
  • 网络reionization;re-ionised
  1. 然而,黑耐尔特和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的天体物理学家沃尔克·布罗姆都表示,这项研究在理解再电离方面取得了重大进展。

    But both he and Volker Bromm , an astrophysicist at the University of Texas , Austin , say the work is a significant advance toward understanding reionization .

  2. 中和再电离质谱法由于在气相能合成一些凝缩相中不稳定的小分子而受到注目。

    Neutralization & Reionization Mass Spectrometry ( NRMS ) has widespread attention because of its successful synthesis of small molecules in gas phase which is unstable in condensed phase .

  3. 对,好,我们再找最低的电离能。

    Yeah . OK . We 're looking for the lowest ionization energy .