
  • 网络preference relation;preference relationship;preference
  1. 基于模糊偏好关系的高速公路BOT融资模式风险评价

    Risk assessment of BOT highway financing mode based on fuzzy preference relations

  2. 在AHP中,决策者用判断矩阵(即:乘性偏好关系)来表达他们的偏好。

    In the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), the decision makers express their preferences using judgement matrices ( i.e. , multiplicative preference relations ) .

  3. 基于Fuzzy偏好关系的一种方案排序方法

    A Ranking Method for Alternatives Based on Fuzzy Preference Relation

  4. 基于模糊偏好关系及OWA算子的多准则群决策方法

    Multi-criteria group decision-making based on fuzzy preference relation and OWA operator

  5. 运用偏好关系对TOPSIS法进行改进,提出了一种多基准逐步变权的TOPSISI法;

    TOPSIS method was improved by the preference " A ", and we created a TOPSIS method with a stepwise variable weight and multi-datum .

  6. 偏好关系的对偶性(英文)偏好与效用是联系在一起的。

    Duality of preference relations Preference is linked to utility .

  7. 建立了基本二元关系以及偏好关系的对偶理论。

    This paper establishes the duality theory of preference relations .

  8. 基于语言偏好关系多目标群组决策的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Multi-Objective Group Decision-Making Based on Linguistic Preference Relations

  9. 引入并讨论了二元关系之间的基本性质以及偏好关系之间的一些性质的对偶性。

    Dualities of basic relation properties and preference relations are introduced and discussed .

  10. 一般经济均衡模型中的偏前序及无序偏好关系

    The General Economics with Partial Preorder or Non-ordered Peferences

  11. 基于偏好关系的不完全信息变精度粗集方法

    Approach for Variable Precision Rough Set Based on Preference Relation with Incomplete Information

  12. 偏好关系粗近似的一种新方法

    A Novel Method of Rough Approximation of Preference Relation

  13. 基于获得的排序向量,利用一致性比例对模糊偏好关系进行一致性检验。

    We utilize the consistency ratio to check the consistency of fuzzy preference relation .

  14. 宏观经济政策与管理者风险偏好关系实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Relation between Economic Policies and Managers ' Risk Preference

  15. 给出字典序偏好关系的定义并对其性质进行研究。

    This paper gives the definition of preference relation with dictionary array and researches its characters .

  16. 所以研究随机合作对策的意义深刻。在随机合作对策中,由于偏好关系的选择不同,构造了随机合作对策的不同形式的解。

    In the stochastic cooperative games , because the interest is different , different solutions are constructed .

  17. 格序偏好关系及其偏好结构研究

    Lattice-ordered preference and preference structure

  18. 结构与建筑物的关系审计师行为选择与其独立性偏好关系分析

    Relation of structure and building The Relation between Choice Behavior Structure and the Preference for Auditor Independence

  19. 针对模糊偏好关系矩阵本身是否一致,使得原矩阵渐进逼近目标矩阵的问题,提出了群决策中模糊偏好关系矩阵一致性调整的新方法。

    A new method for consistency adjustment of fuzzy preference relations matrix in Group Decision is proposed .

  20. 模糊多准则群决策问题一般包含两个阶段:个人偏好关系的集结和在所集结的偏好关系上方案的选取。

    The fuzzy multicriteria group decision-making follows two steps before to achieve a final decision : aggregation and exploitation .

  21. 鉴于知识整合能力的模糊性和复杂性,论文采用模糊一致偏好关系对知识整合能力进行评价。

    It presents Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations to evaluate knowledge integration capability in the light of fuzziness and complexity of knowledge .

  22. 对于每一分类,首先通过训练集和偏好关系,建立一类二次偏好聚合函数的多准则分类优化模型;

    For each class , the first step was to build the multi-criteria classification optimization model through reference set and preference relationship .

  23. 以语言偏好关系的残缺判断矩阵群体评价问题为背景,提出了一个改进的群体评价方法。

    For problems in the form of incomplete judgement matrix with linguistic preference information , an improved group evaluation method is proposed .

  24. 在方案集上构造格集A~n,建立了一个多基准的没有统一度量标准的偏好关系;

    On projects ' sets lattice An was constructed , and a preference " A " with multi-datum and nonuniform measurement was created .

  25. 为此,我们引入语言偏好关系,决策者将以一种非常自然的方式表达对方案的偏好。

    Therefore , we introduce the Linguistic Preference Relations . decision-makers will be a very natural way to express the preferences of options . 2 .

  26. 在群体决策中,基于偏好关系的一致性度量一般包括两个问题:个体偏好关系的一致性和群体共识。

    For consensus models of group decision making using preference relations , the consistency measure includes two subproblems : individual consistency measure and consensus measure .

  27. 在模糊偏好关系的基础上建立选择函数,其困难在于难以确定模糊偏好关系的传递性。

    A choice function is made on the basis of fuzzy relations of preference . It is difficult to get transitivity properties of fuzzy preferences .

  28. 第一部分,对具有生产的纯交易经济模型,假设消费者的偏好关系是偏前序关系,即偏好关系只满足自反性和传递性,不具备完备性。

    In the first part , we supposed that the preferences were partial preorder relations , namely , the preferences were reflexive , transitive and incomplete .

  29. 研究了决策信息以模糊偏好关系给出的有限方案决策问题,提出了一种简洁且实用的模糊偏好关系排序方法。

    We investigate the decision-making problem with a finite set of alternatives , in which the decision information takes the form of a fuzzy preference relation .

  30. 如何定义模糊偏好关系,并在此基础上形成群体的模糊偏好关系,就成为解决模糊多准则群决策的关键。

    How to define the fuzzy preference relation aad aggregation these relations to get the objective preference relation becomes the key to solve these decision-making problems .