
  • 网络agricultural civilization;farming culture
  1. 在这个农耕文明遗址中,考古人员发现了3000年前的农具。

    In this farming culture site , the archaeologists discovered farm tools from 3000 years ago .

  2. 在游牧民族文化和农耕文明的交汇下,甘南诗歌非常钟情乡村意象和草原意象谱系的广泛使用。

    Under the convergence of the Nomadic culture and the farming culture , Gannan poetry loves to use country images and grassland images spectrum .

  3. 花鼓灯艺术是农耕文明的产物。

    Huagu Opera Art is a product of agricultural civilization .

  4. 它在农耕文明基础上开放地吸收其他形式的文明。

    It openly absorbed other forms of civilizations based on farming civilization .

  5. 基于农耕文明的农业文化性格。

    The agricultural culture character based on farming civilization .

  6. 地理环境、农耕文明与中原文化的基本趋向

    Geographical Circumstance Nong Geng Culture and ZhongYuan Culture Inclines

  7. 传统的农耕文明正在消失。

    The traditional farm civilization is fading away .

  8. 中国农耕文明之孕育、发展与辉煌,与水资源有着密切的联系。

    Formation , development of Chinese farming civilization and glory , and water resources are closely linked .

  9. 可以毫不夸张地说,我国历史上农耕文明与游牧文明的碰撞融合是中华文明不断更新与发展、永不停顿与衰败的一个关键原因;

    To be frank , the fusion of the historical farming and nomadic civilization is one of the essential reasons ;

  10. 游牧文明和农耕文明的深度融合是辽、夏、金装饰纹样的形成基础。

    The deep integration of nomadic civilization and farming civilization , is the basis for Liao , Xia and Jin decorative patterns .

  11. 农耕文明向工业文明的转型也在加剧着古老的民间剪纸传统的流变与消亡。

    The transformation from the farming civilization to the industrial civilization increase the possibility that the old folk papercutting tradition will die out .

  12. 以中国为代表的内陆文明古国其农耕文明的历史是极为漫长的。

    There has been long history on farm civilization in China which is one of the inland ancient civilized countries in the world .

  13. 她处在黄河上游古代中国游牧文明向农耕文明的过渡地带。

    Her in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in ancient Chinese civilization to the nomadic farming civilization of the transition zone .

  14. 这一形象体现了民族传统文化的特点,又表现了农耕文明背景下普通民众的精神特质。

    The images of Shaseng give expression to characteristics of traditional culture as well as ordinary people 's ideological level in agricultural civilization times .

  15. 其历史悠久,内涵博大精深,可以说是几千年传统农耕文明的产物。

    It has a long history , connotation and profound , it can be said is a product of traditional farming civilization thousands of years .

  16. 从农耕文明时代到机器生产时代,再到电子技术时代,每一次技术革命都在社会中产生强大的辐射效应。

    From farming civilization ages to machine production era , to electronic technology era , every technology revolution in society are produced strong radiating effect .

  17. 人类与河流关系的发展经历了原始文明、农耕文明、工业文明、生态文明四个时期。

    The development of relationship of human being with river experienced four periods of primitive civilization , agricultural civilization , industrial civilization and ecological civilization .

  18. 从农耕文明走向工业化大生产,从蒸汽时代进入电器时代,人类从未停止过探索的脚步。

    From farming civilization to large-scale production of industrialization , from the steam time to electrical time , mankind has never ceased to explore the pace .

  19. 自洋务运动以来,中国逐步开始朝向近代工业国家前进,传统的农耕文明逐渐解体。

    Since the Westernization Movement , China has gradually become an industrial country , and at the same time , the traditional agricultural civilization has gradually disintegrated .

  20. 我国是一个农业大国,拥有悠远的农耕文明,具有地理标志的农产品资源十分丰富。

    China is a large agricultural country with a long history , it owes distant farming civilizations , so the agricultural resources with geographical indications is rather rich .

  21. 而且,中国的传统文化是以黄土地农耕文明为主体的,以生命为最高原则来审视一切存有关系的哲学体系。

    Furthermore , the traditional Chinese culture is a system of philosophy ruled by life to examine all beings , and its main part is the agricultural civilization .

  22. 按照农耕文明向工业文明发展的时序,分析传统聚落数量从少到多再递减的兴衰历程。

    Analyze the process of rise and fall on the number of traditional settlements , according to the chronological order of development , agricultural civilization to industrial civilization .

  23. 传统的农耕文明向城市进军的过程,应该说是与城市文明遭遇冲突和尴尬,异化,边缘化的过程。传统的农耕文明何去何从?

    The process of the traditional agricultural civilization marching to the city is the one that the city culture encountered the conflicts , embarrassment , dissimilation and marginalization .

  24. 中原地区农耕文明以农为本、以土为本,是整个中国传统农耕文化的典型缩影;

    As the typical epitome of the whole Chinese traditional agricultural civilization , the agricultural civilization of the central area in China makes peasantry and soil its foundation .

  25. 总而言之,盛乐时期拓跋鲜卑与其他诸部族融合发展的历史,就是游牧文明和农耕文明碰撞、融合的历史。

    To sum up , the history that Tuoba Xianbei fused with other nations in Shengle period is the history that nomadic culture impacts and fused with farming culture .

  26. 对这一现象进行了初步分析后认为:传统的农耕文明使中国人不愿意背井离乡;

    This paper makes a preliminary analysis about this phenomenon and hold the opinion that traditional agricultural civilization has made the Chinese not willing to leave their native place ;

  27. 中国古代社会是以血缘宗族作为社会的基本细胞,农耕文明以稳定的地缘关系强化着血缘关系。

    Ancient Chinese society is based on blood lineage as a fundamental cell of society , in order to stabilize the farming civilization to the fate strengthen kinship relations .

  28. 一方面,传统儒家文化植根于农耕文明,与中国农村社会紧密相连,新农村文化建设必须立足儒家文化承接现代文明。

    The traditional Confucian culture has been deepened as people 's cultural-psychological construct , and thus shall be regarded as the basis of the socialist new rural cultural construction .

  29. 农耕文明中的人们转而将目光投向另外一种植物资源,去获取宝贵的蛋白质,另辟蹊径地在植物范畴寻找到了蛋白质的支持。

    People living in farming culture have shifted their eyes to other plant resources to obtain precious protein . It was revolutionary for the Chinese to gain protein from plants .

  30. 由东干文学的发展我们也可以反观东干作家笔下独特的中国形象和中国农耕文明、口传文化所拥有的生命活力。

    The formation and development of Chinese classical garden were investigated in the views of farming culture , such as farming environment , life philosophy , and science and technplogy .