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diǎn yǎ
  • elegant;refined;cultured;ancient books and records
典雅 [diǎn yǎ]
  • (1) [cultured;refined;elegant]∶文章有根柢,高雅不浅俗

  • 深覆典雅,指意难睹,唯赋颂耳。--《论衡.自纪》

  • 辞义典雅。--曹丕《与吴质书》

  • 晋祠在古木的荫护下,显得分外幽静、典雅。--《晋祠》

  • (2) [ancient books and records]∶典籍

  • 博览典雅,精核数术。--马融《长笛赋》

典雅[diǎn yǎ]
  1. 中世纪西欧骑士文学中的典雅爱情

    The Refined Love in the Cavalier Literature of West Europe during the Medieval Ages

  2. 骑士文学中的典雅爱情是欧洲中世纪的一种奇特的人文景观。

    The refined love in the cavalier literature is a unique humane landscape in the Medieval Europe .

  3. 她的典雅风格使她与其他记者截然不同。

    Her elegant style sets her apart from other journalists .

  4. 他的文章典雅而又风趣。

    His writing combines elegance and wit .

  5. 她是典雅的化身。

    She was the personification of elegance .

  6. 年纪大一点的女性穿古朴典雅的服装最好看。

    Older women look best in classically elegant styles .

  7. 她着装典雅,搭配着一条双层珍珠项链。

    She was elegantly dressed with a double strand of pearls about her neck .

  8. 曾经典雅的白色立柱正在掉漆。

    Its once-elegant white pillars are peeling .

  9. 他的作品简洁明晰,文风典雅。

    His writings were marked by an extraordinary lucidity and elegance of style .

  10. 这里“暗香型女性”,是指以细腻和典雅的气质取胜的女性,她们看似低调实则高明,在职场中比花枝招展型更能赢得同事的好感和上司的信赖。

    Some female office workers are popular with colleagues , earning their superiors ' trust more easily because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated and tastefully polished , in sharp contrast to their flamboyant peers .

  11. B:是典雅、运动和高科技。

    B : It is elegant , sporty , and high tech.

  12. 所有递送给消费者的商品都用典雅的黑色购物袋进行包装,包装袋上点缀着奢华的金字和Logo。

    Goods arrive in elegant black shopping bags with sumptuous gold lettering and logos .

  13. 这对情侣的一位朋友向《OK!》杂志透露,皮特和茱丽的结婚典礼上将播放传统的非洲音乐,整个婚礼将会“简单而典雅”。

    A friend of the couple also told OK ! that the ceremony would include traditional African music and would be simple and elegant .

  14. 大众在美国以70000美元左右的售价发布了造型典雅的奥迪A7四门轿车后,奥迪这个品牌立刻俘获了1%最富人群的心,成为时尚潮流的引领者。

    Audi arrived as a style leader for one-percenters when it unveiled its elegant A7 four-door coupe that sells for around $ 70,000 .

  15. 格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人科拉为人心地善良,她的女儿茜玻(Sybil)年轻貌美,端庄典雅。

    Cora , the warm-hearted countess of Grantham , and Sybil , her pretty and modest daughter , are among the names that have rocketed .

  16. 仅从Keynote上来看很难判别是精简版还是完全版,但它承诺与我当下正使用的MacBookPro同样的智能、稳定及典雅。

    It 's hard to tell from the Keynote if it is a cut-down version or full-strength , but it promises the same intelligence , stability and elegance that I currently enjoy on my MacBook Pro .

  17. 这个地方应该不仅是方便的,而且典雅。

    This place should not only be convenient but also elegant .

  18. 新英格兰以外的地区也有相当典雅的作品。

    Outside New England , a comparable urbanity could be found .

  19. 马蹄莲花集朴素、典雅于一身。

    The calla lily is simple , as all elegant things .

  20. 金属质地面板形象设计,典雅中透出刚毅气质。

    Metal texture panel image design reflects the elegance and fortitude .

  21. 代表欢乐、典雅以及诗般浪漫感觉。

    Pink roses suggest joy , grace , and poetic romance .

  22. 典故是形成诗歌深婉典雅风格的基础之一。

    Poetry is a deep story-wan elegant style of the foundation .

  23. 我的穿着时尚又不失典雅。

    I dressed in a manner that was fashionable yet classic .

  24. 联想性:“伊丽莎白”女王的高贵典雅;

    Association : " Elizabeth ," a noble and elegant Queen ;

  25. 黑色:权利、典雅、秘密、神秘。

    Black : power , elegance , secrecy , mystery .

  26. 典雅爱情的特征及其社会影响

    The Special Features of Courtly Love and Its Influence upon Western Society

  27. 时代与典雅&汕头市中级人民法院设计

    Modern and Elegance : Shantou Secondary People 's Court Design

  28. 大小餐厅及包间舒适典雅,风格各异。

    Our restaurants offer a superb range of cuisine of different styles .

  29. 酒店装修高贵典雅,有直达电梯到各楼层。

    The decoration of the hotel is dignity and elegance .

  30. 精铸不锈钢手柄,线条流畅、高贵典雅。

    Cast stainless steel handles , flowing lines , elegant .