
  • 网络full text search;full-text search;Lucene
  1. 现在,可以使用NetSearchExtender(NSE)对范围分区表进行全文搜索。

    Full text search of data in range-partitioned tables using the Net Search Extender ( NSE ) is now available .

  2. 在构建流程中,一个小脚本可用来做全文搜索并将版本号附加到那些全局名称中。

    During the build process , a small script can do full text search and append the version number to those global names .

  3. 本文介绍了一种基于语义Web的XML全文搜索引擎。

    This paper introduces a Semantic Web based full-text search engine for XML documents .

  4. 基于microsoftSQLserver2000的全文搜索功能构建Web搜索应用程序

    Use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Full-Text Search Deployment Build Web Search Application

  5. q参数,可用于全文搜索

    The q parameter , which can be used for full-text searches

  6. 她从事DB2中的全文搜索领域,重点在XML方面。

    She works in the area of full-text search in DB2 with focus on XML enablement .

  7. 也可以使用这种语言根据全文搜索条件搜索XML文档吗?

    Can you also use the power of this language to find XML documents based on full-text search criteria ?

  8. 在完成这四个管理步骤之后,就可以对XML数据进行全文搜索了。

    After completing these four administrative steps , you are ready to go on and full-text search your XML data .

  9. DB2文本搜索能够对存储在DB2数据库中的结构化和非结构化数据进行全文搜索。

    DB2 Text Search enables full-text search on structured and unstructured data stored in a DB2 database .

  10. 为了高效地搜索文档的这些非结构化部分,DB2提供了一个全文搜索解决方案。

    To efficiently search these unstructured parts of the documents , DB2 provides a full-text search solution .

  11. 将文本搜索限制到文档结构中的特定部分是XML全文搜索最常用的特性之一。

    Limiting text search to specific parts within the document structure is one of the most frequently used features for XML full-text search .

  12. 下一节简要概述DB2的全文搜索功能,它允许对XML进行感知结构的文本搜索。

    The following section gives a brief overview of DB2 's full-text search functionality that makes structure-aware text search on XML possible .

  13. 论文对Spring技术、Hibernate技术和TRS全文搜索引擎技术分别进行了介绍。

    Paper introduces the technology of Spring , Hibernate technology and TRS full-text search engine technology .

  14. 还可以查看Communities标记云,以便根据标记过滤社区,或者利用全文搜索功能查找信息。

    You can also view the Communities tag cloud to filter communities based on tags or utilize the full-text search capabilities to find information .

  15. 基于Lucene的全文搜索引擎研究与应用

    Research and Application of Full-Text Retrieval Search Engine Based on Lucene

  16. 以下查询使用全文搜索信息过滤出在“message”XML元素中有“disappointing”的那些文档。

    The following query uses full-text search information to filter those documents having the term " disappointing " in the " message " XML element .

  17. 索引和搜索部分借助LUCENE全文搜索引擎库中的Java类进行实现。

    The implementation of index and search is with the Java class in the full-text search engine library of LUCENE .

  18. 目前,利用Lucene构建的全文搜索引擎是一种有效的方式。

    Lucene is the way of constructing full-text search engine .

  19. Holger现在从事DB2中的XML全文搜索解决方案的设计和实现。

    Holger is now working on the design and implementation of full-text search solutions in DB2 on XML .

  20. 基于Lucene的网站全文搜索的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Lucene - based Website Full - text Search

  21. 以下是新的全文搜索ddl语句的列表。

    The following is a list of the new full-text search DDL statements .

  22. 该文对自动答疑系统的关键技术:初始领域知识库的构建、汉语词条切分技术、web页面的全文搜索技术进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the key technology of the auto-answering system such as the construction of the initial knowledge base , word entry segmentation of Chinese ideograph and the full-tex search technology of web page .

  23. CONTAINS()函数有两个参数:列名(建立应该进行全文搜索的上下文)和应该应用的实际搜索条件。

    The CONTAINS () function takes two parameters : the column name , establishing the context in which full-text search should occur , and the actual search criteria that should be applied .

  24. 这样的话,满足全文搜索条件的这些文档会根据XPath谓词进一步进行过滤。

    That is , those documents satisfying the full-text search criteria are additionally filtered based on the XPath predicate .

  25. 基于Lucene的电力企业信息全文搜索系统的设计和实现

    Designment and Implementation of Information Search System for the Electric Power Enterprise Based on Lucene

  26. 既然已经熟悉了NetSearchExtender的基本原理,就可以开始学习如何使用它对XML数据执行全文搜索。

    Now that you are familiar with the basic principle of Net Search Extender , you are ready to learn how to use it to perform full-text searches on XML data .

  27. 本文详细介绍了DB2文本搜索目前是如何处理文档的全文搜索以及如何使用语言属性和查询属性应用来确定搜索结果。

    This article provided a detailed look into how DB2 Text Search currently processes documents for full-text search and applies linguistic attributes and query attributes to determine search results .

  28. 这也便于正确拼写,另外还能避免在执行全文搜索时发生问题,并且如果必须通过URL传递[role],这也能避免Web应用程序中可能出现的问题。

    Again , it makes correct spelling easier , plus you avoid problems in full-text searches and potentially in Web applications if you have to pass the [ role ] through a URL .

  29. P2P全文搜索引擎作为一种全新的搜索方式,日益受到学术界的关注,各种改进的搜索算法被相继提出,并应用于实践。

    As a brand-new search method , P2P content search engine gets increasing attention of the academia , and all kinds of search algorithms are brought forward and applied .

  30. 本文还讨论DB2全文搜索的特定特性,比如用模糊搜索、接近搜索和词根化在XML文档中搜索关键字或短语。

    This article also explores specific features of DB2 full-text search , such as searching for keywords or phrases in the XML document structure with fuzzy search , proximity search , and stemming .