
guān zhōng
  • Guanzhong;the central Shaanxi plain;the central Shanxi plain
关中 [guān zhōng]
  • [the central Shanxi plain] 指陕西渭河流域一带,为陕西的农、工业发达,人口集中之地区

  • 沛公欲王关中。--《史记.项羽本纪》

关中[guān zhōng]
  1. 关中绿化植物管理系统设计

    Design of Management System of Greening Plants in the Central Shaanxi Plain

  2. 皮影戏又名“灯影子”,是我国民间一种古老而奇特的戏曲艺术,在关中地区很为流行。

    Shadow Play is a king of old-style and peculiar traditional folk opera , which is very popular in the central Shaanxi plain .

  3. IP电话网关中回声消除器的实现

    Implementation on Echo Canceller of IP Telephony Gateway

  4. IP电话网关中主机与DSP的实时多通道数据通信技术

    The Technology of the Real-time Muti-channel Data Exchange between Host and DSP in the IP Telephony Gateway

  5. 该方案设计简单实用,目前已成功运用于基于嵌入式Linux平台的VoIP网关中。

    This solution has been adopted in the VoIP gateway with embedded Linux platform .

  6. 陕西关中地区奶牛结核病调查与PCR检测方法研究

    Investigation of Dairy Tuberculosis in Guanzhong Area of Shaanxi Province and Study on PCR Detection Method to the Disease

  7. WAP网关中安全层的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Gateway Layer of WAP Security

  8. 在VoIP网关中实现高精度包同步

    Implementing High-Precision Packet Synchronization in VoIP Gateways

  9. 预测陕西关中地区需水量的改进GM(1,1)模型

    Modified GM ( 1,1 ) model for predicting the water resource demand in the Guanzhong Region , Shaanxi Province , China

  10. 这种认知是隐含在在请求者及Web服务网关中部署JAX-RPC处理程序的实现过程中的。

    That knowledge is implicit in the implementations of the JAX-RPC handlers deployed at the requestor and in the Web services Gateway .

  11. 以半导体光放大器为非线性元件的全光开关中,由于SOA中交叉增益调制和交叉相位调制并存,会导致光开关各输出端口性能有所差异。

    For SOA-based all-optical switching , because cross-phase modulation and cross-gain modulation is co-exist in SOA , the properties of each output port is different .

  12. 该设计与实现方案目前已应用于基于嵌入式Linux平台的媒体网关中,完全能够满足该媒体网关对于多路语音实时传输的通信需求。

    This solution is already adopted in the Media Gateway based on embedded Linux platform and it meets the requirements of multi-session real time communication well .

  13. 陕西关中小麦全麦粉SDS沉淀值与膨胀体积的遗传研究

    Studies on Inheritance of Wholemeal SDS Sedimentation Value and Swelling Volume in Common Wheat Grown in Shaanxi Central Plain

  14. 认为MD方案是实现关中地区水资源与社会经济系统协调发展的最佳途径;

    MD is the best way to resolve water resource and social economical system problem in Guanzhong region .

  15. Parlay网关中过载控制算法的研究

    Research of Overload Control Algorithm in the Parlay Gateway

  16. 关中盆地浅层地下水CFC年龄的计算

    CFCs age calculation of shallow groundwater in Guanzhong basin

  17. 关中奶山羊和贵州黑山羊Pit-1基因的PCR-RFLP和PCR-SSCP分析

    PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP detection of Pit-1 Gene in Guanzhong Dairy Goat and Guizhou Black Goat

  18. 基于Penman-Monteith公式的关中地区作物系数研究

    Crop Coefficient on the Penman-Monteith Formulae in Guanzhong Shaanxi

  19. DVB-IP网关中ASI环出电路的实现

    Implementation of ASI Loop Output Circuit in DVB-IP Gateway

  20. 利用CFC研究地下水混合作用&以关中盆地浅层地下水为例

    Identifying the Binary Mixing of Groundwater & an Example as Groundwater in the Shallow Aquifer of the Guanzhong Basin

  21. 本研究利用PCR-RFLP和PCR-SSCP技术首次对关中奶山羊和贵州黑山羊垂体释放因子1(Pit-1)基因进行多态性检测和分析。

    The polymorphisms of the Pit-1 gene was firstly detected and analysed by PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP in Guanzhong dairy goat and Guizhou Black goats .

  22. 在分析了IPSEC和NAT一起工作时会出现的问题的基础上,设计了一个集成了NAT功能和IPSEC功能的网关,在该集成网关中它们能一起友好工作。

    Based on analyzing what problems will be faced with when IPSEC working with NAT , this paper designs an IPsec and NAT integrated gateway , which can make them work together friendly .

  23. 关中中部近10a地下水动态变化的区域响应分析&以咸阳市为例

    An Analysis on Regional Responses of the Dynamic Variations of Groundwater in the Middle Areas of Guanzhong Plain in Recent Decades & A Case Study of Xianyang

  24. 从量子力学的微扰理论入手,总结并比较了半绝缘GaAs光电导开关中主要的散射机制的散射率表达式和散射终态,给出了所选择的散射机制下的模拟结果及其分析。

    The general expression formulas of scattering rate and the scattering ending of main scattering mechanisms in the SI GaAs photoconductive switch were summarized and compared , in terms of the quantum mechanics theory , the results of situation and analysis were provided .

  25. 采用家猪外周血淋巴细胞培养法,以FdU作诱导剂,对关中黑猪染色体脆性位点进行了研究。

    By using the peripheral blood lymphocyte culture method , a study on fragile sites in Guanzhong black pig chromosomes was done with Fluorodeoxyuridine ( FdU ) as inducer .

  26. 根据单次散射模型的尾波功率谱分析方法,利用陕西数字地震台网宽频带数字地震波形记录资料,计算了关中陕南及周边地区13个频段的Qc值。

    According to the method of power spectrum analysis of individual dispersion model , using the wide-band digital waveform data recorded by Shaanxi digital seismograph network , the Q_c values of coda wave in 13 frequency bands in Guanzhong , Shannan and the adjacent areas are estimated .

  27. 结果证明,在10~12月,从情期的9~15d开始,采用FSH恒量法或FSH减量法对3~5岁的关中奶山羊进行超排可获得更好效果。

    The results showed that superovulation can be improved when the goats at 3 - 5 years old were superovulated with FSH'by decreasing doses or consistent doses at 9 - 15 days of estrus cycle between the begining of October and the end of December during the breeding season .

  28. 其中重点分析了七号信令的功能级结构,对消息传递部分和用户部分的ISUP的功能作了详细介绍。本文重点论述了E1中继网关中应用软件的设计和实现过程。

    In this section , functional blocks of SS7 is mainly discussed , the function of MTP and ISUP is detailed introduced . Secondly , the thesis discusses the design and implementation of application software of the E1 Trunk Gateway which is the core of this thesis .

  29. 为此,本文进行了下述研究:(1)分析了关中地区31站41年气象要素及参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET0)的变化趋势。

    Hence , this paper carried out the following research : ( 1 ) Analyzing the trend of Guanzhong Region meteorological factors and reference crop Evapotranspiration ( ET0 ) of each weather station in recent 41 years .

  30. 详细介绍了基于VxWorks实时操作系统下网关的系统架构,并深入分析了嵌入式AFTN网关中双机热备、人机交互等关键技术。

    The gateway 's architecture was introduced in detail , which was based on VxWorks ( a Real-Time Operating System ) . Several key technologies used in the embedded AFTN gateway such as hot standby and gateway configuration were deeply analyzed .