
tíng kān
  • discontinue;stop publication;stop publication of
停刊 [tíng kān]
  • [discontinue;stop publication of] 报刊停止刊行、不再继续办下去了

  • 该杂志将在出完下一期之后停刊

停刊[tíng kān]
  1. 像《东京时报》之类的一些有名望的日报已经停刊了。

    Venerable dailies such as the Tokyo Times have shut down .

  2. 这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。

    The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the government

  3. 阿拉斯加的周报《苔原时报》本周停刊了。

    The Tundra Times , a weekly newspaper in Alaska , ceased publication this week .

  4. 最近受电话窃听丑闻困扰的《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被停刊,但是丑闻却愈演愈烈。

    And the phone-hacking scandal surrounding the recently-shuttered news of the world grows more complicated by the minute .

  5. 发出这封邮件的一天前,《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)出版了停刊前的最后一期。

    The email was also sent a day after the News of the World published its final edition .

  6. 丹佛的《落基山新闻报》于本月早些时候停刊,因为其所属的E。

    The Rocky Mountain News in Denver closed earlier this month after its owner , E.

  7. 默多克指出,《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)在他的帝国中只占很小一部分这份拥有168年历史的报纸现已停刊,以前一直是最畅销和赚钱的周日小报。

    Rupert Murdoch pointed out that the news of the world , the best-selling and profitable Sunday tabloid , now closed after 168 years , is but a small fragment of his empire .

  8. 如何削减加入WTO影印刊停刊后带来的负面影响,以及如何处理好电子型期刊与印刷型期刊之间的关系等提出了解决策略。

    How to reduce the negative impacts since our country entered WTO ? How to deal with the connections of E-periodicals and traditional periodicals ? Therefore , this paper gives some countermeasures .

  9. 尽管男士购物杂志Cargo和Vitals于近日停刊,但女士的杂志目录还在持续扩展,Lucky、ShopEtc和规模较小的Ned和Shell的发行量都在继续增加。

    Though men 's shopping magazines Cargo and Vitals recently folded , the women 's magalogues continue to expand , with Lucky , Shop Etc and the smaller Ned and Shell continuing to add circulation .

  10. 已经停刊的美国摄影杂志&现代摄影杂志测试表明50/2DRSummicron镜头在所有测试过的镜头中具有最高的分辨率。

    The50 / 2 Duel Range Summicron had the highest tested resolution of any lens ever tested by the great and sadly departed American photography magazine , Modern Photography .

  11. 据知情人透露,默多克的世界新闻集团向米莉多乐的家人提供了数百万英镑的赔偿,以解决窃听丑闻。窃听事件导致英国《世界新闻报》停刊以及其首席执行官RebekahBrooks辞职。

    Milly Dowler 's family have been offered a multimillion-pound settlement offer by Rupert Murdoch 's News International , in an attempt to settle the phone-hacking case that led to closure of the News of the World and the resignation of the company 's chief executive , Rebekah Brooks .

  12. 停刊十二年后于1979年10月正式复刊,一直至今。

    In October 1979 , it was resumed publication until today .

  13. 其停刊则具有政治和经济两方面的原因,在本文中也进行了考证。

    The newspaper ceased publication has both political and economic factors .

  14. 最终得罪了汪精卫,在1934年7月23日被永久停刊。

    It was stopped publication permanently on July 23 , 1934 .

  15. 废弃了的模特;停刊了的杂志;中断了的谈话。

    Discontinued models ; a discontinued magazine ; a discontinued conversation .

  16. 该杂志被暂时停刊,其主编也被免职。

    The magazine was temporarily closed and its editor fired .

  17. 最后,来说说《世界新闻报》停刊的事情。

    Finally , there is the closure of the news of the world .

  18. 在他去世之后,他心爱的论坛报作为他希望永存的一块丰碑一直耸立着,一直没有停刊。

    His beloved Tribune lived on after him as the monument he wanted .

  19. 自1955年以来已经停刊的全国性报纸有九家之多。

    Since 1955 no less than nine national newspapers have bitten the dust .

  20. 发行量大跌,那份杂志只得停刊。

    Circulation slumped and the magazine closed .

  21. 他们规定了一个期限,勒令那份报纸到期停刊。

    They clamped down a deadline after which the newspaper was not to be published .

  22. 他尤其钟爱的是1971年的停刊号,

    He was particularly taken by the final issue , which came out in 1971 ,

  23. 这家小型报纸,一度是英国销售量最大的星期日周报。在本月停刊关闭。

    The tabloid , once Britain 's top-selling Sunday paper , was closed earlier this month .

  24. 罢工发生的当天就使主要的全国性报纸和若干地方报停刊了。

    The strike blacked out the main national newspapers and some local newspapers the day it took place .

  25. 《利已主义者》是从1914年直到1919年停刊为止的伦郭一家双周评论的刊名。

    " The egoist " is the title from 1914 until its demise in 1919 of a London fortnightly review .

  26. 《河南商报》被停刊一个月,马被迫提前退休,范也被申诉,矿难的死亡人数就再也无人敢报道了。

    The newspaper was suspended for a month , Ma was forced to retire and Fan was reprimanded , Ma said .

  27. 报纸还未开始大规模停刊,但这只是时间问题。

    Newspapers have not yet started to shut down in large numbers , but it is only a matter of time .

  28. 2006年至2008年间,国内的许多漫画杂志,如《北京卡通》和《卡通王》,纷纷停刊。

    From 2006 to 2008 , many domestic manga magazines , like Beijing Cartoon and Cartoon King , went out of print .

  29. 亚利桑那州甘尼特公司旗下的《图森市民报》将于本周六停刊,这样一来该市将仅存一份报纸。

    In Arizona , Gannett Co 's Tucson Citizen is set to close on Saturday , leaving one newspaper in that city .

  30. 《世界新闻报》是每周日出版的小报,曾窃听一位被谋杀的少女的语音邮件,此事泄露之后,新闻集团在去年7月将该报停刊。

    The Sunday tabloid News Corp closed last July , after revelations that it had hacked the voicemail of a murdered teenage girl .