
jūn shǔ
  • soldier's dependants;soldiers dependents;armyman's family;armymans family
军属 [jūn shǔ]
  • [soldiers dependants;armymans family] 现役军人的直系血亲、配偶和依靠现役军人生活的十六岁以下的弟妹,或军人自幼依靠其抚养长大,现在又必须依靠军人生活的其他亲属

军属[jūn shǔ]
  1. 其中有一些军属今晚也和我们在一起,劳拉和我很高兴KayleighKepler和LindseyVanHorn能够来到现场。

    Some of those families are with us tonight , and Laura and I are pleased to be joined by Kayleigh Kepler and Lindsey Van Horn .

  2. 国会需要通过扩大GI法案来支持我们军属家庭,该法案让军人将闲置的教育救济金转给他们的配偶和孩子。

    Congress needs to support our military families by passing an expansion of the GI Bill that makes it easier for our troops to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses and children .

  3. 如果不是,你可以加入支援军属家庭的志愿者组织。

    If you don 't , you can volunteer with organizations that support military families .

  4. 我明白这个对你很重要我是说军人军属啊有些事对我们来说也很重要

    Well , I know it 's important to you , the military families and it 's important to us

  5. 我们新提出的援助转移计划正在帮助大量退伍军人及军属找到新的工作,规划他们的职业生涯。

    Our new transition assistance program is helping veterans and their spouses find that new job and plan their career .

  6. 我知道,我们的军属正在为参战的军人们祈祷,希望他们能够尽快平安回国。

    I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon .

  7. 军属中三分之一以上的人所从事的工作需要执照或认证。

    And more than one in three of these spouses works in a profession that requires a professional license or certification .

  8. 你可以登录JoningForces.gov,网站上会告诉你如何为军人、退伍老兵以及你所在社区的军属服务。

    Go to JoiningForces.gov to see how you can serve the troops , veterans , and military families in your community .

  9. 中国的冷落惹怒了美国国防部官员,尤其因为很多军属此前都已飞往香港,准备与计划访港的小鹰号官兵共度感恩节。

    The snub angered US defence officials , especially as many military families had flown to Hong Kong for the holiday visit .

  10. 他们已经雇佣或培训了29万名退伍军人及军属,并承诺还将雇佣40多万人。

    They 've already hired or trained 290000 veterans and military spouses , and they 've committed to hiring over 400000 more .

  11. 当米歇尔和拜登五年前做这项工作时,只有三个州对军属行业执照实施了简化措施。

    When Michelle and Jill took up this cause five years ago , only three states had taken action on military spouse licensing .

  12. 我们必须与军属家庭站在一起,因为他们的亲人正身赴战场为国服役。

    We must be there for the military families whose loved ones are in harm 's way - for they serve as well .

  13. 米歇尔也与吉尔·拜登一起发起了一个全国组织来扶助军属。

    And that 's why Michelle has joined with Jill Biden to forge a national commitment to support military families . ( Applause . )

  14. 大家可以访问JoiningForces.gov,找到合适的方式,向你所在社区的军人、退伍老兵以及军属家庭表达敬意并提供帮助。

    You can visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can honor and support the troops , veterans , and military families in your communities .

  15. 希望大家向这些逝去的英雄们留下的心爱的人们致敬,为他们做些力所能及的事情,照顾我们的军属家庭。

    We are called to honor them by doing our part for the loved ones our fallen heroes have left behind and looking after our military families .

  16. 我们的装饰反应了一些我们国家最伟大的礼物从我们杰出的军属家庭,到伟大教育正在改变其生活的人们。

    and our decorations reflect some of our greatest gifts as a nation from our incredible military families , to the life-changing impact of a great education .

  17. 直到最近,这些军属从一个州搬到另一个州的时候,往往需要对他们完全有资格从事的工作进行重新认证。

    And until recently , when these spouses were asked to move across state lines , they often needed to re-certify for a job they 're already qualified for .

  18. 第二部分,1956年至1966年河北优抚工作继续开展。优抚形式发生了一些新变化:政府实施了定期定量补助,对生产上有困难的烈军属实行优待劳动日。

    The second part : Hebei 's work on giving special comfort and perferential treatment continued to develop from 1956 to 1966 , but the form had some new changes .

  19. 我们喜欢和军队军属在一起,因为我们找到机会表达所有美国人对这些家庭所作的牺牲的真诚的深切的感激。

    We love being with our military families because it gives us a chance to express the sincere and deep appreciation of all Americans for the sacrifices that families make .

  20. 我们还要讴歌我们的军人和军属,以及在过去10年间服役维系国家的安全与强大的军人们。

    And we 'll pay tribute to our troops and military families , and all those who have served over the past ten years , to keep us safe and strong .

  21. 访问JoiningForces.gov,找到你能尊重和支持服役官兵,退伍老兵和社区中军属的办法--不仅仅是在节日里,而是一年中的任何时候。

    Go to JoiningForces.gov to see how you can honor and support the service members , veterans and military families in your community - not just during the holidays , but all year round .

  22. 但是,在服役之初发到一整套制服之后,军官们仍须自己购买新的制服配件,不过他们可以到专门向军官和军属开放的特别军品店购买。

    However , after being issued a complete uniform kit at the start of service officers will afterwards have to purchase new uniform components themselves , albeit from special military stores open only to officers and their families .

  23. 今年,我们的主题是“永远的传统”,每个房间的装饰都反映了我们国家一段最珍贵的传统,有向军人和军属致敬的主题,还有帮助儿童畅想未来的主题。

    Our theme this year is " A Timeless Tradition , " and the decorations in each room reflect some of our country 's most cherished pastimes-from saluting our troops and their families to helping children dream big dreams for their future .