
  • 网络Key Resource
  1. Web关键资源发现中的链接分析技术

    Link Analysis in Web Key Resources Discovery

  2. Web关键资源发现是指在Web数据中发现与主题相关的关键资源(keyresources)。

    Key resources discovery is to find the key resources about a given topic on the Web .

  3. 这里所说的关键资源可以是网络设备、应用系统功能、数据库记录等等,本文的研究主要针对XML资料库。

    The sensitive resources mentioned above are multifarious , including network equipments , application functions , records in database and so on .

  4. 这不仅提供了一种查找Web关键资源页面的有效方式,也给出了提高决策树算法性能的一个可行途径。

    It not only offers an effective way for selecting Web key resource pages , but also shows a possible way to improve decision tree learning performances .

  5. 首先,IBMSupportAssistant可以用于从IBM内部和外部的关键资源查找信息。

    To start , the IBM Support Assistant can be used to find information from key resources both within and outside of IBM .

  6. 同时定义生产所需关键资源作为神经网络输出,该输出表示完成一项生产计划或生产任务所需要的关键资源能力,通过BP网络实现从生产计划到资源能力的映射。

    At the same time , define the critical resources needed for the production as the BP neural network output ; the network output indicates the critical resource capacity required to complete a production plan .

  7. 架构:关键资源已确定;它们可能是实体、集合或者其他似乎值得拥有自己的URI的对象。

    Architecture : Key resources are identified ; they can be entities , collections , or anything that seems worthy of having its own URI .

  8. 基于J2EE平台可以开发出功能强大,而又具有灵活扩展性能的企业级应用程序,而在企业应用开发中,对企业关键资源的简单而高效的访问是企业应用开发的基础。

    With the facilities provided by J2EE , powerful and flexible applications can be easily implemented . A simple and efficient accession to critical resources of enterprise is necessary to enterprise applications .

  9. XX公司IT分销渠道只有以顾客为导向,不断完善流程,形成各个关键资源的共享与传播才能不断创造最大化的顾客价值。

    XX corporate IT distribution channels only customer-oriented , and constantly improve the process , a critical resource sharing and communication can continue to create maximum customer value .

  10. developerWorks做了许多工作来为您进行规划,但是,在寻找一个模式或公共Web服务来满足某种迫切需要时,手头上有一些关键资源是很有用的。

    DeveloperWorks does much to map it out for you , but when you 're looking for a schema or a public Web service to meet some pressing need , it 's useful to have handy several key resources .

  11. 采用MRPⅡ/JIT混用思想,对生产批量的优化方法、主生产计划编排原则、关键资源计划协调方法、安全提前期的计算等进行了分析研究。

    Analysis and study are made on batch optimizing production , main production planning lay-out , important resource planning coordination method and calculation of safety in-advance period with mixed use of MRPII / JIT .

  12. 本文将网页链接性分析和网页内容相关性分析相结合,提出基于改进的PageRank获取网站关键资源的算法。

    In this paper , we will combine the analysis of web page links and web page content and propose an algorithm of key resource acquisition based on improved PageRank algorithm . 2 .

  13. 当地地下水位深20m左右,植物无法利用,植物种之间对资源的竞争主要表现为对水分资源的竞争,降水资源是植物种之间竞争的关键资源。

    Where water table is about 20 m , the plants can not utilize underground water and the resource competition among the plant species mainly appears as the competition for water resources among which rainfall is key one for the plant species to compete for .

  14. 基于网站拓扑结构的关键资源获取算法:用有向图来描述网站的拓扑结构,利用改进的PageRank算法对网站中的页面进行排序,选取网站的关键资源。

    The algorithm of key resources acquisition based on web site topology : in this algorithm we use a directed graph to represent the web site , sort the web pages using improved PageRank algorithm and select the key resources of web sites .

  15. 对关键资源的需求可能会加剧国家间的紧张局势。

    The demand for essential resources could exacerbate tensions within countries .

  16. 基于改进决策树算法的网络关键资源页面判定

    Web Key Resource Page Judgment Based on Improved Decision Tree Algorithm

  17. 关键资源应该是一束可分割的权利集,即使是一束虚拟的权利集;

    Critical resources should be segmentable droit collective , even virtual .

  18. 知识已经成为企业在竞争中取得胜利的关键资源。

    Knowledge has become the key to the business success .

  19. 品牌是酒店集团的关键资源和核心竞争力。

    Brand is the key resource and core competence of hotel group .

  20. 基于非内容信息的网络关键资源有效定位

    Web key resource page selection based on non-content information

  21. 例如,可以对关键资源应用加粗格式。

    For example , you can apply bold formatting to a key resource .

  22. 新创企业的核心关键资源是有限的,而且随着外部环境的变化,企业的关键资源在不断发生着变化。

    Core resources of new ventures are limited .

  23. 基于关键资源的网站自动分类系统

    A website categorization system based on key resource

  24. 通过实时可见性管理关键资源(人和设备)。

    Management of critical resources ( people and equipment ) through real time visibility .

  25. 共享设计在共享关键资源的同时使用冗余系统。

    The shared design combines the use of redundant systems while sharing critical resources .

  26. 技术创新是现代企业价值创造的关键资源。

    Now technology innovation have took a great role in the value creation of corporations .

  27. 不确定来自于:①关键资源的特征。

    Uncertainty arising from two way : first , the property characteristics in critical resources .

  28. 在这样的背景下,知识型员工日益成为组织的主体,是组织发展的关键资源。

    In this context , knowledge workers are becoming the key resources to organizational development .

  29. 本文研究如何有效地利用链接分析算法来发现关键资源。

    The paper focuses on how to use link analysis method to effectively find key resources .

  30. 对于知识密集型企业,知识和智力是决定企业竞争态势的关键资源。

    For knowledge-intensive enterprises , knowledge and intelligence is the key of the enterprise competitive situation .