
  1. 完全可以,而且汇款免征所得税。

    Sure . And the remittance is exempted from income tax .

  2. 外国投资者汇往国外的利润免征所得税。

    Profits remitted abroad by foreign investors were exempted from income tax .

  3. 出口货物免征消费税。

    Exported goods were exempted from the Consumption Tax .

  4. 关于免征农业税政策的分析

    Analysis on Tax - exempt Policy of Agriculture

  5. 免征农业税,2599年的历史终结

    End of 2599-Year History of Agriculture Taxation

  6. 当地人均住房面积应该免征房产税。

    Local average living space per capita should be exempt from the house property tax .

  7. 免征农业税政策对农民有益影响的微观经济学分析

    Analysis of the Farmers ' Benefit from the Exemption Agricultural Tax Policy 's with the Microeconomics

  8. 每人可享受的最高免征增值税金额为100万韩元。

    Each person can be exempt from VAT for up to the first 1 million won in purchases .

  9. 对保护基金公司新设立的资金账簿免征印花税。

    I.The stamp tax on the capital accounts newly established by the Protection Fund Corporation shall be exempted .

  10. 给予矿采业的奖励措施包括三十年免征新税与免税进口矿业开采设备等等。

    Mining companies received incentives such as 30 years without new taxes and duty-free imports of earth-moving equipment .

  11. 运输,餐饮及生活必需品等行业的纳税人将免征增值税。

    Value-added tax will be waived for taxpayers in sectors like transportation , catering and daily necessities delivery .

  12. 外国投资者从外商投资企业取得的利润,免征所得税;

    Profits earned by a foreign investor from an enterprise with foreign investment are exempted from the income tax ;

  13. 生产销售民族必需品的集体、个体工商企业免征工商税。

    Collective and private industrial commercial enterprises which produce and sell national necessities are exempt from industrial and commercial taxes .

  14. 三开发区中外合资经营企业的客商将从企业分得的利润汇出境外,免征所得税。

    3 the share of profits that investors in development zone Chinese-foreign joint ventures remit abroad shall be exempted from income tax .

  15. 从事海上直航业务的航运公司在大陆取得的运输收入,可以免征营业税和企业所得税。

    Shipping companies engaged in direct transport services across the Taiwan Strait will be exempted from business tax and corporate income tax .

  16. 对国内钻石开采企业通过上海钻石交易所销售的自产毛坯钻石实行免征增值税政策;

    The self-produced rough diamonds sold by a domestic diamond exploitation enterprise via Shanghai Diamond Exchange shall be exempt from value-added tax ;

  17. 对纳税人出口应税消费品,免征消费税;国务院另有规定的除外。

    For taxpayers exporting taxable consumer goods , the Consumption Tax shall be exempt , except as otherwise determined by the State Council .

  18. 由于特区建立的工厂和企业都是新的,所以进口的生产资料和消费品要免征进口税。

    Because every factory or business , established in SEZ is new , imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customs duties .

  19. 低于国际金融市场利率的存款利息所得,免征所得税。

    Income from interest on deposits at a rate lower than that prevailing in the international financial market shall be exempted from income tax .

  20. 对贫困县新办企业和发达地区到贫困地区兴办的企业,在三年内免征所得税;

    Remitting income tax for three years for new enterprises in the poverty-stricken counties and enterprises established there by people from the developed areas ;

  21. 外国银行按照优惠利率贷款给中国国家银行的利息所得,免征所得税;

    Income from interest on loans made at a preferential interest rate to Chinese State Banks by foreign Banks shall be exempted from income tax ;

  22. 园区事业以产品或劳务外销者,其营业税税率为零,并免征货物税。

    For export of products or services by a park enterprise , the business tax rate is zero and commodity tax shall be exempted therefore .

  23. 中国有关部门于2017年决定,对金融机构向小型企业、微型企业和个体工商户发放小额贷款取得的利息收入,免征增值税。

    Chinese authorities decided in 2017 that financial institutions will value-added taxes on income from interest from loans to small and micro-sized businesses and individually-owned businesses .

  24. 第八条纳税人营业额未达到财政部规定的营业税起征点的,免征营业税。

    Article 8 For taxpayers whose turnover has not reached the Business Tax minimum threshold stipulated by the Ministry of Finance , the Business Tax shall be exempt .

  25. 对个人购买并居住超过一年的普通住宅,销售时免征营业税;

    The selling of ordinary dwelling houses purchased by individuals is exempt from business tax on condition the purchasers have lived in the houses for more than a year .

  26. 免税商品,比如免征消费税和其他税种的香烟和一些烈酒,只面向飞往欧盟以外目的地的消费者。

    Duty Free products , those such as cigarettes and some spirits which are exempt of excise duty and taxes , are only available to customers travelling outside the EU .

  27. 三年内免征资源税、屠宰税、农业税、农业特产税和免收十年土地使用费;

    Within three years , they shall be exempted from Resources Tax , Slaughtering Tax , Agricultural Tax and Agricultural Specialty Tax and Land Use Fee is exempted for ten years .

  28. 为了明确免征农业税与农用地利用的关系,采用文献资料法和归纳分析法研究免征农业税对农用土地的影响&改变土地税收结构和农用土地收益分配结构。

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the policy about abolishing agricultural taxation on agricultural land . Methods of documents , practice and induction are applied .

  29. 调整和完善营利性医院的税收政策,免征营业税及其附加;降低所得税税率;制定专门政策明确统一税收标准和办法。

    Adjusted and improved hospital profit tax policy , exempt from business tax and additional ; lower income tax rates ; adopted special policies to specific uniform tax standards and methods . 4 .

  30. 咨询业信息业、技术服务业的企业,自开业之日起,第一年至第二年免征所得税;

    Consultation Industry : As for information and technology service enterprises , since the opening day of their business , their income tax shall be exempted in the first and the second year .