衣很好。

    This shop has a nice line in winter coats .

  10. 春天要捂,不要过早脱掉冬装;

    In spring , don 't take off winter clothes too early ;

  11. 春天,我脱下冬装。

    In spring , I take off my winter clothes .

  12. 我们的新冬装很快就到货。

    Our new stock of winter clothes will arrive soon .

  13. 这是放冬装的包吗?

    Be this the one with our winter clothes in ?

  14. 包括我的第一件冬装我们在迈阿密不需要这些

    My first winter coat , we needn 't need those in Miami

  15. 为何不买一套暖和的冬装呢?

    Why don 't you get a warm winter suit ?

  16. 不用穿厚厚的冬装,不用担心滑倒在冰上,不用

    No heavy winter clothes . No slipping on the ice . No

  17. 士兵们通常一年发一套冬装和两套夏装。

    The soldier usually received one winter and two summer uniforms a year .

  18. 另外,孩子们也需要一些新冬装了

    Plus , the kids need new winter coats .

  19. 最新的冬装款式现在正在大商店中陈列着。

    The lastest winter fashions are now on view in the big shops .

  20. 她穿着冬装看上去很美丽。

    She looks very pretty in her winter costume .

  21. 京晶:一件冬装,充电宝,还有一些家用品。

    A winter coat , an external battery , and a bunch of household stuff .

  22. 需要互相倒腾放夏装和冬装的地方,以便腾出些空间

    You have to rotate your summer and winter wardrobes to make more room 6 .

  23. 至少我能够用《明顿家》获得的奖金买一件冬装和一套非常精美的衣服。

    At least I get a winter coat and extra special suit out of the Mintons .

  24. 她穿着一身冬装。

    She was wearing a winter .

  25. 冬装都在打折。

    Winter clothes are on sale .

  26. 购买个人全部新冬装

    Buy a new winter wardrobe

  27. 一些孩子裹着厚厚的冬装,他们蹲下身子,对着一只蠕虫看得津津有味。

    Some of the children , wrapped in thick winter clothing , stooped over to inspect a worm .

  28. 怀念福建一年四季如春的日子,还省了一笔购置冬装的开支。

    Miss the spring lasts days of fujian province , also province a purchase the expenditure of the winter clothing .

  29. 在最近的时装展览会上,新设计的多种多样色彩和款式的冬装吸引了在场的每一个人。

    At the latest fashion show , newly-designed winter clothes in a wide range of colors and styles attracted everyone present .

  30. 十六国北魏军队冬装保障及其对战争之影响

    The guarantee of winter clothes of the armies of the Sixteen States and the Northern Wei Dynasty and its influence on wars