
  • 网络Photovoltaics;photovoltaic technology;photovoltaic
  1. 光伏技术现状与未来

    Status and Future of Photovoltaics in China

  2. 基于太阳能光伏技术的节能建筑系统的设计与研究

    Design and Research on Energy-Saving building Based on Solar Energy Photovoltaic Technology

  3. 基于Kelvin探针扫描系统和MIS结构的表面光伏技术被用于研究硅基ZnO纳米棒阵列薄膜的表面光伏特性。

    The SPS based the Kelvin Probe technology and MIS structure was employed to investigate the surface photovoltage behavior of ZnO nanorod array .

  4. 本文所做的工作可归纳如下:1.总结国内外光伏技术及其产业市场的发展现状。阐述了半导体PN结的工作原理以及光伏发电技术的基本工作原理-光伏效应。

    The PV technology development in and abroad is summarized in short . A presentation is made , which is about the operating principle of the PN junction of the semiconductor , as well as the Photovoltaic Effect . 2 .

  5. 分析了太阳能光伏技术与建筑一体化(BIPV)的趋势、存在的各种问题及其建议。

    The working principle and development trend of the building-integrated photovoltaic ( BIPV ) system were analyzed , as well as various related issues and relevant recommendations .

  6. 然后利用表面光伏技术对电池的钝化效果进行了讨论。

    The passivation effects were studied using surface photovoltage technology .

  7. 高效非逆变光伏技术在建筑公共照明上的应用

    Application of the High-efficiency & Non-inversion Photovoltaic Technique on Public Lighting of Buildings

  8. 热光伏技术基本原理与研究进展

    Principle and Progress on Thermo - photovoltaic Technology

  9. 夕少了动君己己pv.阳光、技术与美学&兼谈光伏技术在建筑中的应用

    Sunshine , Technology and Aesthetic & On the Application of PV Technology in Building

  10. 太阳能光伏技术在高速公路中的应用探讨

    A Study on the Application of Solar Energy / Photovoltaic Technology in the Expressways

  11. 光伏技术三十年

    Photovoltaic techniques in the last 30 years

  12. 新能源开发中的光伏技术

    Photovoltaic system among new power sources

  13. 而利用太阳能光伏技术发电,已成为能源利用不可逆转的潮流。

    The conversion of sunlight to electrical power is an irreversible trend in the field of energy utilization .

  14. 光伏技术正在转化为一个新兴高科技产业,并以年均增长30%的速度开拓市场。

    As an immerging high tech industry , photovoltaic ( PV ) business grows at30 % average annual rate .

  15. 热光伏技术是将受热高温热辐射体的能量直接转换成电能的技术。

    By using the thermo-photovoltaic ( TPV ) technology , thermal radiation can be converted into electricity through photovoltaic cells .

  16. 发展太阳能光伏技术是当今世界解决能源危机与环境污染的一个重要途径。

    Photovoltaic solar energy conversion is one of the important ways to resolve the global energy crisis and environment pollution .

  17. 一系列结果表明表面光伏技术完全能够胜任有机异质结光电特性的研究。

    These results imply that surface photovoltage technology is completely competent on the study of photoelectric properties of organic heterojunction .

  18. 伍拉德先生就是其中之一,他认为太阳能热电技术可能会超过太阳能光伏技术,重新获得其历史上曾经拥有的领先地位。

    Among them is Mr Woolard , who believes that solar-thermal power could regain its historical lead over the solar-photovoltaic approach .

  19. 近年来,光伏技术的不断成熟,给太阳能在照明中的应用带来了更加广阔的前景。

    Recently , the photovoltaic technology is mature unceasingly , it brings the more capacious future for the solar illumination application .

  20. 本文首先提出了把光伏技术应用到轻工业产品中,带动光伏下游产业的发展。

    In this paper put forward the photovoltaic technology to light industry products , promote ' the development of photovoltaic downstream industries .

  21. 结合光声和表面光伏技术对样品表面态性质和光诱导电荷输运特性进行研究。

    The surface state properties and transport characters of photogenic free charge carriers were probed by the combination of photoacoustic and surface photovoltaic techniques .

  22. 分析了发展太阳能光伏技术的必要性,介绍了世界各国家的太阳能光伏发电的情况、特点及我国的发展现状。

    The necessity for the development of photovoltaic technology is indicated , and the application situations and features of solar photovoltaic generating electricity are introduced .

  23. 因此,从宏观的角度来看,设计界、政府需要有意识地对光伏技术的发展进行关注。

    Therefore , from a macro point of view , the design community , government needs to deliberate on the development of photovoltaic technology concerns .

  24. 除此之外,太阳光伏技术可以进行非联网发电,这在最初时候成为了太阳能的重要市场。

    Moreover , they can generate power off the grid , which turned out to be an important market for solar power in its early days .

  25. 尽管光伏技术每千瓦时的电价还贵一些,但太阳能板可以在小型个体体系中运用。因此,也仅需要更少的资本投资。

    Although it is more expensive per kilowatt-hour , solar panels can be deployed in small , modular systems , and thus require much less capital investment .

  26. 表面光伏技术是一种非接触式的表征半导体材料和结构光电特性,分析其光生电荷行为的有效方法。

    The surface photovoltage ( SPV ) technique is an effective contactless method for the characterization of semiconductors and structures , which analyzes the behaviors of photo-generated charges .

  27. 太阳能光伏技术是将太阳能转化为电力的技术,基于此技术孕育出的光伏产业以其绿色能源的显著优势广为各国政府推崇。

    Photovoltaic is a technology which converted solar energy into electricity , based on this technology photovoltaic industry is highly significant advantage of governments with its green energy .

  28. 阐明太阳能光伏技术研究发展的趋势及特点,及光伏电池发展的三个阶段,提出了新型光伏技术即三代太阳能光伏电池的设想。

    The status , trend and the three stages the development for photovoltaic technology are illuminated . Also , the idea of the 3rd generation solar cells are proposed .

  29. 利用表面光伏技术包括稳态和瞬态光伏研究了异质薄膜在可见光区的光生电荷分离和复合过程。

    We have studied the processes of separation and recombination of the photo-generated charges in the heterogeneous films in the visible region by surface photovoltage and transient photovoltage measurements .

  30. 去年,太阳能供电车棚在美国面世了,美国的科学家为新电池和光伏技术制造商提供了一个试验和展示的场所。

    Last year , the solar-powered parking shed was born in America , and American scientists have provided an experimental and demonstrative venue to new batteries and photovoltaic technology manufacturers .