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  • 网络Pseudobulb;false bulb;Pscudobulb
  1. 由此可见,钾元素在四个时期叶片与假鳞茎内的含量均有极显著相关,因此在研究大花蕙兰钾元素含量时可以只采叶片作为研究对象。

    This shows that the potassium elements in the leaves and four times the content of pseudobulb were significantly related , so the study Cymbidium elements in potassium can only leaves as a mining study .

  2. 而其余元素的含量由于时期的不同相关性也不同,这说明在研究大花蕙兰其余营养元素含量时,只采叶片或假鳞茎作为研究对象的想法不可行,只能采用整株式采样法。

    And the remaining elements in the period due to the different relevance are also different , in that study Cymbidium remaining nutrient content , only mining leaves or pseudobulb study the idea as impractical and can only use whole-sampling method . 4 .

  3. 处理18d时,35/30℃处理条件下,新叶中可溶性糖含量明显高于其它两个处理,假鳞茎中可溶性糖含量则低于其它两个处理。

    After 18 days of treatment , under the treatment of 35 / 30 ℃, the soluble sugar content was higher in the new leaves but lower in new pseudobulbs in comparison with other two treatments .

  4. 种苗繁殖技术研究内容为老化假鳞茎培养法与无菌播种繁殖体系的建立。

    Propagation technique research included the aging false bulb culture and establishment of propagation system of aseptic seeding .

  5. 大葱、洋葱远缘杂交F1代不同生长期内,假茎/鳞茎中主要营养物质含量及变化趋势与亲本存在差别。

    Welsh onion and onion interspecific hybridization F1 plants in different growth period , cauloid / bulb in the main nutrient content and trend were different with their parents .