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  • global quotas
  1. 2005年1月1日,WTO各成员国正式取消了全球纺织品配额限制,标志着纺织品服装行业进入自由贸易时代。

    From January 1,2005 , WTO members abolished all limits of textiles quotas , which is regarded as a token of textiles & garments industry entering the era of free trade .

  2. 在全球纺织品配额制度取消以后,我国的纺织品出口贸易将面临巨大的挑战。

    Abolition of global textile quota system in the future , China 's textile exports will face a huge challenge .

  3. 尽管2005年1月1日全球纺织品配额的取消给我国纺织品出口带来了福音,出口市场扩大了,出口量增加了。

    With the textile quota cancelled on January 1, 2005.China has managed to expand the overseas market and increased the volume of exports .

  4. 全球纺织品配额体系于2004年宣告结束,催生了一波中国出口热潮,这引发了欧洲国家和美国的抵触情绪。

    The end of a global quota system for textiles in 2004 has created a boom for Chinese exports , provoking a backlash in European countries and in the US .

  5. 自1月份取消全球纺织品配额以来,对于如何应付快速增长的中国服装出口,产业界和欧盟成员国分别持两种对立观点,曼德尔森先生对此左右为难。

    Since january , when worldwide textiles quotas were scrapped , Mr Mandelson has been caught between competing views among industry and EU member states about how to deal with booming Chinese clothing exports .

  6. 根据WTO《纺织品与服装协议》,2005年1月1日起全球纺织品服装配额被正式取消,世界纺织品服装贸易进入到后配额时代。

    Textile quotas have been cancelled since January 1 , 2005 and textile trade has entered into " post-quota " period .

  7. 举例来说,当全球纺织品和服装配额体系《多种纤维协定》(Multi-FibreArrangement)的过渡期在2005年结束时,中国在全球服装市场的份额迅速上升。

    When the transition period for the Multi-Fibre Arrangement , a global quota system for textiles and garments , came to an end in 2005 , for example , China rapidly increased its share of the global garment market .

  8. 企业在全球市场购买排放配额的行为,在政治上要比官方的发展援助更加受人欢迎。

    Businesses buying emissions permits in a global market would be politically more palatable than official development aid .

  9. 根据世界贸易组织乌拉圭回合达成的《纺织品与服装协议》,从2005年1月1日起,全球纺织品贸易的配额体制宣告结束,将进入了纺织品贸易的后配额时代。

    From January 1,2005 , the quota era of the global textile trade has been entered . calculating electrolyte quota ;

  10. 随着全球纺织服装贸易配额的取消,一次全球性就业和财富的大迁移已经拉开序幕。

    With the abolishment of the global textile and clothes trade quota , a global employment and wealth migration has been kicked off .

  11. 2005年1月1日,全球纺织品贸易的配额体制宣告结束,实现了纺织品贸易一体化。

    With abolishment of the textile quota on Jan 1 ~ ( st ) 2005 , the international textile trade control sees its post-quota era .

  12. 2005年1月1日,全球纺织品和服装配额在这一天取消,全球纺织业将进入一个全新的自由贸易时代。

    On January 1 in 2005 , the global quota for textile and clothing was cancelled . From the day , the global textile industry entered a new era of free trade .