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tù nián
  • year of the rabbit
  1. 但是,这里有中国的十二生肖园,每个园子里都会有十二个迪士尼动物中的一种,比如小兔桑普(Thumper),代表兔年,还有一个名叫“漫月食府”(WanderingMoon)的茶馆。

    But there would be Chinese zodiac gardens , each featuring one of a dozen Disney creatures like Thumper ( Year of the Rabbit ) , and a teahouse called the Wandering Moon .

  2. 恭祝大家在兔年身体健康、笑口常开。

    We wish you all good health and happiness in the Year of the Rabbit .

  3. 祝各位朋友和家人兔年快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

    Wishing all friends and their family a happy Chinese New Year !

  4. 明天是农历新年(兔年)!

    Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year ( Rabbit Year )!

  5. 在此,提前向各位拜年了,祝大家兔年吉祥,阖家幸福!

    So I bless all of you Good Luck in the Rabbit Year !

  6. 海外华人迎新春,悉尼同胞庆兔年。

    Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping .

  7. 今年是兔年,你觉得兔子是个什么样的动物?

    This year is the Year of rabbit What do you think of rabbit ?

  8. 新春快乐,兔年吉祥!

    Happy new year , Rabbit year auspicious !

  9. 同时我也要把最特别的祝福送给所有兔年出生的朋友们。

    I extend special wishes to all born in the Year of the Rabbit .

  10. 祝大家与爱自己和自己所爱的人一起度过一个很棒的兔年!

    Wish everyone a great Rabbit Year with the ones love you or you love !

  11. 美国财政部发行“吉利钱”迎兔年(纪念币)。

    US Treasury unveils new " Lucky Money " products for Chinese Lunar New Year .

  12. 初一刚过,春天便一脚踏进了兔年的门槛。

    First day just crossed , as soon as spring then treadonned the rabbit year threshold .

  13. 祝各位读者朋友们兔年大吉!身体健康!万事如意!

    I wish all readers a very happy , healthy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit !

  14. 在兔年来临之际,谨以此作为个人新年的使命与宣言。

    The above speech is my personal mission and declaration when the traditional year of rabbit approaches .

  15. 今年是兔年,不妨也考虑兔子造型的花艺设计。

    Since it is the Year of the Rabbit , you might consider a rabbit floral design .

  16. 兔年是中国阴历中的十二生肖年之一。

    The " Year of the Rabbit " is one of the12 zodiac symbolsassociatedwith the Chinese Lunar Calendar .

  17. 从上周开始,中国进入了兔年。

    The year of the rabbit , which began last week , is a pivotal one for China .

  18. 最后,在这象征着活力和富庶的兔年,在这春天即将来临的时刻,我衷心地祝中英两国繁荣昌盛!

    The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity . I wish China and Britain continued prosperity .

  19. 我也衷心地祝愿48家集团俱乐部在新的一年里,在佩里先生的领导下,新年新气象,兔年有飞跃。

    I wish the48 Group Club continued success in the Year of the Rabbit , under Stephen 's leadership .

  20. 本站剧情路线:兔年了,我正在寻找新的出路。找出公司的领导。

    It's2011 , and I 'm trying to find a way out which is to find my new boss .

  21. 告别成绩斐然的虎年,我们迎来充满希望的兔年。

    We waved goodbye to a fruitful year of the tiger and entered the hopeful year of the rabbit .

  22. 最后,我祝愿《中国日报欧洲版》兔年开局成功,事业蒸蒸日上!

    In conclusion , I wish China Daily European Weekly every success in the Year of the Rabbit and years beyond .

  23. 2011年01月01日为迎接中国农历辛卯兔年,加拿大邮政总局定于2011年1月7号发行兔年生肖邮票。

    2011-01-01 Canada Post will issue two stamps on Jan.7,2011 , in celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit .

  24. 在中国的历法中有十二生肖,而今年是兔年。

    The Chinese Lunar calendar names each year after one of twelve animals , this year is the year of the rabbit .

  25. 兔子不会游泳但他很聪明,第四年就是兔年。

    The rabbit can 't swim but he 's very clever . The fourth year will be the Year of the Rabbit .

  26. 按照中国农历生肖,兔年排在第四。这只毛茸茸的四脚动物象征着持久、美丽、和平和希望。

    The four-footed furry creature , symbolising endurance , beauty , peace and hope , sits in fourth position on the Chinese calendar .

  27. 在兔年到来之际,我已经下定决心不再尝试去给人下定义或是进行分类。

    For the Year of the Rabbit , I have resolved to stop trying to define , categorize , or draw boxes around people .

  28. 同样,它预示着在兔年出生的人将会一生平安,享受一种祥和与安静的生活环境。

    So , a person born under this sign is expected to lead a tranquil life , enjoying a congenial peaceful and quiet environment .

  29. 本周,我国迎来兔年,越南人民却正热切盼望猫年的到来。

    While China rings in the lunar Year of the Rabbit this week , Vietnamese are purring about the coming Year of the Cat .

  30. 在我们进入兔年春节之际,这一在传统上,意味着家庭团聚以及睦邻祥和节日。

    That is especially true this year as we entered the Year of Rabbit , a year traditionally associated with home , family and peace .