
bīng zhàn
  • military depot;army service station
兵站 [bīng zhàn]
  • [military depot;army service station] 后勤分部组织和派出的保障机构。分为基地兵站和野战兵站。一般设立在运输线上。主要负责储备、补给和转运物资,收容、后转和治疗伤病员,组织技术修理,安排过往人员食宿,接收、保管和后送缴获、回收物品等工作

兵站[bīng zhàn]
  1. 这个兵站有富足的食品供应。

    The military depot has a plentiful supply of food .

  2. 港口附近的兵站被敌人炸毁了。

    The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy .

  3. 曼特尔兵站的这些部分无意接待游客。

    These parts of Ord Mantell are not intended for tourists .

  4. 士兵排成密集的队列向兵站进发。

    The soldiers marched in serried ranks towards the depot .

  5. 每年,曼特尔兵站吸引大约十亿游客。

    Ord Mantell attracts about a billion tourists annually .

  6. 曼特尔兵站拥有某些银河系中最宽松的银行法律。

    Ord Mantell has some of the most lenient banking laws in the galaxy .

  7. 唱歌的美国兵站在下陷的沙地上唱歌。

    Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand .

  8. 汉?索罗有一段与众多赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站狭路相逢的历史。

    Han Solo has had a history of close run-ins with bounty hunters on Ord Mantell .

  9. 龙卷风来袭仅几分钟,一支紧急救援队就离开兵站前去救援。

    Within minutes of the tornado happening , an emergency rescue team left the station to help .

  10. 海训官兵及医疗兵站保障官兵健康教育需求调查分析

    A survey and analysis of the needs for health education in sea training officers and soldiers and medical attendants

  11. 曼特尔兵站不能算是任何地方的中心,这点对于那些企图隐蔽的人来说是很便利的。

    Ord Mantell can be said to be in the middle of nowhere & convenient for those wishing to lay low .

  12. 锡兵站在炉子里,火焰烧着了他的身体,热得可怕,但他不知道这热量来自真正的火焰,还是来自爱情的火焰。

    The flames lighted up the tin soldier , as he stood , the heat was very terrible , but whether it proceeded from the real fire or from the fire of love he could not tell . 11 .