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  1. 先说院子吧,院中一共才有六间房,夏先生住三间,厨房占一间,其余的两间作为下房。

    The house was small with only six rooms of which Mr. Xia occupied three , the kitchen one and the servants the other two .

  2. 第六章对房地产中介代理业的未来发展作了展望。

    The sixth chapter forecasts the future of Guangzhou real estate agency .

  3. 贯彻国六条地方房产业三限政策将会出台?

    The State Housing six local industries ," three limited policy " will be published ?

  4. 第六章我国房地产信托业未来发展方向与对策,提出我国房地产信托业的未来三种发展模式,即可转让房地产期权、房地产投资信托、REITs。

    Chapter 6 is based on the direction of the development and strategies of Chinese real estate trust industry . The three development models are concluded , which are real estate Option , real estate investment trust and REITs .

  5. 第六章、台湾房地产销售瓶颈及应对策略。

    Chapter VI , real estate sales bottlenecks and coping strategies .

  6. 家,在互相竞争中促进金融产品质量的提高、价格的下降。第六部分为中国房地产证券化模式探索。

    The sixth section is researching into the model of securitization about real estate of China .

  7. 在论文的最后,应用所建立的竞争力评价指标体系对中国六家大的房地产开发企业进行了评价。

    Finally , we had a simulation assessment of the competitiveness of six large real estate developing enterprise by using this system .

  8. 第六章探讨了房地产企业的价格竞争策略与非价格竞争策略,提出并论述了我国房地产企业的非价格竞争占优定理。

    Chapter VI discusses the price competition strategies and non-price competition strategies of real estate enterprises , demonstrates the dominated theorem of non-price competition in china real estate market .

  9. 第六章介绍了房地产投资评价及房地产投资项目决策相关内容,决策的前提是建立在前面投资分析真实可信的基础上,否则作出的决策会脱离实际情况。

    Chapter 6 introduces investment appraisal in real estate and issues relating to policy-making in real estate investment , policy-making shall only be based on the previous studies , otherwise policy-making can go into a direction contrary to actual situations .