
  • 网络crisis;debt crisis;Europe in crisis;debtcrisis
  1. 经济差距正是欧洲债务危机的核心所在。

    These differences are at the heart of europe 's debt crisis .

  2. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  3. 如果现在的低通胀长期持续下去,最终将可能让欧洲重新陷入债务危机。

    Example : If the current lowflation goes on for long time , it could ultimately throw Europe back into a debt crisis .

  4. 希腊债务危机的最后走向现在掌握在全体希腊人民的手中,希腊政府宣布将于7月5日举行公投来决定债务解决条款。

    The outcome of Greece 's debt crisis now rests in the hands of its people after Greece announced it would hold a referendum on 5 July on the terms of its debts .

  5. 德国和法国这两个欧元区最大的经济体借债额最高,不过,斯洛文尼亚和西班牙这种经济实力不太强的国家可能会在希腊债务危机中受损更多。

    The Eurozone 's largest economies , Germany and France , are owed the most but countries with smaller or less robust economies , such as Slovenia and Spain , would likely suffer more .

  6. 上个月,中国和印度向国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)做出了相当大规模的出资承诺,以便帮助应对欧元区债务危机。

    Last month , China and India made sizable funding commitments to the International Monetary Fund to help counter the euro-zone debt crisis .

  7. 新兴国家已经怀疑欧元区将imf用作应对自身主权债务危机的“储蓄罐”。

    The emerging world already suspected the eurozone of using the IMF as a piggy bank for its own sovereign debt crisis .

  8. 为履行其职责,IMF需要能够应对在某个大型经济体爆发的主权债务危机。

    To do its job , the Fund needs to be able to address a sovereign debt crisis in a large economy .

  9. wto表示,贸易放缓集中在发达经济体,尤其是欧洲,似乎表明与欧元区主权债务危机有关。

    The WTO said the slowdown in trade was concentrated in the advanced economies , particularly Europe , suggesting that it was related to the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone .

  10. 本文第二部分从实证角度出发,以IMF在2010年希腊债务危机中的表现为切入点,对IMF贷款条件性的实体条件&贷款条件进行了深入的探讨。

    In the second part , seeing from empirical point of view and seeing from the expression of IMF in the 2010 Greece sovereign debt crisis .

  11. 雅典的政客们争论不休,有可能使欧洲债务危机升级,对希腊、欧盟(EU)乃至世界经济整体产生严重后果。

    Squabbling by rival politicians in Athens threatens to escalate the European debt crisis , with grave consequences for Greece , the European Union and the world economy as a whole .

  12. IMF内部的政策制定机构承诺,欧元区国家将采取一切必要措施解决欧元区主权债务危机。

    The body that sets policy at the International Monetary Fund promised that eurozone countries would do whatever is necessary to resolve the euro-area sovereign debt crisis .

  13. 由于投资者继续担忧欧元区债务危机,法国的信贷违约互换(cds)价格升至创纪录高位。

    French credit default swap prices , a form of investor protection , rose to a record high as investors continued to fret over the eurozone debt crisis .

  14. 拉加德就任时面临巨大的挑战,IMF需要确保希腊债务危机不要扩散到其他脆弱的经济体。

    Mrs Lagarde takes over at a time of formidable challenges with the IMF needing to make sure that the Greek debt crisis doesn 't spread to other vulnerable economies .

  15. 在重申德国应对这场债务危机行动能力有限的同时,默克尔还一口气列出了其他国家(包括美国和英国)提出的进行金融大改革(bigbang)式解决方案的不可接受要求。

    In a restatement of the limits to German action in tackling the debt crisis , she reeled off a list of unacceptable demands from other countries including the US and UK for " Big Bang " solutions .

  16. 欧元区国家政府正推动达成一项协议,拟向国际货币基金组织(IMF)提供约1500亿欧元贷款,这将让IMF在帮助解决欧元区债务危机方面得到更大火力。

    Eurozone authorities are pushing for a deal to lend about € 150bn to the International Monetary Fund , a boost that would give it more firepower to help with the eurozone debt crisis .

  17. 欧洲央行(ECB)入市干预扶持欧元区债券市场。此前欧洲政治领导人和银行家们均警告称,债务危机正在深化,葡萄牙正日益落到需要接受国际纾困的田地。

    The European Central Bank intervened to prop up eurozone bond markets as political leaders and bankers warned that the debt crisis was deepening amid fears Portugal was edging closer to an international bail-out .

  18. 新兴市场国家正致力于快速筹措资金,增强国际货币基金组织(imf)的有效火力,以期提升该机构在应对欧元区主权债务危机方面的作用。

    Emerging market countries are working on ways to contribute money rapidly to expand the effective firepower of the International Monetary Fund , with the aim of increasing its role in fighting the eurozone sovereign debt crisis .

  19. 欧盟(EU)将在本周末举行又一场拯救欧元的峰会。这一次,德国和法国宣称,它们已经达成了一项协议,该协议将说服投资者相信,两国正在认真应对债务危机。

    The European Union is having yet another summit to save the euro at the weekend . This time Germany and France claim to have agreed a deal that will convince investors that they are getting to grips with the debt crisis .

  20. OPEC(石油输出国组织)成员国所组织的石油锐减,国际债务危机的发展以及国际储蓄与投资流向的转移,冲击了银行资产的安全性和流动性。

    The oil from the OPEC ( Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ) decreased sharply . The crisis of international debt appeared and the international savings and investment shifted to different places .

  21. 德国和法国排除把发行欧元债券(eurobond)作为欧元区债务危机的解决方案,尽管在德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)和法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)本周二在巴黎会晤前,两国面临新的压力。

    Germany and France are ruling out eurobonds as a solution to the eurozone debt crisis , despite renewed pressure before a meeting between chancellor Angela Merkel and president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Tuesday .

  22. 该方案在5月份欧元区债务危机最危急的时刻启动,在德国引起了争议,德国央行行长埃克塞尔韦伯(axelweber)警告,该方案有引发通货膨胀的风险。

    Launched in May at the height of the eurozone debt crisis , the programme is controversial in Germany , where Axel Weber , Bundesbank president , warned it risks igniting inflation .

  23. 中国股市周一大幅下跌,基准的上证综指创5个月新低,此前花旗集团(Citigroup)基于欧元区债务危机对中国出口的影响,下调了中国增长预测。

    Stocks in China fell sharply on Monday , leaving the main Shanghai index at a five-month low , after Citigroup lowered its growth forecast for the country because of the impact on exports of the eurozone debt crisis .

  24. 因此,当费力克斯罗哈廷(FelixRohatyn)等人在上世纪70年代就应对纽约债务危机达成一项解决方案时,他得到了企业的支持。

    Thus , when men such as Felix Rohatyn were organising a solution to the New York debt crisis in the 1970s , he garnered company support .

  25. 它是英语单词“Greek”希腊和“exit”退出的合成词。希腊最终是否退出欧元区仍然是一个紧迫的问题,这个词让人们记住2015年上半年希腊的主权债务危机的严重程度。

    A combination of the English word for " Greek " and " exit , " it reminded people of the severity of Greece 's sovereign debt crisis during the first half of 2015 , as whether the country would exit the eurozone remained a pressing question then .

  26. imf指出,由出口拉动型增长转向内需驱动型增长,将帮助德国减少其“庞大的经常项目盈余”,这将有助于德国在带领欧元区走出债务危机方面扮演“关键性角色”。

    According to the IMF , a shift from export-led to domestic-driven growth would see Germany reduce its " high current account surplus " , which would also contribute to Germany playing " a pivotal role " in heaving the eurozone out of its debt crisis .

  27. 此外,各国央行再度采取了一些紧急流动性措施,以防止欧洲主权债务危机动摇银行业体系,欧洲央行(ecb)更是祭出了在危机最严重时都不曾考虑过的非常举措。

    Central banks have also reintroduced some of their emergency liquidity measures to prevent the European sovereign debt crisis undermining the banking system , and the European Central Bank has resorted to unorthodox measures that were not contemplated at the height of the crisis .

  28. 逝于1996年的美国经济学家海曼·明斯基(HymanMinsky)认为债务危机是资本主义制度所固有的,且危机具有周期性,这种说法自96年来接受面越来越广。

    Hyman Minsky , an American economist who has become more fashionable since his death in1996 , argued that these debt crises were both inherent in the capitalist system and cyclical .

  29. 上述知情人士表示,新华人寿原计划在10月底之前完成ipo,但由于欧美债务危机不断升级,全球市场应声暴跌,新华人寿的上市可能要推迟到形势恢复平静。

    The company originally planned to finish the IPO before the end of October but , with global markets plummeting in reaction to escalating debt crises in Europe and the US , the listing may have to be delayed until things have settled down , these people said .

  30. APEC领导人会议在俄罗斯远东区的符拉迪沃斯托克举行,此时欧洲领导人正在想方设法遏制主权债务危机。该危机不仅影响到欧洲地区的经济增长,还引发人们对更广泛的全球经济放缓的担忧。

    The meeting of APEC leaders was held in Vladivostok in Russia 's far east , as European leaders grapple with ways to contain a sovereign-debt crisis which has eaten into economic growth in that region and sparked concern about a broader global slowdown .