
  • 网络Sufficient and Necessary Condition;Necessary and sufficient condition;sufficient
  1. 我们首次给出了一个度量空间可以粗嵌入到(?)P空间的充分必要条件。

    We gave a sufficient and necessary condition for coarse embedding into (?) .

  2. 给出n阶方阵A为纯量矩阵的一个充分必要条件。

    This paper give of one sufficient and necessary condition of n-rank square matrix to be a scalar matrix .

  3. B值适应可积序列大数定律的充分必要条件

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for the law of large number of integrable

  4. 最后,证明了码C是环Zp[u]/(um-1)上一个循环码的充分必要条件为它的Gray映射下的像是一个准循环码。

    A necessary and sufficient condition for the Gray image of quasi-cyclic code to be cyclic is given .

  5. 关于PETRI网可重复性的充分必要条件的一个证明

    A proof for the necessary and sufficient condition of repetitiveness of Petri nets

  6. 讨论了Fuzzy函数的析取范式化为最简式的问题,得到了几个充分必要条件。

    This paper deals with the simplification of Fuzzy function from disjunctive normal form to simplest form several sufficient and necessary conditions are displayed .

  7. 研究了(p,q)型加权几何平均不等式,对0几何平均不等式成立的两个充分必要条件的等价性的直接证明。

    A weighted geometric average inequality of type is studied . For , two equivalence conditions of the weighted geometric average inequality of type is proved .

  8. 给出了共轭下降法(简称CD方法)在一种非精确线搜索条件下全局收敛的一个充分必要条件;

    A sufficient and necessary condition for global convergence of the conjugate descent method under a kind of inexact line search condition has been given .

  9. 进一步,做为这一新结论的应用,推导了经典的ARCH(p)模型存在平稳遍历解的充分必要条件。

    Moreover , as an application of the results above , the sufficient and necessary condition for the strict stationarity of the classical ARCH ( p ) model is deduced .

  10. 本文给出了交换酉环R的n阶全阵环Mn(R)构成ZI&环的充分必要条件。

    In this paper , the necessary and sufficient condition that nth-over full matrix ring Mn ( R ) of commutative ring R constitutes a ZI-ring is provided .

  11. 证明了闭的极大线性子空间是强正交可补的充分必要条件是,空间x是自反严格凸的。

    We proved that every closed maximal linear subspace in a Banach space is strongly orthogonally complemented if and only if the space X is reflexive and strictly convex .

  12. 首先根据N杆机构的理论,得到了五杆机构的分类以及五杆机构中两相邻杆的夹角为周转角时的充分必要条件以及五杆机构能够整周转动时的充分必要条件。

    The necessary and sufficient conditions for the input angle to be rotatable angle of N-bar linkages and the rotatability of five-bar are firstly proved according to the theory of N-bar linkages .

  13. Markov积分算子半群的生成元稠定的充分必要条件是q-矩阵Q一致有界;

    We obtain that the generator of the Markov integrated semigroup is densely defined in l_ ∞ if and only if q-matrix Q is uniformly bounded .

  14. 本文提出并证明了连通图G存在Hamilton回路的充分必要条件。

    In this paper the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of a Hamilton circuit in a connected graph G is put forward and proved .

  15. 单步Newmark预测-校正算法无条件稳定的充分必要条件的论证

    On the necessary and sufficient condition for the unconditionally stability of one-step Newmark 's predictor-corrector algorithm

  16. 对于单态的内部表现型平衡点,ESS不再是其稳定的充分必要条件。

    ESS isn 't the necessary and sufficient conditions of the stability of monomorphic interior phenotypic equilibria .

  17. 关于Borel点的充分必要条件

    The necessary and sufficient conditions about Borel point

  18. 给出Orlicz空间超强端点、超端点与次强端点的判别准则和弱中点局部一致凸,(R1)、(R2)、(R3)性质的充分必要条件。

    The criteria of super-strong , super , semi-strong extreme points , weakly middle-point locally uniformly rotundity and ( R1 - ( R3 ) properties in Orlicz spaces are given .

  19. 一类三维时滞Lotka-volterra竞争互惠系统全局稳定的充分必要条件

    Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for Global Stability of a Three Dimensional Lotka-volterra Cooperative or Competition System with Delays

  20. 建立了Lagrange泛函正规、正则的充分必要条件,并给出了构造Lagrange泛函的一些方法。

    The necessary and sufficient conditions for normality and / or regularity of Lagrange functional are obtained , and some methods for constructing Lagrange functional are given .

  21. 对逆极限空间上具有性质P等动力性质的诱导映射与其坐标映射之间关系进行了讨论,证明了诱导映射具有性质P的充分必要条件是每个坐标映射也具有性质P等结论。

    The author discuss the dynamical connections , such as Property P between the induced map and the original maps on inverse limit space and prove that the induced map has Property P if and only if all original maps have also .

  22. 还得到了一个β-范空间包含lβ(β<1)的渐进等距copy的某些充分必要条件.注意:本章所有的β满足β<1。

    We also get some necessary and sufficient conditions for a β - normed space to contain an asymptotically isometric copies of l_ β .

  23. Hamada和Tse(1988)给出了方差为常数,截尾线性回归模型参数MLE存在的充分必要条件。

    Hamada and Tse ( 1988 ) gives a sufficient and necessary condition in constant variances too .

  24. 给出了Orlicz空间中单k点的判据,进而推出了x→K(x)为单值的充分必要条件。

    The criteria of single k point in Orlicz spaces are given , there by the sufficient and necessary condition for x → K ( x ) to be a single-value map is deduced .

  25. 在本文中,我们将证明万的猜测为真,从而得到基数U(R,S)达到魏万迪下界的一个充分必要条件。

    In this paper , we will prove Wan 's guess to be true to obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for | U ( R , S ) | to reach Wei 's lower bound .

  26. 本文将问题转化为Jacobi矩阵特征值反问题,给出由(λ,x),(μ,y),m和/或k构造具有正质量和正刚度的真实物理系统的充分必要条件。

    The problems are transferred into inverse eigenvalue problems for Jacobi matrices . The necessary and sufficient conditions for the construction of a physical realizable system with positive mass and stiffness elements are established .

  27. 本文首先在[1]与[5]的基础上,结合以上(m,n)-树的三个基本特性,给出了判断(m,n)-树的一系列充分必要条件。

    In the paper , on the basis of [ 1 ] and [ 5 ] , by combining the above three basic features , some new necessary and sufficient conditions of ( m , n ) - tree are firstly given .

  28. 得出了Banach空间的超球级数为整函数的充分必要条件,并用新方法证明了Banach空间超球级数的展开定理,推广了前人的结果。

    The necessary and sufficient condition which hyperspherical series on Banach space is entire function is obtained . We also used new method to prove the extended theorem of hyperspherical series .

  29. 本文通过Dirac特征值问题和它的伴随问题的讨论,得到了判断自伴性的一个充分必要条件。

    By virtue of eigenvalue problem and its adjoint problem , we can obtain a sufficient and essential condition to judge the self-adjointness of Dirac eigenvalue problem .

  30. 最后,用偏序集代数KI的代数性质,给出偏序集I是格的充分必要条件。

    Last , a necessary and sufficient condition of a partial ordered set I to be a lattice is given by the algebra properties of KI .