
  • farm house enjoyment;agritourism
  1. 第四章从政策支持、组织管理、资金、人才和环境保护几个方面对农家乐旅游发展的保障措施进行了研究。

    The fourth chapter made a research about the safeguarding measures of the development of farm house enjoyment in the aspects of policy , management , fund , person with ability and environment .

  2. 西安市郊农家乐旅游现状评价及发展对策

    An Evaluation and Countermeasures of the Homestay Tourism Development in Xi'an

  3. 浅谈旅游者在旅行中的艺术体验基于循环经济的农家乐旅游思考

    The Rural Tourism of Farmhouse Enjoyment From View of Circular Economy Theory

  4. 表面流人工湿地用于农家乐旅游设施污水处理的试验研究

    Experiment of Surface Flow in Constructed Wetland for Farmer Household Tourism Wastewater

  5. 陕西省延安市农家乐旅游发展现状及对策研究

    Development Situation and Countermeasure of Farm Tourism in Yanan City of Shaanxi Province

  6. 浙江农家乐旅游开发的动力机制与实现途径

    Driving Mechanism and Approaches to Developing " Farmer Household Tourism " in Zhejiang

  7. 农家乐旅游逐渐受到游客的青睐,成为了旅游业中重要组成部分。

    Farmhouse tourism favored by tourists gradually become an important part in the tourism industry .

  8. 提出了有针对性的七里乡农家乐旅游发展对策,并作出了相关后续展望。

    Put forward targeted development strategies for Qili Township farmhouse tourism , and made follow-up outlook .

  9. 二次创业中昆明农家乐旅游现状及发展对策

    Status Quo and Development Strategies on " Peasant Household Tourism " in Second Pioneering Effort in Kunming

  10. 互动式农家乐旅游研究

    Study on Interactive Peasant-household Tourism

  11. 第四章提出了基于科学发展观的农家乐旅游发展对策与建议。

    The fourth part raises the suggestions and countermeasures for problems of the development of farmer household tourism .

  12. 体现人文关怀的农家乐旅游服务体系建设探讨&以安吉县为例

    On Farmhouse Tourism Service System in the Perspective of Embodying the Humanistic Solicitude & A Case Study of Anji County

  13. 为了更深层次的挖掘农家乐旅游发展过程中存在的问题,借助游客对农家乐旅游的满意度调查。

    Order the deeper digging farmhouse tourism development process , with the satisfaction survey of visitors to the farm tourism .

  14. 第二章阐述了科学发展观的产生、科学内涵及其对农家乐旅游发展的指导意义。

    The second part expounds the generation and connotation of Scientific Development , and guiding significance for farmer household tourism .

  15. 第三章客观分析了我国农家乐旅游发展面临的主要问题及产生原因。

    The third part analyzes the main problems of the development of farmer household tourism and the causes of these problems .

  16. 第三部分对上海市郊农家乐旅游的发展现状包括空间分布、农家乐类型和上海农家乐旅游发展特点进行了研究。

    The third part probes into the homestay distribution in space , types and the characteristics of homestay tourism development in Shanghai .

  17. 文章针对柳州市农家乐旅游存在的问题及未来发展模式进行了分析,提出了相应看法和建议。

    This article analyzes the problems in Liuzhou farmhouse resorts and the development model , and finally puts forth personal viewpoints and suggestions .

  18. 农家乐旅游逐渐成为了农村经济发展的一大支柱,农家乐旅游发展成为了学术界的研究热点。

    Peasant-household tourism is becoming a major pillar of the rural economic development ," peasant-household " tourism has become the academic research focus .

  19. 昆明近郊农家乐旅游发展有其特有的优势,但也存在不少问题,对其持续健康发展造成一定影响。

    " Peasant Household Tourism " in Kun Ming environs has exclusive superiorities , but also has many problems which are unfavorable for its developments .

  20. 并以七里模式为范例,论证了科学发展观是农家乐旅游发展的理论指导.是农家乐旅游发展的出发点和最终归宿。

    Taking Qili model as an example , illustrates that Scientific Development is the theoretical foundation of farmer household tourism as well as start and end-result .

  21. 20世纪80年代以后,农家乐旅游作为乡村旅游的一种新模式在全国各地兴盛起来。

    Farmhouse enjoyment has developed very fast as a new model of rural tourism in China since the 1980s . It promotes the development of local economy .

  22. 长沙、郴州、邵阳、益阳等地的温泉旅游和农家乐旅游等休闲度假旅游快速崛起;

    And in Changsha , Chenzhou , Shaoyang , Yiyang the vacation tourist industry featured by spar tourism and Farmer Happiness tourism have also witnessed a rapid rise ;

  23. 第五章以七里农家乐旅游发展模式为实证范例,论述科学发展观对农家乐旅游科学发展的理论意义与实践探索。

    The fifth part discusses the theoretical and realistic significance of Scientific Development to farmer household tourism , such as the model of farmer household tourism in Qili .

  24. 在综述乡村旅游理论和实践的基础上,对其概念及类型进行重新界定和分类,从中选取城市周边的乡村农家乐旅游作为研究对象,重点对乡村旅游游客感知价值进行测量和研究。

    Based on a systematic review of rural tourism theory and practice , the concept and types of rural tourism are newly defined , with the " suburban farmhouse holiday " as the study object .

  25. 近些年,农家乐旅游在我国发展迅猛,不仅成为政府解决三农问题的一种有效途径,同时也完善和充实旅游业的构成。

    Recent years , farm tourism rapid development in China has not only become an effective way for the government to solve the " three rural " issues , at the same time to improve and enrich the composition of tourism .

  26. 第三章对农家乐旅游的产品体系及其开发、经营管理、品牌形象建设与市场营销进行了研究,探讨了农家乐旅游的发展模式。

    The third chapter studied the serial product and their exploitation , the management pattern , the construction of brand and the promotion in the market , discussed the development pattern of farm house enjoyment , then put forward the development stratagem .

  27. 农家乐旅游是把农业与旅游业相结合的新兴产业,这一旅游形式的出现与发展调整了农村的产业结构,加速了经济发展,加快了城乡一体化的步伐。

    " Farm Fun " Tourism is the combination of agriculture and tourism in the emerging industries , the emergence and development of this form of tourism adjusted the industrial structure of rural , accelerated the economic development and accelerated the pace of urban and rural integration .

  28. 2006年底,福建省林业厅借鉴了四川等地农家乐旅游的成功经验,结合本省森林旅游资源的优势,首次在全国范围内提出森林人家休闲健康游的发展理念。

    By the end of 2006 , Fujian Provincial Forestry Office , on the basis of the forest resource-rich characteristics of Fujian province and the successful experience of " Peasant-household tourism ", put forward the healthy and leisure development concept of " Forest Home " for the first time .

  29. 农家乐对旅游地社区的社会文化影响研究

    A Study on Social and Culture Impacts of Happy Farm Towards Community at Tourist Site

  30. 郴州农家乐休闲旅游业发展的现状及对策研究

    A Study of the Status in Quo of and the Countermeasures for the Development of the Pleasure-in-farmhouse Tourism of Chenzhou