
  • 网络charge connector;charging plug;USB;plug;Charging
  1. 电池寿命是大多数移动设备的致命弱点,这意味着我们不少人每天都奔波于充电插头之间。

    Battery life continues to be the Achilles heal of most mobile devices , which means many of us rush between charging sessions all day .

  2. 十月初,美国汽车工程师学会(SAE)宣布,该学会已设计出一种可以适用于一级和二级充电标准的插头。

    In early October the Society of Automotive Engineers ( SAE ) in the United States announced it had designed a plug that would accommodate both Level One and Level Two charging .

  3. 该公司还研制过耳壳(戴在耳朵上增强音效的设备),以及为笔记本电脑充电的太阳能插头。

    Among other products , the company has also been responsible for developing the ear shell ( a sound enhancing device that is attached to the ear ), and a solar plug for charging portable computers .

  4. 该公司还研制过“耳壳”(戴在耳朵上增强音效的设备),以及为笔记本电脑充电的太阳能插头。

    Among other products , the company has also been responsible for developing the " ear shell " ( a " sound enhancing device " that is attached to the ear ) , and a solar plug for charging portable computers .

  5. 充电后将电源插头缩回。单电源220kV多级供电线路继电保护整定策略

    Be sure to store the plug inside the unit after recharging is completed . Relay protection strategy of 220 kV single-source multi-level power supply line

  6. 充电后将电源插头缩回。

    Be sure to store the plug inside the unit after recharging is completed .

  7. 电力设备的充电一般是通过插头和插座的连接来进行的。

    The charge of the electrical equipment is usually provided through charging plugs and socket conducted .

  8. 电源与负载之间必须要有直接的物理连接。电力设备的充电一般是通过插头和插座的连接来进行的。

    Power supply and load must be directly between the physical connections . The charge of the electrical equipment is usually provided through charging plugs and socket conducted .