
  1. 针对无线Mesh网的可靠性问题,本文提出了Mesh骨干层网络的全端可靠性优化设计思想。

    Subject to the wireless Mesh networking reliability problem , the paper proposes the all-terminal reliability optimization design idea of Mesh backbone network .

  2. 用可靠性多项式计算网络全端可靠性的关键是多项式中系数的计算,精确计算各系数是一个NP难问题[1]。

    Computing the coefficients is the key to obtain the all-terminal reliability of communication by using reliability polynomial , and computing some coefficients exactly is NP-hard .

  3. 该模型可以统一处理网络的端端可靠度、K端可靠度及全端可靠度问题,而且能方便地考虑有限维修人资源、维修申请排队及维修优先权等复杂情况。

    The model can deal with the problems of terminal pair reliability , K-terminal reliability and all-terminal reliability in an unified form , and can conveniently take into consideration of such complex situations as limited repair manpower , repair queue , repair priority .

  4. 节点失效下全端可靠性的上界

    An Upper Bounds of All Terminal Reliability under Node Failures

  5. 通信网全端可靠性界的一种计算方法

    A Method for Calculating the Bound of All - Terminal Reliability of Communication Network

  6. 提出了多状态网络两端可靠性的上、下界和全端可靠性上界的估计方法。

    The methods to estimate the upper and lower bounds of network reliability with multistate components are studied .

  7. 本文分析了网络的连通子网数与网络割集以及断集数的关系后,给出一种网络断集数的计算方法以及网络全端可靠性多项式系数上下界的公式,适用于任何网络。

    After studying the relation between connected subnet numbers and the cutest of the network , this paper presents a method for computing the cutest numbers and a formula of the coefficient bounds of reliability polynomial .

  8. 通过研究网络的连通子网络数与网络断集数目的关系,给出网络全端可靠性多项式系数界的计算公式,从而得到网络全端可靠性界的计算公式。

    · After studied the relation between connected subnet numbers and the cutest numbers of the network , a formula for computing the coefficient bounds of all-terminal reliability polynomial is obtained , then obtain the bounds of all-terminal reliability .

  9. 一种新型引发剂的合成及其在制备全氟封端F30树脂中的应用

    Synthesis of a new initiator and application in preparing F30

  10. 目的将富含嗅神经鞘细胞的大鼠嗅粘膜固有层(OLP)碎片裹以纤维蛋白胶(FG),移植到脊髓全横断断端间隙内,观察对脊髓两断端连接及轴突再生的影响。

    AIM To investigate the effects of fibrin-glue-enwrapping olfactory lamina propria ( FG-OLP ) transplanted into the slit between the stumps of the transected spinal cord on the stump connection and axonal regeneration in adult rats .

  11. 当尼尔森发挥最好的时候,他是全联盟进攻端效率最高的外线球员之一。

    When Nelson is at his best , he 's one of the more efficient perimeter players in the NBA on offense .

  12. 该装置能够实现全视场、端对端的辐射定标,并具有功能完善、便携、可操作性强等优点。

    The device can be achieved wide field of view , the end-to-end radiometric calibration with perfect functions , portable , easy to operate , and other advantages .

  13. 它是一种B/S体系结构,系统安装、修改和维护全在服务器端进行,容易实现系统的自动升级,有助于实现动态的应用集成。

    It is Browser / Server , installation , modification and maintenance of system is executed in server , system is updated automatically easily . The architecture helps to implement dynamic application integration .

  14. Roux-en-Y全口胃空肠端端吻合术

    Full-mouth and End-to-end Roux-en-Y Gastrojejunostomy

  15. 用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、扫描电镜(SEM)和时间分辨光散射(TRLS)比较了全氟碳链封端和苯环封端聚醚酰亚胺改性环氧树脂在不同温度下的相分离。

    The phase separations of epoxys resin modified with phenyl terminated and fluorocarbon chain polyetherimide at different temperature has been studied by using DSC , SEM and time-resolved light scattering ( TRLS ) .

  16. 通讯协议中,采用KissBind技术,全自动实现发送端和接收端的绑定和连接,达到PRoC有线至无线的无缝转换。

    Adopting kiss Bind technology on the design of communication protocol , the sending end and receiving end automatically realize the bind and connection . As a result , PRoC reaches the seamless conversion from wire to wireless .

  17. 方法:对140例全胃切除术、近端胃大部切除术和其他复杂腹部手术病人实施NCJ,并通过NCJ进行EN。

    Methods : 140 cases received enteral nutrition with chemically defined diet by NCJ after total gastrectomy , proximal subtotal gastrectomy and other complex abdominal operations .

  18. 全胃及近端胃姑息切除与远端胃切除同样有效。

    Palliative total and proximal partial gastrectomies have similar effect with distal partial gastrectomy .

  19. 全胃或近端胃切除术后肠内营养支持治疗24例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Postoperative Enteral Nutrition on 24 Patients Following Proximal Subtotal or Total Gastrectomy

  20. 三维模拟结果表明:全封闭防渗墙端部自由绕渗会使端点附近承压含水层动态受防渗墙的影响减小;

    It would lower the influence of the cut-off wall on the ground water regime of confined aquifer near the ends .

  21. 其余54例中行胆囊切除或次全切除+残端造瘘,胆总管切开,T管引流术;

    The others , total 54 , were treated with cholecystectomy , sub-cholecystectomy combined stump fistulization , common bile duct incision and exploration , and bile duct drainage .

  22. 48例喉全切除气管断端膜样部食管吻合分流发音重建术长期疗效观察

    A long-term observation of 48 cases of tracheoesophageal shunt phonation by the anastomosis of the membranous portion of the tracheal section with the anterior wall of esophagus after total laryngectomy

  23. 采用全数字的单端环形压控振荡器电路,仅由反相器和传输门组成,可以产生8个频率相同的时钟信号,每个相邻信号的相位相差π4。

    Designed an oscillator which based on digital single-ended ring structure , whose main body merely consists of inverters and transfer-gates . The VCO can produce 8 clock signal which has same frequency and each adjacent phase difference is π 4 .