- reservoir stratum

In the evaluation of these resources , the existing reservoir stratum with the highest temperature of 150 ℃ has been considered , therefore , it is nearly impossible to occur that the computative resources amount rise .
Application of dcs exponent used in the reservoir physical property evaluation in deep gas well
Carbon / oxygen ( C / O ) log is mainly used in calculating oil saturation of reservoirs so as to determine oil and water layers .
The distribution of reservoir permeability near the wellbore can be determined more exactly by the improved method of ISA ( Inverse Solution Algorithm ) .
Rock thin section analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis show that different sedimentary microfacies have different petrographic properties . The experiment analysis also slows that same charateristics in reservoir sensitivity also exist .
The carbonate rock ( O ) and detrital rock ( C , T ) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes , which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools .
Based on the nonlinear dynamic principle , the paper describes method of Lyapunov exponent in chaos theory . The Lyapunov exponent is computed from seismic section .
During NMR logging measurement , t_2 relaxation spectra are the important parameters , including reservoir physical property information , such as : porosity , movable fluid , oil-bearing saturation .
Reservoirs in this area can be classified into 4 types with FMI and porosity log information : ① network-dissolved fracture reservoir ;
The Himalayan orogeny caused the uplift and erosion of NE Sichuan area , the reservoir temperature fell to less than 120 ℃ and the TSR ended .
Sandstone reservoir of Middle Jurassic in Baka oil field is of lowest permeability , which is fracture and pore , and the average permeability is only 0.3 × 10 - 3 μ m 2 on the ground .
The value Δ t of reservoir displayed by SP curves is read from top to bottom ; and the dispersing or distributing points of formation depth ( H ) versus its corresponding value Δ t are plotted with the depth H as abscissa and common logarithm as ordinate .
Through comprehensive detecting methods , such as rock slice , clay analysis by X-ray diffraction and electronic probe , micro-thermal plate etc. , the composition , structure , lithology and mineral feature , and pore structure characteristics and evolution etc. of non-marine sandstone reservoir inside the basin are investigated .
Combined with ECS ( Elemental Capture Spectroscopy ) logging and other logging technologies , it studies on the lithology identification of the igneous rock . A set of evaluating methods of igneous hydrocarbon reservoir are established .
In this paper , according to the needs of formation damage protection for oil and gas , based on distributed Client / Server computer model , a distributed intelligent application system ( DIAS ) has heen developed . In this system , data and knowledge can be shared .
The porosity varies between 1.0 % - 16.3 % , and the permeability between 0.012 × 10 - 3 - 12 × 10 - 3 ? μ m 2 . In this case , this reservoir is featured by the low porosity and the super_ low permeability .
The natural gas is the dry gas with high content of H_ ( 2 ) S , and mainly comes from the cracking of foregone pool . The high content of H_ ( 2 ) S in gas component is contributed to the thermochemical sulfate reduction .
Carbonate cementation have an obvious impaction on reservoir quality . When carbonate is less than 15 % , porosity in sandstones is over 20 % generally . With carbonate over 15 % , as depth increases 1000m , porosity will decrease about 3 % .
The results show that there is about 10 MPa stress concentration at Kala 2 reservoir structural part , and that there is about 50 MPa that is caused by tectonic stress action in the overpressure of Kala 2 gas pool , and the rest by other over-pressuring mechanisms .
The reservoirs are mainly developed in the datum-rising hemicycles of these sequences as SQ_1 , SQ_2 , SQ_3 , SQ_4 and SQ_5 , and the sequence interfaces of SB_1 , SB_2 , SB_3 , SB_4 and SB_5 may be regarded as the dominant pathways of hydrocarbon lateral migration .
Study and application on reservoir sensitivity of Baimiao gas condensate field
Diagenesis and epigenesis are major factors to control reservoir development .
A new quantitative method to study flow unit of non-marine reservoir
Types and characteristics of deep sandstone reservoirs in Shengli petroleum province
Application of time frequncy analysis method to thin reservoir lateral prediction
Stochastic simulation methods analysis of channel sandstone reservoir . On Sand
Method in the study on synthetical classified evaluating mid-low-permeable sandstone reservoirs
Quantitative analysis method of factors affecting physical properties for sandstone reservoirs
Features of Sha-3 member reservoir of western depression in Liaohe Basin
Application of pattern recognition technique to lateral prediction of hydrocarbon reservoir