
  • 网络jukebox;optical jukebox;CD-ROM Jukebox
  1. 一种光盘库的短节目调度算法

    A Scheduling Algorithm of Short Video Clips in a Jukebox

  2. 网络光盘库模型的建立和分析

    Model and Analysis for Network Attached Optical Jukebox Optical dating

  3. PACS服务器和光盘库的管理与维护

    Management and service of PACS server and CD ROM database

  4. 基于光盘库的VOD系统的研究与设计

    Key Issues on Optical Jukebox for VOD Systems

  5. 文中通过分析虚拟光盘库的数据流服务器的功能,把数据流服务器划分为主控、管理、访问控制及数据Cache四大模块,具体阐述了每个模块的作用。

    Analyzes the functions of data stream server of virtual CDrom library , which are partitioned into main-control sub-module , management sub-modules , access-control sub-modules and cache sub-modules .

  6. 笔者着重叙述CDJukebox光盘库因其可安全永久地归档大量信息数据,成为我公司不计其数的设计图纸数据存储及档案管理不可或缺的存储设备。

    Because CD Jukebox can store a large amount of data safely and permanently , it become essential in design drawing data storage and archive management in our company .

  7. 为适应大规模VOD系统的要求,提出了基于磁盘阵列和光盘库的层次化存储结构,并分析了3级光盘库的RR节目调度算法。

    In order to adapt to the extensive VOD system , this paper brings up a hierarchical storage structure based on disk array and VCD library , analyses a scheduling algorithm called Round-Robin for VCD library as a tertiary storage system .

  8. 光盘库是当前海量信息存储的一种重要方式。

    Nowadays CD jukebox becomes an important way of mass storage .

  9. 虚拟光盘库数据流服务器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation on Data Stream Server of Virtual CDrom Library

  10. 基于多媒体负载的光盘库性能解析模型

    Analytical performance model of optical disk library based on multimedia system workloads

  11. 集群缓存服务器和光盘库的通信实现

    Implementation of Communication Between Cluster-based Cache Server and CD Jukebox

  12. 光盘库文件缓存管理系统的实现

    The Implementation of Cache Management System for CD Library File

  13. 网络化光盘库在海量存储系统中的应用研究

    Application research on network attached jukeboxes in mass storage system

  14. 实验结果表明:虚拟光盘库具有较高的数据传输速率。

    The test proves that virtual cdrom library has higher data transfer rate .

  15. 数据光盘库及数据格式

    Data base with Optical Disk and Data Format

  16. 基于网络光盘库的优先排队模型分析

    Preferential queuing analyzing on network attached optical jukebox

  17. 基于光盘库的电子档案光盘存储归档管理系统的分析与设计

    Based on CD-ROM Database the Electronic Records Archive Storage Management System Analysis and Design

  18. 光盘库系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of Jukebox

  19. 通过光盘库的事件驱动的仿真模型,进行了光盘库性能的仿真实验。

    In addition , the paper gives simulation experiments by an event-driven simulation model of optical disk library .

  20. 针对多媒体应用的负载特点,运用随机运筹学的原理,建立了用于数字媒体资料存储的光盘库的性能解析模型。

    This paper presents an analytical performance model of optical disk library for digital media storage in multimedia applications .

  21. 选择合适的数据库服务器作为集群缓存服务器和光盘库的通信中介;

    Database server is selected properly to be the communication agency between the cluster cache servers and CD library ;

  22. 针对光盘库文件被客户大量访问的特点,在光盘库前端加入集群代理缓存服务器。

    To meet the demand of mass visit by clients , this paper sets cluster-based cache servers before CD jukebox .

  23. 在石油地球物理资料处理平台上,基于X-Windows/Motif开发环境建立了测井资料数据计算机光盘库管理系统。

    A management system for logging data disc database is established on a geophysical data processing platform based on X-Windows / Motif .

  24. 测试结果表明:在实际的应用中,采用新处理机制的网络光盘库有很高的应用性能。

    The testing results showed that , the Network Attached Optical Jukebox with the new processing mechanism had a high application performance in practical use .

  25. 光盘库服务器负责光盘的管理,它一方面将节目素材文件刻录到光盘上,另一方面为客户机提供在线访问服务;

    The jukebox server with responsibility for discs management , it record the program material into discs and provide service for clients visit the program online .

  26. 分析表明,通过建立对等系统模型,网络光盘库不仅能够降低系统的响应时间,还可以提高系统的吞吐量,有效降低系统的访问负载。

    It showed that , by the Peer-to-Peer model , the Network Attached Optical Jukebox could not only reduce the system responding time , but also enhance the system throughout .

  27. 就如何实现图书馆数字化提出了以光盘库为基础,以高速宽带网络为主干的高性能信息资源共享系统。

    The paper puts forward the high performance sharing system of information resource with optical disk base as basis and high-speed broadband network as backbone , for the realization of library digitalization .

  28. 网络光盘库作为层次化海量存储中的一种准在线存储设备,在科研、生产等广泛领域中具有非常重要的应用价值,提高其应用性能是改善超大容量存储仪器实际应用的关键。

    As a partial online storage facility in the hierarchical mass storage , Network Attached Optical Jukebox has a very important application value in scientific research , production and many other fields .

  29. 为了解决海量信息管理中的数据存储问题,文章讨论了诸如磁带库、光盘库等三级存储设备在海量存储系统中的应用。

    In order to provide an available method to store massive information , this paper discusses random I / O schedule of tertiary device , such as tape libraries , used in massive storage system .

  30. 分析和实验结果表明,多媒体负载下影响光盘库响应时间的关键参数是请求到达率以及驱动器的数目和速度。

    Both analytical and experimental results show that the key factors affecting the mean response time of optical disk library are the request arrival rate , the number of drives and the data transfer rate of drives .