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jiān rén
  • a man worth two
兼人 [jiān rén]
  • [gigantic] 超过别人;一人顶两人

  • 求也退,故进之;由也兼人,故退之。--《论语.先进》

  • 兼人之能

  1. 地下汽车库兼人防地下室通风系统优化设计

    Optimum design of ventilating systems for underground garages and civil air defense

  2. 对于有限责任公司而言,资合兼人合的性质决定了对其股权转让进行限制是十分必要的。

    For the character of capitalization and humanity in a limited company , it is necessary to restrict the stock transfer .

  3. 有限责任公司具有资合兼人合的特征,而人合性对于有限公司的良好运作具有更加重要的意义。

    Limited liability companies have people combination and capital combination , but people contribution has more important significance for the limited liability company .

  4. 为达到强己兼人的目的,各主要诸侯国先后进行了不同程度的变革。

    In order to strengthen self and merger the others , each major vassal state developed different revolutions to different degree at the period .