
tínɡ ɡōnɡ shí jiān
  • Downtime;lay off
  1. 以部件1故障次数N为策略,证明存在最优N使修理设备经长期运行单位时间内平均停工时间最长,并通过数值例子验证最优策略的存在性。

    We prove that the existence of the optimal N is to make the long-run expected downtime for repair equipment per unit time the longest .

  2. 分别以系统中部件1故障次数N,工作时间T和(N,T)为维修策略,求出修理设备经长期运行单位时间内平均停工时间表达式。

    Three kinds of maintenance policies are considered based on the failure number N for the component 1 , the working ageT and ( N , T ) . the explicit expressions of the long-run expected downtime for repair equipment per unit time on each maintenance policy are derived .

  3. 停工时间的会计处理暂停工作,休息一下

    Contractor 's entitlement to suspension of work accounting for idle time

  4. 优化重整催化剂处理过程缩短开停工时间

    Optimize Treatment Process of Reforming Catalyst to Shorten Startup and Shutdown Periods

  5. 全神贯注等待停工时间到来的工人。

    A worker preoccupied with the arrival of quitting time .

  6. 一个高质量空气压缩物将维护和停工时间减到最少。

    A high quality air compressor minimizes maintenance and downtime .

  7. 1957美国杜邦公司把这种方法应用于设备维修,把维修停工时间由125小时锐减为7小时;

    In 1957 Dupont Company of America had applied the method to equipment maintenance .

  8. 即插即用功能缩短机器停工时间

    Plug and Play Helps to Minimize Machine Downtime

  9. 停工时间的会计处理

    Accounting for idle time

  10. 用户可以享受无轴驱动控制所带来的好处,包括增加的灵活性,改良了动力传输,减少了停工时间。

    Users can enjoy the benefits of shaftless drive control , including increased flexibility , improved power transmission and reduced downtime .

  11. 卡纳瓦罗是意大利国家队队长,当他们敲澳大利亚在2006年德国世界杯的一个有争议的停工时间损失。

    Cannavaro was captain of Italy when they knocked Australia out of the2006 World Cup in Germany with a controversial stoppage-time penalty .

  12. 涂钨热电偶保护钼套不受恶劣的石墨环境的影响,明显提高热电偶的使用寿命,降低维护成本及停工时间。

    Tungsten-coated thermocouples protect the molybdenum sheath from the harsh graphite environment , dramatically increasing thermocouple life and decreasing maintenance costs and down time .

  13. 一旦发现滚珠丝杠副出现问题,再向国外厂家订购,会大大增加数控加工企业的停工时间。这也将很大降低数控加工企业的经济效益。

    Once the ball screw appears problems , then order the products , it will increase the downtime of CNC enterprise and reduce the benefits of CNC enterprise .

  14. 同轴串联逆流两段再生工艺适应性较强、操作弹性较大、抗事故能力较强、消耗指标较低,但在催化剂置换率和开停工时间方面又相对处于劣势。

    It is pointed out that the two-stage regeneration with co-axial counter flow in series has the characteristics of better adaptability and operation flexibility , strong accident resistance and low energy consumption .

  15. 在系统中有一个维修工时,利用广义转移概率,确定该系统的状态转移率,求出了该系统的可靠度、平均停工时间等可靠性指标。

    The system has one repairable man , by using the generalized transition probability , the state transition probabilities in the system are derived , and then we obtain some reliability indices such as the system availability and the system average working time .

  16. 我是一个忙人,没有那么多可以停工的时间。

    I 'm a busy guy , and can 't afford that kind of downtime .

  17. 上周我们的工作日志上记录有多少停工的时间?

    To check out formally at a job upon departure . How much downtime did we log last week ?