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piān pō
  • biased;partial
偏颇 [piān pō]
  • [biased;partial] 不公平;偏袒

  • 内偏颇于妻子,外僭惑于知友。--王符《潜夫论》

偏颇[piān pō]
  1. 然而,这一研究可能有失偏颇,因为健康状况不佳常常会让老年人更具依赖性,从而增多与家人的联系。

    This research may be biased , however , as ill health often makes older people more dependent and thereby increases contact with family members .

  2. 本文从业务风险的角度入手研究我国企业的财务控制,以Z电网公司为对象未能考察更多的中国企业实施状况,研究结论难免有失偏颇。

    From the start of business risk point of view of the financial control to Z grid companies targeting more Chinese enterprises failed to examine the status of implementation , the conclusions will inevitably biased .

  3. 但就此得出Twitter不思进取显然有失偏颇。

    This is apparently not for lack of trying .

  4. 我说可能有些偏颇,但麦克斯,你是个“A”级姑娘。而他感觉只是个“B”级男。是“B-”。

    Maybe I 'm partial , but Max , You 're an " A. " He kind of seems like a " B. " Minus .

  5. 即使是被视为传统出版业金科玉律的《大英百科全书》(encyclopaediabritannica),对世界的看法也会有失偏颇。

    Even theencyclopaedia Britannica , the supposed gold standard in traditional publishing contains a partial view of the world .

  6. 第一,引起M2与GDP背离的影响因素很多,本文仅考察了其中以证券市场为内容的虚拟经济因素,难免有失偏颇。

    First , the causes for deviation of M2 and GDP are not only , there are many factors . So this dissertation examines only the securities market as fictitious economy factor is an unbalanced view .

  7. 当前MCAI课件越来越受到人们的青睐,但对于MCAI课件的认识定位却存在着一些偏颇,使得MCAI的作用并没有得到充分的发挥。

    Now MCAI coursework is being favored by many people , but with some biases to the understanding of it , it cannot be made full use of .

  8. PMS患者存在体质偏颇。气郁质、血瘀质个体更容易得经前期综合征,阴虚质、平和质、特秉质个体更不容易得经前期综合征。

    The Qi-depression type and the blood stasis type are more likely to get PMS , however , the Yin-deficiency type , gentleness type and special diathesis type are more not easily to get PMS . 6 .

  9. 通过国内外电信运营商在客户关系管理(CRM)系统建设和改革上的实践,从管理角度指出运营商对CRM认识的偏颇,初步探讨了客户体验管理(CEM)在电信行业中的实施问题。

    In combination with the experience on the client relationship management construction and reform of telecom operators home and abroad , the operators ' deviation on the client relationship management is pointed out , the implementation of the client experience management in telecommunications industry is discussed .

  10. 板料的成形极限图(FLD)一般是在线性加载(简单加载)和近似线性加载的条件下得到的,因此用这个准则去分析复杂加载路径下板料成形成败的有效性就有显偏颇。

    The strain-based forming limit diagram is generally obtained on the linear ( proportional ) or near linear loading condition . So it often leads to erroneous assessments on the analysis of blank sheet formability under complex strain paths by the FLD criterion .

  11. 你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇?

    In what respect do you think the film is biased ?

  12. 在美国以外其他国家的人看来,这种历史观或许有失偏颇、令人反感。

    Some non-Americans might find this vision of history objectionably slanted .

  13. 这种肤浅的概括实在是有失偏颇。

    And , like lots of generalisations , it was too simple .

  14. 由此看来,我们固有的评价观念存在着某种急待校正的偏颇。

    Consequently , our stereotyped appraisal bears some impartiality to be rectified .

  15. 笔者认为,这两种观点都有失偏颇。

    The author believed that both of these two viewpoints are prejudicial .

  16. 体质出现偏颇变化,以平和质阴虚质、气虚质倾向所占比例最大。

    Changes of constitution deficiency of quality tend to the largest proportion .

  17. 然而,这些研究也在不同层面上存在着偏颇和不足之处。

    However , there are some biases and shortages of these researches .

  18. 而且哈耶克把计划仅仅理解为指令性计划,也有失偏颇。

    But the plan only understand for hayek mandatory plans , biased .

  19. 二者以其各自的理由和偏颇完成了对构建生命美的历史思考。

    They accomplished their historical reflections in their respective reason and limitation .

  20. 这些功能的加强使过去的传统的,有失偏颇的认识得到立法上的纠正。

    The strengthening of these roles correct the past traditional and partial understanding .

  21. 最大摆角的选择应将这些因素综合起来分析,否则将有失偏颇。

    It is necessary to analyze these factors synthetically .

  22. 在这种情况下,对宗教政策的研究往往也失之偏颇。

    On this condition , the research in religious policy is often imbalance .

  23. 同时简要指出其不足和偏颇之处。

    Meanwhile , its defects are pointed out briefly .

  24. 这位作者失于偏颇,且描述不实。

    The writer is guilty of bias and inaccuracy .

  25. 怀疑的态度正是确认偏颇的解药。

    Skepticism is the antidote for the confirmation bias .

  26. 在我看来,两方面的观点都有失偏颇。

    In my opinion , both views are lop-sided .

  27. 但笔者认为这种说法有失偏颇。

    But I believe that this view is biased .

  28. 两种看法都失之偏颇。

    Both of these two views are biased evaluation .

  29. 试题偏颇性有损于语言测试的效度和公平性。

    Item bias is detrimental to the validity and fairness of language tests .

  30. 这两种观点对于私募基金的认识都失之偏颇。

    The two viewpoints regarding understanding of the private-raised fund are too biased .