
  1. 设立程序上,兼采登记制与备案制。

    The set up procedures should adopt both the registration system and record-keeping system .

  2. 以文献研究法为主,兼采历史研究法。

    This paper documents the main research method , can be either a historical research method .

  3. 保险费率之订定,应兼采从人因素及从车因素。

    Both the driver and vehicle factors shall form the basis for the rating plan of this insurance .

  4. 作者兼采声学和听学的分析,因此是首次以仪器研究邹语的著作。

    The authors employ both acoustic and auditory analyses , as such it represents the first instrumental study of Tsou .

  5. 他长于文字训诂,勤于考证,治《诗》走汉宋兼采的路子。

    His words , diligent textual exegesis than , cured the poems of the song dynasty walked han adopt pathway .

  6. 我国买卖合同的风险转移制度采纳交付主义为一般原则,兼采特别法原则。

    In China the consignation is the common principle in the business contract , but there are some other special rules .

  7. 大豆收获籽粒兼采叶饲用研究&Ⅰ、采叶对不同大豆品种的影响

    STUDY ON HARVESTING BOTH SEED AND LEAVES AS FORAGE IN SOYBEAN & Effects of Plucking Leaves on Yield in Soybean Cultivars

  8. 侵害人格权商品化的责任方式,应以财产损害赔偿为主,兼采其他责任方式。

    Responsibility for infringing the commercialization of personality rights should mainly be compensation for property damage , along with other responsibility ways .

  9. 为了解决这种冲突,各国一般以行为地法为主,兼采法律行为本身的准据法。

    In order to solve the problems , usually , each nation uses lex local actions and lex cause of actions of law .

  10. 我国的罚金刑数额立法兼采无限额罚金刑、倍比罚金刑与限额罚金刑三种模式。

    The legislation of fine number in our country simultaneously adopts three modes which are unlimited fine , times-ratio fine and numbered fine .

  11. 第二节分析了施闰章的理学思想是具有以孔孟为本,兼采诸家特点。

    Second section has analyzed the Neo-Confucianism thought of Shi Run Zhang has the characteristic of taking Confucianism as the basis , concurrently picks the various family .

  12. 日本则兼采两大法系之长,采取了由判例法和成文法双管齐下来确立行政公益诉讼制度。

    Japan adopting both the head of the two Law , taken both by the case law and statutory law to establish the administrative public interest litigation .

  13. 粒叶产量高、叶片青叶期长的品种适宜于收获籽粒兼采叶饲用。

    The result also indicates that cultivars with high yield in both seeds and leaves , long term of green leaves are fitter for plucking leaves as forage .

  14. 本论文主要采用的研究方法是归纳总结和系统分析的方法,并兼采比较、演绎、案例分析等方法进行论述和说明。

    The methods of this study involve inductive summery and systematic analysis as the main , giving attention to the analysis from the comparison , deduction and cases .

  15. 论文总结了我国无单放货的司法实践,将某划分为三个历史阶段,即绝对侵权说,相对侵权说和违约说,或兼采侵权与违约说。

    This paper summarizes the judicial practice on delivery of cargo without bills of lading in China , which involves three stages , i.e. the absolute theory in tort ;

  16. 首次提出在司法实务中,实行制定法的同时应兼采案例,建立案例指导制度,以弥补成文法之不足。

    The first time in judicial practice , adopt cases while practicing statute , the establishment of the case directing system , to make up for lack of statutory law .

  17. 笔者立足我国国情兼采国外的有益经验认为,我国应采纳基本权利第三人的间接效力理论,同时在一定条件下可直接适用宪法文本判决。

    The author believe that our country should accept the indirect power of the third person theory , and simultaneously has the condition to be suitable the constitution text directly .

  18. 我国的债权人参与公司治理立法应兼采两种立法模式之所长,并根据我国转轨经济的特殊条件和实际情况,对两种立法模式进行修正和发展。

    Chinese legislation should adopt advantages of the two models , and amend and develop the two models on the basis of special condition and practical situation of Chinese transforming economy .

  19. 然后简要分析了行政契约的识别标准,在众多标准中,认为识别行政契约应适用以实质标准为主、兼采形式标准的职务标准。

    Last analyzed the classification of administrative contract and its standard briefly , thought that we should adopt the standard of duty which majors in virtual standard and minors in formal standard .

  20. 为确保工程质量,创造良好的投资环境,对不正当竞争行为采取相应措施,并兼采国际先进制度,是工程行业迫在眉睫之势。

    It is now urgent to take effective measures and adopt the advanced system abroad to curb the malfeasant competition in building industry to insure the construction quality and create favorable investment circumstance .

  21. 在立法模式方面,笔者主张以区别于婚姻的不登记制为主,承认同居合同的效力,并兼采区别于婚姻的登记制。

    As to the legislation model , the author maintains to adopt unregistered model unequal to marriage in principal , recognize cohabitation agreement , and to adopt registered model unequal to marriage in addition .

  22. 其次,在紧急避险的正当化根据问题上,以法益衡量说为基础,兼采社会相当性说的观点较为妥当。

    Secondly , on the justified basis of the problem of necessity , it is more appropriate to measure the benefits that the law is based on very nature can be either a provident society .

  23. 接下来提出了对我国缺席审判制度进行改革的具体构想,在审判模式的选择上以一方辩论判决主义为主,兼采缺席判决主义;

    Then , the article puts forward some concrete ways for reforming and perfecting the trial by default system of our country : taking both the ex-prate debate judgment mode and the default judgment mode ;

  24. 他的诗歌,尤其是乐府诗,追求新奇,善用比兴,风格道丽又兼采雅俗,受到历代论者的推崇。

    His poems , especially Yuefu poems that pursue fresh style , good at using bi-xing and form the style of appealing to both refined and popular tastes , receive the affirmation of past dynasties scholars .

  25. 在上市公司壳资源仍很稀缺的背景下,加之《上市公司收购管理办法》还确立了部分要约收购制度,且部分要约收购可兼采现金、证券方式,敌意收购发生的可能性将大大增加。

    In the background of listed companies shell remaining scarce , plus the system of part of the tender offer , and the acquisition offering by cash and securities , it will greatly increase the possibility of hostile takeover .

  26. 首先就听取陈述和申辩制度的立法模式、宪法基础、适用原则、主体以及适用范围等,对听取陈述和申辩制度体系进行构建,确立了以参照日韩模式为主兼采欧美模式优点的立法模式。

    The first proposal is to construct systems on the points of legislation model , constitution foundation , applying principle , subject and range it applies and to create legislation model bases on Japanese and Korean model as well as absorbing the strong points .

  27. 晚清乾、嘉以后的学术思想,因中国传统学术文化内在机制和社会现实的变化,出现了汉学式微、汉宋兼采、西学东渐的趋势。

    The thought of learning appeared the currents of Han learning declining and the inosculating of Han learning and Song learning and Western learning to orient owing to the changing of Chinese traditional culture of learning and society after the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods .

  28. 本文以安徽档案馆、复旦图书馆所藏的《安徽白话报》为文本,主要采用历史研究中的文献分析法,兼采新闻传播的研究方法,全面研究《安徽白话报》。

    Making use of Anhui Vernacular Newspaper stored in Anhui Archives as texts , this thesis mainly adopts the textual research in the historical research , combining with methodologies used in the studies of the mass media , to study Anhui Vernacular Newspaper comprehensively .

  29. 不同的过错应采用不同的责任形态来划分学校和第三人的责任范围,兼采按份责任形态与补充责任形态来处理学校侵权补充责任案件对学校、第三人更为公平。

    The different degree of fault should be used to divide the responsibilities of different cases between school and the third party , and it is more equitable to use both by share of responsibility and supplementary liability to handle the responsibility between school and the third party .

  30. 主要采用比较分析的研究方法,兼采历史分析和实证分析的方法,共分六个部分:第一章,引言,包括本文的选题背景、研究目的及意义、文献综述和研究方法等。

    This article mainly using the method of comparative analysis and adopting both the historical and empirical analysis , is divided into six parts . The first chapter , is introduction , including the background , purpose , significance , literature review and research methods of this article .