
nónɡ yào wū rǎn
  • pesticide pollution;pesticide contamination;agricultural chemical pollution
  1. 新疆地下水中农药污染水平调查

    Investigation of Agricultural Chemical Pollution Level in Xinjiang Underground Water

  2. 近些年,土地荒漠化、水土流失、农药污染、化肥污染、食品质量安全等问题日渐严重,我国农业受到严峻发展挑战。

    The recent years witnessed a large of number of problems going more and more serious , such as desertification , water and soil erosion , agricultural chemical pollution , fertilizer pollution and food safety , etc , bringing severe challenges for the development of agriculture in China .

  3. 因而曲霉G21具备有机磷农药污染环境生物修复潜在的应用前景。

    Therefore , the Aspergillus G21 has the application potential in the bioremediation of contaminated environment by organophosphates pesticides .

  4. 应用大型水蚤对几种农药污染饮用水毒性的快速检测

    Toxicity Detection of Drinking Water Polluted by Pesticide with Daphnia Magna

  5. 这种变化趋势为农药污染的监测提供了重要的参考依据。

    The trends provide important referenced grounds for monitoring pesticide pollution .

  6. 土壤中农药污染的植物&微生物联合修复

    Combined Repair of Pesticide Pollution in Soil by Plant and Micro-organism

  7. 南昌市底泥和水体中有机氯农药污染的分析

    Sediment and water in the organic pesticide pollution in Nanchang City

  8. 鞍山市农药污染状况及防治途径

    Polluted State and Prevented Approach of Pesticide Pollution in Anshan City

  9. 农药污染对土壤微生物多样性影响研究综述

    Review on Effects of Pesticide Pollution from Soil on Microbial Diversity

  10. 植物修复富营养化及有机农药污染水体技术研究

    Research on Phytoremediation of Eutrophic and Organic Pesticide Polluted Water Body

  11. 农药污染土壤中AM真菌多样性初步调查

    A Survey of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Diversity in Pesticide Polluted Soil

  12. 农药污染对生态环境的影响及防治对策

    Influence and Countermeasures of Pesticide Pollution on the Eco - environment

  13. 一种监测人体受有机氯农药污染的新材料&耵聍

    A New Material for Monitoring Organochlorine Pesticide Level in Human Bodies-Cerumen

  14. 病虫综合防治控制农药污染的研究

    Manipulation of Pesticide Pollution by Integrated Control of Pest insects and Diseases

  15. 农药污染区域细菌质粒分布的调查

    Survey of bacterial plasmid distribution in areas polluted by pesticide

  16. 几种农药污染的饮用水生物毒性试验

    Detection of Biological Toxicity on Drinking Water Polluted by Pesticides

  17. 地下水农药污染已成为世界性的环境问题。

    Pesticide pollution to groundwater has become a hotspot around the world .

  18. 土壤有机农药污染的降解机理与生物修复技术

    The degradation mechanism and bioremediation technology of organic pesticide-contaminated soil

  19. 昆虫解毒酶解毒机理及其在农药污染治理中的应用

    Mechanism and Application of Insect Detoxifcation Enzymes in Bioremediation of Pesticide Contamination

  20. 化肥、农药污染日益蔓延;

    ? Fast spreading bf chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution ;

  21. 舟山渔场海域多氯联苯和有机氯农药污染状况调查

    Survey on Pollution Status of PCBs and OCPs in Zhoushan Fisheries Ground

  22. 苏州市粮食中有机氯农药污染评述和研究

    Study on organic chlorine pesticide pollution in grain in Suzhou

  23. 农药污染对蚯蚓的群落结构与超微结构影响的研究

    Effects of pesticide pollution on community structure and cell ultrastructure of earthworm

  24. 综合治理农药污染促进农业可持续发展

    Promoting Agricultural Sustainable Development through Comprehensive Control of Agricultural Chemicals

  25. 植物修复是土壤农药污染修复的有效途径之一。

    Phytoremediation is an effective method to remedy pesticide-contaminated soils .

  26. 上海蔬菜区有机氯农药污染调查

    The Survey of Pollution on Vegetable area of Shanghai by organochlorine Pesticides

  27. 珠江三角洲有机氯农药污染的区域地球化学研究

    Regional Geochemistry of Organochlorine Pesticides in the Pearl River Delta

  28. 全国粮食农药污染调查抽样方案的设计与数据处理方法

    Sampling and data analysis of nationwide grain pesticide contamination survey in China

  29. 农田土壤农药污染的综合治理

    The Comprehensive Control of Soil Polluted by Pesticide in Farmland

  30. 绵阳市市售蔬菜有机磷农药污染情况调查分析

    Investigation on Organic Phosphorus Pesticide Residue of the Vegetables in Mianyang Markets