
  • 网络public media;mass media
  1. 呼吁公共传媒的协作力量。

    Call on the power of the public media .

  2. 当代社会,公共传媒的力量得到了空前迅速的发展,纪实影像的呈现数量、传播范围和速度由此在报刊、杂志、网络等媒介中得以极大扩张。

    The contemporary society , the public media strength obtained the unprecedented rapid development , so the quantity , dissemination scope and speed of documentary image can enormously expand in medium such as newspapers , magazine , network and so on .

  3. 因为在中国没有公共传媒的研究生课程。

    Because there is no graduate program for PR here in China .

  4. 本文通过借公共传媒开展特色服务这个全新的视觉,从服务方式、特性及注意的问题三个方面展示了公共图书馆新的特色服务。

    This thesis reveals a sort of completely new service in the public library from the aspects of the method , features and points of attention .

  5. 而新闻语篇,作为一种公共传媒语篇类型,近年来已经吸引了越来越多语言学家的关注。

    However , news text , as a type of public mass media discourse , has aroused more and more linguists ' interest in recent years .

  6. 因而传播日本信息、提供共同阅读体验的公共传媒对中国人对日认识影响巨大。

    As a result , the medium spreading the Japanese information and providing the common reading experience that mostly influences the cognition of Chinese people to Japan .

  7. 在此特别强调要重视青少年的伦理道德教育,学校和家庭起着非常关键的教育和引导作用,此外,公共传媒的舆论监督和相关行业自律模式需进一步得到规范。

    In particular , it must be emphasized that the ethics and moral education of young people is very important , schools and families play a crucial role in the education and guidance .

  8. 我的希望就是,公共电视传媒尤其要确保它将吸引一流人才。

    My hope is that the public broadcasters in particular will make sure that the best talent comes to it .

  9. 本文的独特之处在于采用跨学科理论,结合社会政治学、传媒学、伦理学的相关知识,深入探讨突发公共事件中传媒报道从伦理和社会政治角度的双重要求。

    The special place of this article is adopting the interdisciplinary analysis and also combining the related knowledge of social policy , the media studies and ethics to deeply explore the double requirements of the emergency public events from the view of ethics and social policy .

  10. 公共领域与网络传媒

    The Public Sphere and the Internet

  11. 目前中国的绝大部分公共设施和文化传媒都在为残疾人提供各种方便,使他们能够无障碍地进行交流。

    Nowadays most public institutions and cultural media in China provide people with a disability with various means for easy access to communication .

  12. 主要介绍本文的研究视角。认为正是因为公共政策及大众传媒都具有公共性这一本质属性,决定了二者相互影响、相互制约的关联性。

    This chapter mainly introduces the research perspective of the book , holding that public policies and mass media share the essential attribute of publicness , which decides their relationship of mutual influence and constraint .