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  • 网络eighty
  1. 他都八十岁了,身子骨还那么硬朗。

    He 's already eighty but still going strong .

  2. 她活到八十岁。

    She lived to be eighty .

  3. 今天是祖母八十岁寿辰。

    Today is grandma 's eightieth birthday .

  4. 原来,抛开别的不说,他还是一位八十岁的作家。

    It turned out that among other things , he was an eighty-year-old writer .

  5. 一对八十岁的老夫妇记性不好,于是决定到医生那里检查,担心哪里有什么毛病。

    An 80-year-old couple were having problems remembering things , so they decided to go to their doctor to get checked out to make sure nothing was wrong with them .

  6. 他八十岁了,看来还能活下去。

    He is eighty , and is likely to live on .

  7. 那人八十岁但不显的老。

    The man is eighty but he carries his years lightly .

  8. 我祖母已八十岁了,但她还能跑得动。

    My grandmother is eighty , but she can still run !

  9. 他八十岁上下。

    He was80 years old , give or take a year .

  10. 他八十岁了,身体硬朗得很。

    He is eighty years old and fit as a fiddle .

  11. “她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。”

    " She may be80 , but she 's still lively . "

  12. 我想活到八十岁死在自己的床上

    In my own bed , at the age of 80

  13. 我们全家和所有的亲戚都来参加祖父的八十岁寿宴。

    All our family came to our grandfather 's eightieth birthday party .

  14. 他祖父现在一定快八十岁了。

    His grandfather must now be getting on for eighty .

  15. 他虽有八十岁了,但仍然充满了活力。

    Although he is eighty , he is still very much alive .

  16. 老人于八十岁时逝世。

    The old man expired at the age of eighty .

  17. 七十岁或八十岁是一个人的正常寿命。

    Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a human life .

  18. 八十岁以上老年人自发性脑出血临床特征分析

    Clinical Analysis of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients over 80 Years of Age

  19. 那位老人年近八十岁。

    The old man is nearly 80 years old .

  20. 她快到八十岁时出版了第二本书。

    Her second book was published when she was in her late eighties .

  21. 摩西八十岁了,亚伦八十三了。

    Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty three years old .

  22. 我的祖母八十岁了,是吗?

    My grandma is eighty , isn 't she ?

  23. 学习任何人,不管是二十岁还是八十岁,停止学习就会衰老。

    Anyone who stops learning is old , whether at twenty or eighty .

  24. 不管怎样,我算准他有八十岁。

    Anyway I should say he was eighty .

  25. 他是个八十岁的老人。

    He is a man eighty year old .

  26. 最后,看一下八十岁的我是怎样的情况吧。

    Finally , here I am at 80 .

  27. 摩西、亚伦与法老说话的时候,摩西八十岁,亚伦八十三岁。

    Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh .

  28. 我奶奶已经八十岁了。

    My grandma is already eighty years old .

  29. 从八岁到八十岁,她会一直陪在你身边。

    From being eight to eighty , she will always be there for you .

  30. 她妈妈要是还活着一定至少有八十岁了。

    If alive , her mother must be at least eighty years of age .