
  • 网络public attitude
  1. 公众态度倾向于同情弱势群体。

    Public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups .

  2. 上海发展战略研究所谢耘耕说:“而且,公众态度倾向于同情弱势群体。”他补充说,舆论将最终影响国家政策。

    " Also , public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups ," Xie said , adding that public opinion would eventually influence public policy .

  3. 时不时地就会有改变公众态度的事件发生。

    Every now and then an event occurs that changes public attitudes .

  4. 艾丽茜谈斯柯达公司1995年重新开张时是怎样改变公众态度的。

    Eilish explains how Skoda changed public attitudes to the brand when it was re-launched in the UK in1995 .

  5. 如今,人们已认识到,卫生宣传和公众态度的改变对预防水媒疾病蔓延至关重要。

    Hygiene awareness and changes in public attitudes are now recognized as essential in preventing the spread of water-borne diseases .

  6. 跟踪公众态度或意见的改变,需要大规模的、昂贵的调查,这种调查往往是非常复杂的而且最好通过与资深社会科学研究者的合作来完成。

    Tracking changes in public attitudes or opinions requires large-scale , expensive surveys , which are often complicated and best done in collaboration with experienced social science researchers .

  7. 宪法秩序、科学技术、市场规模,与现存制度安排、制度成本收益、决策者净利益、现有知识积累、社会公众态度,分别是影响我国政府公共服务外包的制度需求与制度供给的主要因素。

    Constitutional order , science , technology and market size are the main institutional demand factors . Existing institution , institutional cost-benefit , decision-makers ' benefits , knowledge accumulation and public attitudes are the main institutional supply factors .

  8. 从当前社会实际情况出发,分析计算机犯罪主体的社会认知、社会动机以及社会公众态度对计算机犯罪主体的心理影响,进行预防计算机犯罪的针对性教育防范,将非常必要并紧迫。

    Starting on the current social reality , an analysis of the social cognition and motives of the subjects of the crimes , and of the psychological effects of the public attitude on them is imperative and urgent for the prevention and education on computer crimes .

  9. 分析了德国可再生能源发展成功的原因,包括国家推广手段和扶持项目的优惠设计元素、欧洲和国际上对其政策的影响、技术和公众态度等环境条件的影响。

    The current paper analyses the main factors of the German case in the development of RES , including the design elements of the national promotion instruments and support programmes , the policy impacts from the European and the international level , technical as well as cognitive conditions .

  10. 城镇居民公众参与态度研究

    Research on Attitudes of Urban Residents in Public Participation

  11. 生物多样性保护的公众知识态度实践调查

    Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Survey of the Public on Biodiversity Conservation

  12. 内部因素主要包括:政府决策、政党政治、利益集团的态度、外交传统和公众的态度。

    Internal factors include the government decision-making , political parties , interest groups ' attitude , diplomatic tradition and public attitudes .

  13. 政界和公众的态度已变得更加倾向于实施限制,我们还看到了曾因思想自由而闻名的荷兰等国的反弹。

    Political and public attitudes have become more restrictive and we have had a backlash from countries such as the Netherlands previously known for their liberal outlook .

  14. 不仅如此,公众的态度和期望变化速度远落后于亚洲女性生活中发生变化的速度,这使得要在生活和工作之间平衡变得相当困难。

    Moreover , public attitudes and expectations are lagging far behind changes in women 's lives in Asia , making it even harder to strike a balance between life and work .

  15. 护林员们对他们所保护的天然奇景无比自豪,这从他们对待公众的态度上,从他们友善地要在游览者当中唤起对大自然同样的挚爱的那种热切中可以看到。

    The park rangers are immensely proud of the wonders they protect , and it shows in their attitude toward the public , in their friendly eagerness to awaken the same devotion in visitors .

  16. 本文旨在回顾现有的文献中对于自由及安全的传统辩论,以探究在911恐怖袭击后公众的态度及国内国际影响。

    This thesis is aimed to review the existing literature on the conventional debate on liberty and security , to explore the findings on the public attitude and domestic and international influences after the September 11th attacks .

  17. WhatScotlandThinks的数据显示,在过去3个月举行的9次民调中,平均有32%的人支持独立。WhatScotlandThinks是一家追踪公众对独立态度的公正组织。

    In nine polls over the past three months , the average support for independence has been 32 per cent , according to What Scotland Thinks , an impartial organisation tracking public attitudes towards independence .

  18. 公众公共政策态度实证研究&以沈阳市为例

    An Empirical Study of People 's Attitude Towards Public Policy & Shenyang as an example

  19. 个性、公众形象、态度和行为、技能和科技都是成功的重要因素。

    Success risks becoming just a function of personality , public image , attitudes and behaviours , skills and techniques .

  20. 公众之所以对此态度冷淡,一个可能的原因是,我们已经到了这样一个阶段:贸易谈判方法已经落伍了。

    One possible reason for public indifference is that we have reached a point where the process of trade negotiations has become obsolete .

  21. 这位英国领导人在公众持怀疑态度的情况下重申了他的论点,即为了维护英国的安全有必要在阿富汗作战。

    And facing a skeptical public , the British leader reiterated his contention that fighting in Afghanistan is necessary to keep Britain safe .

  22. 在中国,公众的反对态度以及由获得监管部门批准的不确定性所导致的资本额外成本,其显著意义要远远小于其他国家。

    Adverse public opinion and the additional cost of capital caused by uncertainties over regulatory approval have much less salience in China than elsewhere .

  23. 使公众具有积极态度对待休闲,对促使他们以创造性的满意方式利用闲暇时间十分重要。

    To impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential for motivating them to use their leisure in creative and satisfying ways .

  24. 校园政治舆论是指在高等学校范围内产生、播散并发挥影响的与政治相关的公众意见或态度。

    Political opinions on campus refer to public opinions or altitudes concerning with politics which originate within a university , spread and exert its influence .

  25. 对此许多大企业人士认为公众的这种态度是由于广告宣传不够造成的,只要加大广告宣传声势,就会扭转局面。

    In response to the poll , many businessmen argue that this public attitude is due to the inadequacy of their advertising and can be cured by stepping up their advertising campaigns .

  26. [目的]评价在河北省蔚县实施的计划免疫干预措施对公众知识、态度、行为的影响效果。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the effect of EPI ( Expanded Programme on Immunization ) intervention measures implemented in Yu county of Hebei province on changing knowledge , attitude practice for EPI of the public .

  27. 尽管气候变化将不可避免地导致天气变化,但不能将所有特定事件(如地方性的热浪)都归因于气候变化,而公众的怀疑态度中有一部分就与这一事实有关。

    Some of that scepticism is connected with the fact that although changes in the climate will inevitably result in changes in the weather , ascribing any given event-such as a local heatwave-to climate change is impossible .

  28. 研究社会公众的社会态度与政治态度,政治心理,行为能力,组织网络等多中心共同治理的格局形成的影响及其互动作用,揭示社会资本是怎样对治道变革发生作用的。

    We should know how the public 's social and political attitude , their political psychology , their action ability and organizational network work on polycentric governance , In addition , the author analyzed how the social capital develops which supports polycentric governance in China .

  29. 50年来,公众对婚姻的态度已经改变。

    Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years .

  30. 他们似乎错误地判断了公众对教育的态度。

    They appear to have misjudged the public mood on education .