
  • 网络Ski
  1. 最近一次冬季滑雪之旅期间,一家人在科罗拉多州住宅的餐桌周围搭建起了一个临时办公室,其实就是一堆杂乱无章的笔记本电脑、iPhone手机和iPad。

    During a recent winter ski trip , the family set up an ad-hoc office around the kitchen table of their Colorado home & a mishmash of dueling laptops , iPhones , and iPads .

  2. 有时采用干冰颗粒或液体丙烷,今天,当冬季滑雪区没有足够降雪时,这种机器就被用来制造限量的雪。

    Sometimes , dry ice particles or liquid propane are used . Today , machines are used to produce limited amounts of snow for winter ski areas when not enough natural snow has fallen .

  3. 奥斯陆最吸引人之处是它的冬季滑雪。

    The most charming place of Oslo is the winter skiing .

  4. 此后,吉林省承办了数十次全国冬季滑雪竞赛活动。

    Since then , dozens of national winter skiing competitions have been held in the province .

  5. 万浩基先生的业务爱好包括旅行和探险,并经常在夏季冲浪、冬季滑雪。他同时还是一个篮球的业余高手。

    He practices surfing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter , and he is also a hard core basketball player .

  6. 自从国家开展北雪南展的战略以来,各地纷纷开发滑雪旅游,逐步形成了较为广泛的旅游开发势态,冬季滑雪旅游市场也在迅速升温。

    Since the countries , " North-South Snow Show " strategy has been developed around the ski tourism have gradually formed a relatively wide range of tourism development trend , the winter ski tourism market is growing rapidly heating up .

  7. 探讨索契冬奥会成功举办的意义、冬季滑雪运动的普及、人们对滑雪运动的喜爱与参与等,不仅可以增加对奥林匹克运动会的见识,更可看出奥运钞在反映奥运会所起的作用和意义。

    Discussing the meaning of sochi successfully held , the popularity of winter skiing , people love for skiing and participation , and so on , can not only increase the knowledge of the Olympic movement , but also see the money in reflect the role and significance .

  8. 在冬季,滑雪度假区是滑雪者的一个首选地;

    In winter , the ski resort is a fantastic place for skiers ;

  9. 孩子们最喜欢的冬季活动是滑雪橇。

    A popular winter activity for children is sled riding .

  10. 我爱好的冬季运动是滑雪,我属于一个滑雪俱乐部。

    My favorite winter sports is skiing , I belong to a ski club .

  11. 犹他州公园市里的工人铲除一个大帐棚上的积雪,这个帐棚将用于冬季奥运的滑雪会场。

    Workers shovel and kick snow off a huge tent that will be used during Olympic ski events in Park City , Utah .

  12. 我们最喜爱的冬季娱乐活动是滑雪橇。

    Our favourite amusement during that winter was tobogganing .

  13. 冬季我们通常去滑雪。

    We usually go skiing in winter .

  14. 冬季到郊外去滑雪

    Going skating in winter

  15. 2010年02月24日23号,在2010年温哥华冬季奥运会高山滑雪男子大回转比赛中,瑞士运动员卡·冉卡摘得桂冠。

    2010-02-24 Carlo Janka of Switzerland won on Tuesday ( Feb.23 ) the title in men 's giant slalom in the2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics .

  16. 在冬天,当水凝结成冰,到来的人参与各式各样的冬季运动,像滑雪,滑冰及狗拉雪橇。

    In winter when the water freezes solid , visitors take part in various kinds of winter sports , such as skiing , skating and dog-sledding .

  17. 冬季旅游中高山滑雪运动已经占据主导位置,与此同时高山滑雪旅游人才的紧缺问题就浮现出来。

    Alpine skiing has occupied the leading postion in winter tourist , at the same time it arouses the badly-needed problem of tourist personnel in alpine skiing .

  18. 对高山滑雪运动员比赛期营养补充的研究冬季旅游中高山滑雪运动已经占据主导位置,与此同时高山滑雪旅游人才的紧缺问题就浮现出来。

    Study on the Nutrition Supplement for Alpine Skiing Athletes during Matches Alpine skiing has occupied the leading postion in winter tourist , at the same time it arouses the badly-needed problem of tourist personnel in alpine skiing .

  19. 糟糕的是,有些初学者会因为可怕的经历而再也不愿踏上滑板。这可真够丢脸的:毕竟,他们为了享受冬季已经尝试过滑雪了。

    Unfortunately , some of these beginners may never put on skis again because of their terrifying experiences . This is a real shame since they did make the initial efforts to come out to try skiing as a way to embrace winter .