
  • 网络Agricultural Outlook;Outlook on agriculture
  1. 2000年福建农业展望

    Prospects of Fujian Agriculture for the Year 2000

  2. 以上是世界粮农组织对2012-2021的农业展望。

    Yet it needs to increase sixty percent over the next forty years to feed a growing world population . These are among the findings from the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 . The OECD is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development . The FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization , a United Nations agency .

  3. 中国与东南亚农业合作展望

    An Outlook of Agriculture Cooperation between China and Southeast Asia

  4. 新世纪中国农业信息化展望

    Prospect of the Informatization of China Agriculture in New Century

  5. 粉煤灰农业利用展望

    The Prospect for Utilization of Fly Ash in Agriculture

  6. 海水灌溉农业的展望与对策

    Seawater - Irrigation : Prospect and Strategy

  7. 世界农业发展展望研究

    Perspective Study of World Agricultural Development

  8. 西南农业的展望

    Prospect for agriculture in Southwest China

  9. 河北省机械化旱作农业技术与展望

    Technology and prospect on mechanized dryland farming of Hebei Province

  10. 现阶段农业可持续发展展望

    The prospect of Chinese sustainable agriculture at present stage

  11. 中国农业科学技术展望

    China ′ s Agricultural Science and Technology in Prospect

  12. 辽宁省农业水资源展望

    Prospect of agricultural water resources in Liaoning province

  13. 核技术农业应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture

  14. 2020年粮食、农业和环境展望

    2020 Vision for Food , Agriculture and Environment

  15. 中国农业地质工作展望

    Prospects for agricultural geology in China

  16. 谷物中潜在的污染物、食品安全体系的建立与我国农业可持续发展展望

    Potential Pollutants in Grains , Establishment of Food Safety System and Sustainable Development of Agriculture in China

  17. 延边地区烟草农业生产现状与展望

    Current situation and forecast of tobacco agriculture in Yanbian area

  18. 临沂市有机农业发展现状及其展望

    Current Status and Development of Organic Farming in Linyi City

  19. 中国生态农业建设成就与展望

    Achievements and prospect of building ecological agriculture in China

  20. 农业叙词表在中国的发展和农业本体论展望

    Agricultural Thesaurus Development and Prospect of Agricultural Ontology in China