
  1. 在此过程中,大量的农村集体所有制土地被征用。

    During this process , a lot of rural collective land is expropriated .

  2. 农村集体所有制与分散式农村城市化空间&以珠江三角洲为例

    Rural collective ownership and dis - persed rural urbanization space : a case study of the Pearl River Delta

  3. 我国的土地政策是国家所有制和农村集体所有制,因此农民对于土地所享有的实质权利就是土地承包经营权。

    Since our land policy is the system of state ownership and rural collective ownership , the land contractual management rights become the only substantive rights of farmers .

  4. 按照花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家黄益平的说法,政府坚持农村土地集体所有制“阻碍发展农业生产率和实现规模效益”。

    Government insistence on collective ownership of land in the countryside " hinders growth of agricultural productivity and achievement of scale efficiency " , according to Yiping Huang , a Citigroup economist .

  5. 中国农村土地集体所有制问题分析

    Problem Analysis on Land Collectivity Possession System of Chinese Village

  6. 我国农村土地集体所有制中的主体虚位与对策思考

    The Countermeasures for Theme Vacancy of Chinese Collective Ownership System of Rural Land

  7. 论农村土地集体所有制结构改革

    On Structure Reform of Ownerships of Rural Land

  8. 农村土地集体所有制必须要有根本性突破改革与突破:推进农村土地规范有序流转

    Reform on the Ownership of the Organization of Village Collective Economy in Rural Land ; Challenge and Breakthrough : Promoting Orderly Circulation of Farmland

  9. 虽然形式可以多样化,但以不改变我国农村土地集体所有制为最低要求。

    Although the construction form can be various , unchanged Collective Ownership of Rural Land ( CORL ) is considered as the minimum requirement .

  10. 农村土地集体所有制是计划经济时代的产物,也是我国半个世纪以来城乡社会经济二元化体制的制度基础。

    The system of ownership of collective land is the product of planned economy , and the base of city-rural system of social and economic institution .

  11. 城市不断扩张,建设用地供求矛盾日益加剧,而在农村,集体所有制下的建设用地分布分散且利用效率低下,两者形成了鲜明的对比。

    And in the countryside , under the collective ownership of land for construction purposes scattered distribution and utilization efficiency is low , A stark contrast to both .

  12. 该法律草案还明确否定了农村土地集体所有制的任何变化。在农村,居民只拥有有限承包期内的土地使用权,而没有任何可供买卖的所有权。

    The bill also explicitly rejects any change to the system of collective ownership of rural land , where farmer occupiers have only usage rights over limited contract periods rather than any title that can be bought and sold .

  13. 研究结论:坚持农村土地集体所有制不变,明晰集体土地所有权的主体、客体和权力内容,严格区分土地所有权与管理权,从制度建设上防止管理权侵犯或替代所有权。

    The results show that it is necessary to keep the institution of rural land ownership unchanged , to identify the contents of subject , object and rights of the rural land ownership , and to distinguish the land ownership and supervision right strictly .

  14. 从城乡统筹角度看,土地产权改革总体方向是:在坚持农村集体土地所有制的条件,不断强化和完善集体土地使用权物权属性,强化产权激励和约束。

    From the perspective of coordinating Urban-Rural , the overall reform direction of land property rights is to insist rural collective land ownership , constantly strengthen and perfect collective land use rights ( property rights ), and strengthen the property right incentive and constrained function .

  15. 现实的中国农村的土地集体所有制更像是某种社区所有制。

    The land collective ownership in current Chinese rural area is more like the community ownership .

  16. 其次,进一步分析我国广大农村现行的集体土地所有制的相关问题。

    And then , based on the the theory elaborated in the first part , it further analyses related problems of current collective land ownership in most rural area of our country .

  17. 我国农村土地所有制改革的方向应该是坚持并完善农村土地集体所有制。

    The direction of the ownership reform of rural land is to insist and improve the collective ownership of rural land .

  18. 文章认为,只有不断完善农民土地财产权益的保护,才能增加农民收入,繁荣农村经济,建设现代农业。具体措施有:坚持和完善农村土地集体所有制;

    Only by constantly improving the ways to protect farmers ' land and property rights and interests can their income be increased , rural economy be made to flourish , and modern agriculture be achieved .

  19. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  20. 关于农村土地私有化或者国有化的方案以及农村土地多种所有制并存的方案并不可取,对农村集体土地所有制应实行渐进式的改良。

    The scheme of private rural land ownership and the scheme of nationalization of rural land isn 't desirable , collective ownership of rural land should be improved gradually .