
jiè dài zī běn
  • loan capital;interest-bearing capital
  1. 或指该公司所发行任何可赎回借贷资本的债权人。

    Or in respect of any redeemable loan capital issued by the company .

  2. 社会主义制度下的借贷资本研究

    Study on the Loan Capital of Socialization System

  3. 管理层收购(MBO)是目标公司管理层利用借贷资本收购,进而控制,重组目标公司,获取预期收益的一种特殊形式的杠杆收购。

    Management Buy-outs is abbreviated to MBO . Through employing capital by loan , and in order to get expected profit from controlling or even reforming the Goal Company , MBO was carried as a especial type of LBO ( Leveraged Buy-outs ) by the manager of the Goal Company .

  4. 除劳动力以外借贷资本也是一种特殊商品;

    Besides labor credit capital is also a special goods .

  5. 马克思论借贷资本与利息

    Research on Mark 's Credit Capital and Interest Theory

  6. 提高借贷资本效率综论

    On Increasing Credit Capital Efficiency

  7. 我国借贷资本效率不断下降,金融机构贷款和货币供应量大幅度增加。

    Credit capital efficiency has declined continuously and loan of financial institution and money supply has extended greatly in China .

  8. 其次,文章还介绍了债转股的基本理论,如将债转股与可转换公司债、以债权出资、借贷资本等相似法律概念作了比较。

    In addition , Secondly , this article compares Debt-to-Equity Swap with convertible debts , investing debt and capital on loan .

  9. 通过对社会主义制度下的借贷资本分析,看借贷资本的效能。

    By the analysis and research of the loan capital of Socialization system , efficiency of the loan capital was also described .

  10. 它在解决银行借贷资本不足,利率期限结构不匹配等方面表现的尤为突出。

    It is particularly prominent in the settlement of bank loans , inadequate capital and the unmatchable term structure of interest rates .

  11. 目前,我国高校负债已成为一种比较普遍的经营现象,其主要形式是银行借贷资本。

    At present , it is quite common for the universities to get into debts . The main method is to loan from the banks .

  12. 斯密、威廉·配第和约翰·洛克等的早期利率理论认为,利率是由借贷资本的供求所决定的。

    Early interest rate theory of Adam Smith , William Pitt and John Lock hold that interest rate is determined by the supply and demand of the credit capital .

  13. 在社会主义条件下,信用是借贷资本的运动形式,是国家组织管理国民经济主要杠杆之一。

    Under the socialist conditions credit is the moving form of borrowing capital ; and one of the major leverages of the organizing and managing economy of a nation .

  14. 英国商业银行实际上处于一种垄断地位,它们为产业提供借贷资本,而这些产业则创造出维持国家运行的财富和就业机会。

    The UK high street banks are in effect an oligopoly that provides the loan capital to industry that in turn creates the wealth and jobs that keep the country going .

  15. 在私人资本的融资渠道上,借贷资本所占的比重急剧下降,以国际证券投资方式为代表的国际间接融资在规模上超过了国际直接投资,国际资本流动呈现出证券化的趋势。

    On private capital financing channel , the proportion of foreign loan is falling sharply , international portfolio investment has surpassed the international direct investment in the scale , the international capital flows shows the trend of securitization .

  16. 我方持有的股份或者借贷资本并未上市或者在其他股票交易场所交易,我方也不会在近期安排或者提议安排该等股份或者资本上市或者获得批准交易。

    No part of our share or loan capital is listed on or dealt in on any other stock exchange and no such listing or permission to deal is being or proposed to be sought in the near future .

  17. 在相对健康的经济环境里,低债券收益率通常会刺激企业投资,其中金边债券就是我们熟知的英国债券,它的收益率,就是长期商业借贷资本的基准。

    In a healthier economy , low bond yields would normally be a catalyst for investment by companies , as yields on gilts , as British government bonds are known , are a benchmark for the cost of long-term commercial borrowing .

  18. 教育借贷、人力资本积累与工作找寻

    Educational Loan , Human Capital Accumulation and Job Searching

  19. 所以你们得借贷资金用于资本支出和营运资本。

    So you need to borrow for both capital expenditures and working capital .

  20. 融资活动与通过发行股票或借贷来增加资本相关。

    Financing activities relate to raising capital via issuance of capital stock or borrowing .

  21. 民间借贷是民间资本的一种投资渠道,是民间金融的一种形式。

    The folk lends money is the private capital one kind of investment channel , is the folk financial one form .

  22. 直译为“管理者收购”,是指公司的经理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交易收购本公司的行为。

    Management Buy-outs ( MBO ) mean manager layer to utilize debt-credit finance or stock right transaction to purchase the behavior of our company .

  23. 他表示,大约一半的温州中小企业难以从银行处借款,转而被迫从非正规的借贷市场获取资本。

    He said about half of SMEs in Wenzhou have difficulties in borrowing from banks and are forced to obtain capital from the unofficial lending market .

  24. 农村民间借贷是农村资本市场的重要组成部分,是银行借贷的必要补充。

    The rural folk debit and credit is the important part of the rural capital market and the essential supplement of the debit and credit of the bank .

  25. 资产价格飙升,借贷增加,并且资本流入增长。

    Asset prices soar , borrowing increases and the capital inflow grows .

  26. 批发银行业务为跨国公司、区域性和国内大公司及金融机构提供服务,项目包括贸易资金、现金管理、托管、借贷、外汇兑换、利率管理和借贷资本市场。

    The Wholesale Bank provides services to multinational , regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade finance , cash management , custody , lending , foreign exchange , interest rate management and debt capital markets .

  27. 存在借贷资金的随机资金预算问题研究所以你们得借贷资金用于资本支出和营运资本。

    Capital Budgeting with Borrowing Money in Stochastic Environment ; So you need to borrow for both capital expenditures and working capital .