
xiān jué tiáo jiàn
  • prerequisite;precondition;reserve;presupposition
先决条件[xiān jué tiáo jiàn]
  1. 学位是做这级工作必备的先决条件。

    A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level .

  2. 成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。

    Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career .

  3. 良好的培训计划是企业成功的先决条件。

    A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry .

  4. 情绪稳定是保证他在竞争中胜出的先决条件之一。

    His balance is one of the prerequisites that ensure his success in the competition .

  5. 如果三项先决条件得不到满足,他们就拒绝谈判。

    They refused to negotiate unless three preliminary requirements were met .

  6. 掌握资料是科学地思考任何问题的必要的先决条件。

    A command of information is the necessary prerequisite to the scientific consideration of any subject .

  7. 安定有序是社会发展的先决条件。

    Social order and stability is a prerequisite to social development .

  8. 事实上,这是先决条件。

    It is , in fact , the precondition .

  9. 特蕾莎·洛所做的一切证明,一个大农场并不是现代“自给自足”生活方式实现的先决条件。

    What Theresa Loe is doing proves that a large farm isn 't   prerequisite   for a modern grow-your-own lifestyle .

  10. Requirements页面指定客户端的系统先决条件。

    The Requirements page specifies the system prerequisites for the clients .

  11. required属性有助于将一个字段的强制填写作为表单提交的一个先决条件。

    The required attribute facilitates the mandatory population of a field as a precondition to the submission of the form .

  12. 客户端PC软件先决条件

    Client PC Software pre-requisites

  13. 少数先决条件:您可以用尽可能少的对运行的Web应用程序的远程访问和登陆证明来进行测试。

    Very few prerequisites : You can perform tests with as little as remote access to a working Web application , and preferably login credentials .

  14. 研究发现γ中的固溶Nb和游离态B是粒状贝氏体形成的先决条件。而且B含量对获得完全贝氏体转变强化效果有一个临界值。

    Study shows that solid soluble Nb in γ and free B are prerequisites for the formation of granular bainite .

  15. 企业实施ERP的先决条件

    The Preconditions of Implementing ERP

  16. 您可以使用RationalTeamConcert客户端在每个充当先决条件或者后续操作的状态上分配流程顾问。

    You can assign process advisors on each state that act as pre-conditions or follow-up actions using Rational Team Concert client .

  17. Java在运行RDS时是必需的,也是惟一的先决条件。

    Java is required to run RDS and it is the only prerequisite .

  18. 对于AIX镜像,不需要特殊的先决条件。

    For AIX images , no special prerequisites are needed .

  19. 如果您确实满足这些先决条件,就请为Containertransactiontype选择Required或RequiresNew。

    If you do meet the prerequisites , select Required or RequiresNew for the Container transaction type .

  20. 在BOT一系列合同中,特许协议是BOT方式的先决条件与核心问题。

    BOT franchise agreement ranks as the prior condition and core part among the BOT package contracts .

  21. 在这方面达成协议,被视为欧洲央行(ECB)采取更有力干预的先决条件。

    A deal is seen as a prerequisite for the European Central Bank to intervene more forcefully .

  22. 先决条件:创建一个CSR(CertificateSigningRequest)就可从一个可信第3方SSL证书授权中心获取证书。

    Prerequisite : Obtain a certificate from a trusted 3 party SSL certificate authority by creating a CSR ( Certificate Signing Request ) .

  23. 针对此次练习的GPFS先决条件的列表。

    A list of GPFS prerequisites for this exercise .

  24. 本文还解释了进行LPM的先决条件和限制。

    This article also explains prerequisites and limitations while performing LPM activity .

  25. 既然图形和动画的先决条件已经得到满足,那么现在是时候让SnailBait动起来了。

    Now that the graphics and animation prerequisites are out of the way , it 's time to put Snail Bait in motion .

  26. 在开始安装和配置IBMTAMOS之前,系统必须首先满足几个先决条件。

    There are several prerequisite system requirements that must be met before you can begin to install and configure IBM TAMOS .

  27. 目前,对心脏MRI分析研究主要集中在对左心室的运动和形变分析上,因此,准确地提取出心脏MRI中的左心室是进行分析研究的先决条件。

    Currently , this research chiefly focuses on motion and strain analysis of the left ventricle ( LV ) . Consequently , it is principal to precisely extract the LV from cardiac MRI .

  28. 利用一种基于一个变换矩阵的多变量迭代算法,结合先决条件的共扼梯度法求解混合模型方程组使R法的计算效率大为改善。

    By using multivariate iteration algorithm based on a transformation matrix , and combining with the preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve the mixed model equations , the computation efficiency of Method R is much improved .

  29. 本文中的这几个使用XPath与PHP的实用示例可供您实践,但必须假设您已经具备了先决条件中描述的那些条件。

    This article has several working examples using XPath with PHP that you can practice , assuming that you have the prerequisite skills described in Prerequisites .

  30. PET显像技术的发展离不开优质的PET显像剂的研制,而PET用于药物研究的先决条件是标记药物分子的研制。

    The development of PET technology can not be independent of the synthesis of good PET imaging agents , and the precondition of the medicament research for PET is the synthesis of radiolabelled medicament .