- 名agricultural law;law of agriculture

This paper analyses the agricultural law of America in May 2002 , and the items of WTO . It is concluded that some of the agricultural policies of American outrun the items of WTO .
Review of Study on the Agricultural Law in the Year of 2001
A Probe into the Basic Principles of Agricultural Law
Amending and Perfecting Some Legal Systems of Agriculture Law
The present Agricultural Law gives a relatively systematic regulation on agricultural input and its support and protection .
How to make agriculture legislation not only maintain the national benefits but also protect farmers interests and rights ;
The agricultural act of 1985 pushed marketing reform on agriculture , marking the beginning of the free trade policy of agricultural products .
In the United States , the main content of the agricultural law is the substantial subsidy to the farming industry and its main feature is the protection and investment .
Agricultural law has basic properties , characters and principles of its own , and it has grown up into a remarkable flower in the garden of law in our state .
These characters are not reflected or fully reflected in sanitation law , agriculture law , environmental and natural resources law , economic law , commercial law and social insurance law .
Analysis on Some Regulations Concerning " Agricultural Input and Its Support and Protection " In the State 's Agricultural Law & Commment on Some Regulations of the State 's No.1 Document in 2004
Dozens of agricultural subsidy laws have been issued in the United States since the first systematic agricultural law was implemented in 1933 . A lot of long-term subsidies for agriculture are conducted and the subsidy system with characteristics is formed .
These innovatory regulations of the new Agriculture Law mainly embody that the urban development is unified as a whole with the rural development in planning , which realizes a historic break ˉ through of the developmental structure of our national economy ;
The draft farm bill , which is being negotiated between Congress and the White House and will set agricultural policies for the next five years , contains only a small cut in ethanol subsidies , from 51 cents a gallon to 45 cents .
The Chinese agriculture law should sets up a special chapter for agriculture subsidy , which stipulates agriculture direct pay subsidy , agriculture production resource input subsidy , agriculture environment protection subsidy , non-developed area agriculture development subsidies and relevant subjects ' liability investigation mechanism .
The 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act had also authorized marketing agreements and orders .
The legal of agricultrial cooperation is the main legal of agricultrial cooperative economy .
Part V is a tentative idea of the construction of agricultural insurance law in China .
Agricultural-district laws adopted in several states involve combinations of the powers of taxation , spending , and eminent domain .
The Significance of the Study of the History of the Chinese Economic Thought : an American Example in the 1930s
A Safeguard for the Prosperity of the Modern American Agriculture : The Ever Normal Granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938
The research purpose of the article is to provide theoretic basis and institutional frame for the legislation of our agricultural insurance law .
Therefore , learning from foreign legislative experience and drawing up the agricultural insurance law are the only way to promote our own agricultural insurance system continuously .
One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D.Roosevelt when he took office in1933 was the agricultural adjustment act , which was subsequently enacted by congress .
The author separately analyzes the necessity and feasibility of constructing Chinese agricultural insurance law , and concludes that the time is coming to construct Chinese agricultural insurance law .
Japan in 1929 , 1938 and 1947 promulgated three related agricultural laws of insurance , namely " Domestic Animal Law of Insurance ", " Agricultural Law of Insurance " and " Agricultural Disaster Compensation Laws " .
According to the act of popularization in agriculture , a new connotation about the study , development and the article puts forward that whether the popularization is successful or not depends on the actual effect of technology itself and the speaders ' diathesis .
On the New Agricultural Cooperative Law in South Korea and its Enlightenment
Preliminary research on the improvement of the law of agricultural natural resources of China
The total loss for agriculture from contaminated soil is summed from both values of current assessment and successive assessment .