
So when you use a puppet , a glove puppet , they know it 's a puppet and yet at the same time for them it 's alive !
When the second H atom is adsorbed at the even site , the tube keeps its conductive characteristic , while the transfer ability of this tube is weaker for the case at odd site .
The article deals with some chief equations of elliptical horn in eH_ ( 11 ) - mode . The authors calculate the directional characteristics of the horn nd make out their curves , thus obtaining some good results .
The exact solution to q - deformed Jaynes - Cummings model in the case of resonance is derived . The collapse - revival effect of the atomic inversion and the dynamics of q - deformed field are also discussed .
Coefficient of friction of two kinds of UHMWPE composites are close , and is greater than pure UHMWPE , especially with the load increasing and the roughness is increasing .
Study on Tribological Behavior of Human Enamel Sliding against Various Counterparts under Lubrication of Artificial Saliva
As the results , the two kind frictional materials in sliding against cast iron counterpart show signs of adhesion wear and plastic deformation .
Sloshing in the workplace even when he was a six-year study in the United States start to get a green card to come back and see the returnees , the positions : Assistant General Manager .
The influence of double layer for scalar potential , the double layer universal solutions of scalar potential and the only theorem of boundary value problem are discussed .