
  • 网络total compensation strategy
  1. 然后在了解外部人才竞争市场行情的基础上,提出全面薪酬战略方案,从外在和内在两个方面达到激励员工的目的。

    After introducing the external HR market price , the author brings an idea of " Total Compensation Strategy ", aiming to motivate the employees both substantially and mentally .

  2. 全面薪酬战略&知识型员工激励机制

    All-around Compensation Strategy & How to Design a Motivation Mechanism for Knowledge Workers

  3. 论述的核心思路在于通过引入全面薪酬战略解决存在的现实问题。

    The core thinking of the analysis is to solve actual problems existing through the adopting of complete compensation strategy .

  4. 而全面薪酬战略却能全面激励员工,充分发挥薪酬对组织战略的支持功效。

    In addition , it puts forward an all-around compensation strategy that includes the reward motivation , welfare motivation , achievement motivation and organization motivation .

  5. 在此基础上,借鉴了全面薪酬战略的设计要求,从岗位设置、岗位分析和岗位评价三个方面入手,为引入全面薪酬战略做好了相应的准备。

    On this basis , according to the Total Rewards Strategy , it made full preparations for designing the new system from job settings , job analysis and job evaluation .

  6. 第二部分简要介绍了现代薪酬管理发展的新趋势,着重介绍了全面薪酬战略的内涵、特征、确定步骤。

    In part two , I will briefly introduce the development trend of modern Pay Administration system and lay special emphasis on the overall Pay Administration strategy , its principle and move .

  7. 薪酬管理者可以在控制成本的基础上,通过加强与营销人员的沟通,增加公司的福利总类从而提高薪酬满意度。(3)实施全面薪酬战略。

    Pay managers can on the basis of control costs , by strengthening the communication with marketing personnel , increase the welfare of the general category of the company to increase the pay satisfaction . ( 3 ) Implementation of a comprehensive compensation strategy .