
  • Lancelot;Sir Lancelot
  1. 但我也全神贯注地读着《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)和《小间谍哈瑞特》(HarriettheSpy)。我熟知兰斯洛特爵士(SirLancelot)和圆桌骑士(KnightsoftheRoundTable)的故事,他们游历四方,昭示着勇敢和荣誉。

    But I pored over National Geographic and " Harriet the Spy . " I knew all about Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table , who wandered the countryside swearing oaths of bravery and honor .

  2. 这个老巫婆想同兰斯洛特(Lancelot)爵士结婚,这位最崇高的圆桌武士,亚瑟最亲密的朋友!

    The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot , the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur 's closest friend !

  3. 最近他正在看一些剧本;他饰演的更多新角色也即将登上大银幕,包括他在《博物馆奇妙夜3》(NightattheMuseum)中饰演的一个复活的虚构人物——兰斯洛特爵士(SirLancelot)。

    He is working on some screenplays and has an array of new acting projects coming up , including the third " Night at the Museum " movie , in which he plays a fictional character , Sir Lancelot , who comes to life .

  4. 这包括了奥勒利乌斯·安布罗修斯(AureliusAmbrosius),他在普通拉丁本圣经或“兰斯洛特的圣杯”中被称为潘德拉贡。而“兰斯洛特的圣杯”是中世纪法国的传记,亚瑟王传奇故事的重要来源。

    These include Aurelius Ambrosius , who was called Pendragon in the Vulgate Cycle or Lancelot-Grail , a medieval French text and a major source of Arthurian legend .

  5. 有个法国人刚刚把钱投在兰斯洛特身上。

    Frenchman just in front had put his money on Lancelot .

  6. 我不知道和你说什么,兰斯洛特。

    I don 't know what to say to you , Lancelot .

  7. 兰斯洛特,你已经证明给我们看了。

    But , Lancelot , you 've already proved that to us .

  8. 兰斯洛特,诺桑比亚勋爵埃尔德雷德的第五子。

    Lancelot , fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria .

  9. 有你加盟真是我们的荣幸,兰斯洛特爵士。

    You do us a great honour , Sir Lancelot .

  10. 兰斯洛特骑马去杀狮鹫了。

    Lancelot 's ridding out to kill the griffin !

  11. 很高兴见到你兰斯洛特。

    It 's nice to meet you , Lancelot .

  12. 格温娜维尔,如果我回不来…别去,兰斯洛特。

    Guinevere , if I should not return ... Don 't go Lancelot .

  13. 我觉得我们的兰斯洛特爵士在看你,格温。

    I think our sir Lancelot might have eyes for you , Gwen .

  14. 你又不是在打地毯。恭喜你,兰斯洛特。

    You 're not beating a carpet.Congratulations , Lancelot .

  15. 后会有期,兰斯洛特爵士。

    Till next time , then ... Sir Lancelot .

  16. 兰斯洛特需要你,你也需要他。

    Lancelot needed you and you needed Lancelot .

  17. 你必须回答我的问题!我是兰斯洛特。德拉蒙德。迪斯雷利!

    You must answer my question ! I 'm lancelot . drummond . disraeli !

  18. 兰斯洛特,你在这里干什么?

    Lancelot , what are you doing here ?

  19. 因为兰斯洛特,你战斗时的确像个骑士。

    Because Lancelot you fight like a knight .

  20. 第一天上班可不能打盹啊,兰斯洛特。

    Can 't have you nodding off first day on the job , Lancelot .

  21. 兰斯洛特:如果你更了解我,你就不会那么说了。

    Lancelot : If you knew me better , you would not say such things .

  22. 这一刻不是兰斯洛特应得的吗?

    Dose Lancelot not deserve this moment ?

  23. 我欠兰斯洛特一条命。

    I owe Lancelot my life .

  24. 各位,我向你们隆重介绍兰斯洛特,诺桑比亚勋爵埃尔德雷德的第五子。

    Ladies and gentlemen , I give you Lancelot , fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbira .

  25. 来吧,我们就假设一下,如果必须选,亚瑟还是兰斯洛特?

    So come on just for the sake of argument , if you had to , Arthur or Lancelot ?

  26. 这使得兰斯洛特和柔弱的王子试图逃出窗外的场景更加搞笑。

    This makes the scene with Lancelot and the effeminate prince who attempts to escape out the window even more hilarious .

  27. 于是,邻国国王释放了亚瑟,兰斯洛特和女巫也举行了隆重的婚礼。

    And so it was , the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding .

  28. 除了兰斯洛特,他沉思片刻,说:“她有一张可爱的脸,愿上帝的慈悲与她同在,夏洛特夫人。”

    He said ," She has a lovely face ; God in his mercy lend her grace , The Lady of Shalott . "

  29. 没错,兰斯洛特,你现在还不是骑士,所以我把测试时间提前了。

    That 's correct Lancelot , and you are not yet a knight , which is why I 'm bringing your test forward .

  30. 女士们先生们,请向我们的新成员敬酒,卡梅洛特的新骑士,兰斯洛特爵士。

    Ladies and gentlemen , please join me in a toast to our new recruit , our new knight of Camelot , Sir Lancelot .