
I recently stumbled across an interview in The Paris Review with Adam Phillips , who was a child psychologist for many years .
Peter Fonagy , a child psychoanalyst and chief executive of the Anna Freud Centre in London , has travelled extensively over several decades and many continents for his career .
Child psychologist Kirsten Cullen Sharma suggests that parents agree in advance on an anger cutoff point for arguments .
We asked child psychologist and University of Chicago researcher Dr. Margaret Beale Spencer to design a pilot study for CNN and analyze the results.Our children are always near us , you know , because we 're a society . And what we put out there , kids report back .
Piaget never thought of himself as a child psychologist .
How Is the Job Outlook for Child Psychologists ?
A child psychologist talks about accidents with children .
Where Does a Child Psychologist Work and What Are Some Typical Job Duties ?
Gesell ( 1880-1961 ) was a famous child psychologist and doctor in American .
Should we be consulting a child psychologist ?
But perhaps it is this thought that is not going down well with the child psychologists .
She was exceeding all her early learning goals , so her family took her see a child psychologist in London .
Child psychologists who study the issue tend to say yes & if parents can manage to argue in a healthy way .
Child psychologists who study the issue tend to say yes -- if parents can manage to argue in a healthy way .
He 's a child psychologist , worked on family policy in the first Bush Administration , and in1994 helped found the National Fatherhood Initiative .
To help ease the fright of " monsters " and unfamiliar sights , child psychologists at Cincinnati Children 's say parents should help their children interpret Halloween as a make-believe situation .
Years later , she told us that the " lesson " she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been frowned upon by child psychologists .
British child psychologists that supported this retraining method also preached that children who used their left hand were simply demonstrating - and developing - a defiant personality that needed to be corrected as soon as possible .
Dr. Chabbria ( Child Psychologist ) : What is happening is that we might be churning out robots who have all the information but actually do not really know how to use that information , and maybe even be getting overconfident kid who cannot see beyond themselves .
The increased awareness of child mental health should also help spur the demand for child psychologists .