
qí shí
  • actually;in fact;really;indeed;as a matter of fact
其实 [qí shí]
  • (1) [actually;in fact]∶承上文转折,表示所说的是实际情况

  • 画家其实并非不懂世故

  • (2) [really]∶确实;的确

  • 其实不是她说的那个意思

其实[qí shí]
  1. 其实他从没有对他们不好。

    He was never actually unkind to them .

  2. 其实现在并没有下雨。

    It 's not actually raining now .

  3. 这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。

    The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe .

  4. 他外表大大咧咧,但其实是个敏感的人。

    Beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man .

  5. 他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。

    He thinks I dislike him but that just isn 't so .

  6. 她外表冷静,其实内心十分害怕。

    Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened .

  7. 真是的,其实你大可事先跟我们说一声的。

    Really , you could have told us before .

  8. 都说女人开车比男人差,其实不然。

    Contrary to popular myth , women are not worse drivers than men .

  9. 他们提出要帮忙,这其实还是他们为自己考虑。

    Their offer to help was at bottom self-centred .

  10. 我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物。

    I don 't really care for spicy food .

  11. 他其实应该道个歉的。

    He might have had the decency to apologize .

  12. 买廉价计算机看似省钱,但其实并不划算。

    Buying a cheap computer is a false economy .

  13. 她并不瘦——其实她还有点胖呢。

    She 's not thin ─ if anything she 's on the plump side .

  14. 其实用不着在凌晨三点钟就把我叫醒。

    I could have done without being woken up at three in the morning .

  15. 他抨击主管,其实是间接批评了整个机构。

    He criticized the Director and , by implication , the whole of the organization .

  16. 她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。

    She can seem stern , but deep down she 's a very kind person .

  17. 冷静地想了想以后,我觉得我其实并不需要车。

    On sober reflection , I don 't think I really need a car after all .

  18. 这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。

    You can 't see in this light , but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour .

  19. 我干得不太好,但其实他干得比我还糟。

    I didn 't do it very well , but , if anything , he did it worse than I did .

  20. 我对考试提心吊胆,但其实我本不必担心,这次考试的确很容易。

    I got very nervous about the exam , but in the event , I needn 't have worried ; it was really easy .

  21. 斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。

    Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys

  22. 相对于他给人的印象,他其实更有生意头脑。

    He 's more business-minded than he makes himself out to be

  23. 在军政府时期,该报纸其实曾经两度遭禁。

    The paper was actually twice banned under the martial regime .

  24. 有些土壤其实碱性过强,不利于某些植物生长。

    Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life .

  25. 我说过,我其实并不喜欢当代音乐。

    I had mentioned that I didn 't really like contemporary music

  26. 他们嘴上说不在乎,其实是在乎的。

    They say they don 't care , but they do .

  27. 我其实认为那很不公平。

    I don 't think that 's very fair really .

  28. 那其实都是她独特个性的表现。

    It was really all part of her very individual personality

  29. 你太古板了,其实没什么事。

    Now you are coming over all puritanical about nothing .

  30. 那儿有张便条,噢,其实不算是便条。

    There was a note . Well , not really a note .