
  • 网络Nairobi;Kenya;NBO;Narobi
  1. 以下是我们来自内罗毕的东非记者科林·布兰的报道。

    From Nairobi here 's our East Africa correspondent , Colin Blane

  2. 移民纷纷涌入首都内罗毕,人满为患。

    The capital , Nairobi , is choking on uncontrolled immigration .

  3. 凯瑟琳·邦德从内罗毕向英国广播公司发送了那篇报道。

    Catherine Bond filed that report for the BBC from Nairobi

  4. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕一位大学生那天因违章驾车被拦住。

    A university student in nairobi , kenya , was stopped for a traffic violation the other day .

  5. 我是图雷尔,我来自基腾格拉,一个位于肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园边缘的农业社区。从九岁起,我就帮忙照看家里的奶牛。

    I am Turere . I come from Kitengela , a farming community on the edge of Nairobi National Park of Kenya . Since the age of nine , I have helped to look after my family 's cows .

  6. 在内罗毕市中心的电子产品商店OneWorldNetworks,员工们表示,消费者经常会退回中国制造的笔记本电脑和打印机。

    In One World Networks , an electronics shop in central Nairobi , staff say customers often return Chinese-made laptops and printers .

  7. 该财团去年在肯尼亚内罗毕开办了非洲植物繁育学院(AfricanPlantBreedingAcademy)。

    The consortium opened the African Plant Breeding Academy last year in Nairobi , Kenya .

  8. 设在肯尼亚内罗毕的这个中心为调查、测绘、遥感和GIS提供能力建设和顾问服务。

    Based in Nairobi , Kenya , it provides capacity building and advisory services for surveying , mapping , remote sensing and GIS .

  9. 拉扎鲁斯住在纽巴尼儿童之家,这是位于肯尼亚首都内罗毕郊外的患HIV和艾滋病的孤儿所住的地方。

    Lazarus lives in Nyumbani , a home on the outskirts of Nairobi for orphaned children living with HIV / AIDS .

  10. 这项资金帮助与内罗毕国家博物馆(NairobiNationalMuseum)之间建立了关系。而这种联系正是世界收藏计划的灵感来源。

    The funding helped establish a relationship with the Nairobi National Museum and that link was the inspiration for the World Collections Programme .

  11. 联合国索马里人道协调员马克鲍登(markbowden)周三在肯尼亚首都内罗毕做出了这项宣告。

    Mark Bowden , the UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia , made the announcement Wednesday in Nairobi , Kenya .

  12. NPR新闻,格雷戈里·华纳内罗毕报道。

    Gregory Warner , NPR News , Nairobi .

  13. 就像我们在内罗毕(Nairobi)购物商场看到的那样,这还会增加防备薄弱目标遇险的可能性。

    It heightens the danger to less defensible targets , as we saw in a shopping mall in Nairobi .

  14. MarinaMiller:“我们从内罗毕开始。我们有机会与当地音乐家会面,并观看了他们的表演。”

    MARINA MILLER : " We in Nairobi . We got a chance to meet with local musicians and listen to them play . "

  15. 尽管索马里政府抵制这次会议,议会议长谢里夫·哈桑·谢赫·亚丁(SharifSheikhHassanSheikhAden)却赶赴内罗毕参加会谈。

    Despite the boycott of the Somali government , Speaker of Parliament Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden is in Nairobi to

  16. 然后助理拉着奥巴马离开并带他进了SUV继续接下来的行程,回到基苏木然后到内罗毕。

    Aides then pulled Obama away and guided him into the SUV for the trip back to the Kisumu airport and then Nairobi .

  17. 我在内罗毕(nairobi)待了10周,但就积累的知识和经验而言,似乎已过了千年。

    I have been in Nairobi for 10 weeks , but in terms of knowledge and experience accumulated it feels like aeons .

  18. 去年11月,在内罗毕(Nairobi)举行的联合国气候变化大会上,《斯特恩报告》成为大会讨论的话题。

    At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Nairobi last November , the Stern report was the topic of the moment .

  19. 为此,2009年1月我欣然接受了一个机会&作为青年总裁组织(YoungPresidentsOrganization)内罗毕和达累斯萨拉姆(DarEsSalaam)分会的特约嘉宾访问肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚。

    That was the reason I jumped at the opportunity in January , 2009 to visit Kenya and Tanzania as a guest of the Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam chapters of the Young Presidents Organization .

  20. 26岁的瑜伽教练JoyceMurugi亲自经历了内罗毕的Mathare贫民区的暴力活动,对她来说,瑜伽提供了一个治疗创伤的好方法:

    For 26 year old Yoga instructor Joyce Murugi who experienced the violence in the Nairobi slum of Mathare first hand , Yoga provides an outlet for dealing with the trauma .

  21. 在内罗毕拯救大象活动的弗兰克·波普(FrankPope)补充道:这一标志性大象的死亡,只是这冰山上最明显最令人心碎的一角。这样的悲剧正席卷全大陆。

    The loss of such an iconic elephant is the most visible and heart-rending tip of this iceberg , this tragedy that is unfolding across the continent , added Frank Pope of Save The Elephants in Nairobi .

  22. 来自巴黎的消息说,Muhongo可能退出竞选,从而换取UNESCO助理总干事或者UNESCO内罗毕区域办公室主任的职位。

    Sources in Paris said Muhongo might withdraw in exchange for the post of UNESCO assistant director-general for science or head of UNESCO 's Nairobi regional office .

  23. M-PESA的成功在部分程度上促使内罗毕现在成为一批移动电信创新者的聚集地。

    Partly because of the success of M-PESA , Nairobi is now home to a cluster of mobile innovators .

  24. 然后在内罗毕,本来我们就有8个区,所以8,octo就代表了内罗毕。

    Then in Nairobi , originally we have eight districts . So eight , octo is to represent Nairobi .

  25. 主导作者OluyedeAjayi是肯尼亚内罗毕世界农林中心的资深科学家。

    Lead author Oluyede Ajayi is senior scientist at the World Agroforestry Center in Nairobi , Kenya .

  26. 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)上周(10月16日)在内罗毕发布了一份广泛的文献综述,还包括了对独立专家的访谈。

    The UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) launched an extensive literature review , combined with interviews with independent experts , in Nairobi last week ( 16 October ) .

  27. 这份报告说,另一个情境即《内罗毕工作方案》(NWP)着眼于帮助各国做出关于可行的适应(特别是可行的技术)的知情决策。

    In a separate setting , the report says , the Nairobi Work Programme ( NWP ) aims to help countries make informed decisions on practical adaptation & and technology in particular .

  28. StephenMbugua:“我过去常常去内罗毕,或者去任何一个银行来支付账单。但是现在,我不需要再去内罗毕,只要在这里付账就可以了。”

    Stephen Mbugua : " I used to go to Nairobi or to any bank to pay my bill . But now , right now , I don 't go to Nairobi , I just pay my bill from here . "

  29. 其中最大胆的一次袭击是2013年对内罗毕西门(Westgate)购物中心发起的袭击,造成67人遇害。

    The most audacious raid was in 2013 on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi in which 67 people were killed .

  30. 内罗毕一家网络新闻频道a24的asifsheikh称,2005年,肯尼亚各家广播公司几乎只播出西方出品的节目,而现在80%的节目都产自非洲。

    Asif Sheikh of A24 , an online-news channel in Nairobi , says Kenyan broadcasters have gone from showing almost exclusively western-made programmes in 2005 to 80 % African ones now .