Vicia villosa Roth var is one of the main green manures in tobacco field in Hubei Province .
When we turned under Vicia villosa Roth var. as green manure in tobacco fields , they should be turned under before tobacco transplanted , and reduced the amount of fertilizer properly .
Results show that there was no significant influence on organic matter decomposition and nutrient release dynamics of turn Vicia villosa Roth var. in tobacco fields whether it planted flue-cured tobacco or not .
A 2 years field experiment was conducted to study the the effect on tobacco development and production quanlity , also about nutrient absorption , researching by different manure application amounts and periods in Enshi city , Hubei province .
The main results were showed as follows : 1 . With the buried nylon bags method a field experiment was carried out in tobacco fields to study dynamics of nutrient release and decomposing rates of Vicia villosa Roth var. as green manure .