
  • 网络channel decoder;channel decoding;Channel DeCode
  1. 在接收方首先提取信息序列进行软译码,得到的似然比信息作为第一次迭代时信道译码的先验信息。

    The information bits are extracted and soft decoded , the likelihood ratio information of which is sent to the channel decoder as the a priori information at the first iteration .

  2. 基于FPGA的DRM信道译码研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Channel Decoding for DRM Based on FPGA

  3. 相位估计器把从信道译码得到的软判决信息当作训练序列,把每个发送比特当作一个随机变量,采用最大似然准则(ML,MaximumLikelihood)完成相位估计。

    The maximum - likelihood ( ML ) carrier phase estimator is completed , which the transmitted bits are considered as random variables .

  4. 为了实现Turbo码译码,使用DSP协处理器TCP完成了信道译码单元。

    After all , we implementation a Turbo decoding unit make use of co-processor TCP ( Turbo Coding Processor ) of DSP .

  5. 文章通过线性回归模型利用信道译码的结果对信道信息进行估计,利用比例、积分、微分控制器(PID)对信道信息的变化进行跟踪预测,提出了信道估计与信道译码相联合的盲估计方法。

    This paper presents a blind estimation method which combines the CSI estimation with decoding . The channel information is estimated by a linear regression model using the channel decoding results .

  6. 仿真实现了采用软MMSE干扰消除和线性MMSE滤波的SISO多用户检测与SISO的MAP信道译码联合迭代,对不同参数下的多用户迭代性能做了仿真比较。

    The simulation implements the joint iterative of SISO MUD which consists of soft interference cancellation and linear MMSE filtering and SISO channel decoding using MAP algorithm , and compare the performance of iterative MUD in different parameter .

  7. 模块的软件设计主要包括:DDC滤波器参数设计和DSP的基带信号处理,给出了Viterbi信道译码算法DSP实现和发射端突发形成的仿真实现。

    The design of software module includes the parameter design for DDC filter and the baseband signal processing of DSP . And the realization of the Viterbi channel decoding algorithm by DSP and the simulation of the burst at the transmitter are discussed .

  8. 提出了LCB迭代停止算法、适用于TTCM系统的符号级软输出维特比算法以及两种联合信源信道译码算法,探讨了新方法在图像数据传输中的应用。

    Especially , we present the LCB iterative stopping algorithm , the symbol-based SOVA algorithm suitable to the TTCM system , and two joint source-channel decoding algorithms .

  9. 该方案通过反馈检测到的重组信源的信息来改变译码过程中解码器间传递的外信息,从而提高信道译码的纠错能力。

    A feedback algorithm using error-detected source information is designed to improve the error correction capability of the Turbo Log-MAP decoder .

  10. 与分离的信源、信道译码相比,性能增益约为05~1.0dB,增加的复杂性很小。

    Compared with separate decoding systems , the gain in signal to noise ratio is about 0 5-1.0 dB with a limited added complexity .

  11. 该方案在不改变原有传输系统中的TurboLog-MAP译码器结构的情况下,通过重组图像的错误检测,反馈信源的信息来改变译码过程中译码器间传递的外信息,从而提高信道译码的纠错能力。

    The proposed decoding scheme designed a feedback algorithm using error-detected source information to improve the error correction capability of the Turbo Log-MAP decoder without changing its constituent decoder .

  12. 通过含噪接收序列信道译码后的软输出对信源模型参数进行估计,并将迭代估计获得的信源精确概率结构和信道译码结合进行信源&信道联合迭代译码。

    The source parameters were obtained by the soft output of decoding the received noisy information sequence . The joint source-channel iterative decoding was implemented by combining the channel decoding and the source decoding with accurate probability structure of source model estimated by iteration .

  13. 基于可变长编码的剩余信源冗余,提出了一种利用信源先验知识的联合信源信道Turbo译码方法。

    Based on residual source redundancy of the variable length coding , a joint source-channel turbo decoding method with source a priori information is presented .

  14. 迭代更新信源模型参数的信源-信道联合译码

    Joint Source-Channel Decoding Based on Iterative Source Model Parameter Update

  15. 一种基于信道软译码的差错隐藏算法

    Speech error concealment algorithm based on soft-decision channel decoding

  16. 低复杂度的图像信源-信道联合译码算法

    Low - Complexity Joint Source Channel Decoding of Image

  17. 在译码器端,采用联合信源信道迭代译码结构,提高了编码系统的传输性能。

    At the decoder side , the system transmission performance can be improved by joint source-channel iterative decoding . 5 .

  18. 在此系统框架下,把编码、信道与译码统一考虑,设计系统完成信息的智能传输。

    Encoding , channel and decoding are synthetically considered in framework of the model , to design a system for intelligent transmission of message .

  19. RiceLognormal衰落信道中不同译码度量特性的比较

    The Performance Comparison with Different Decoding Metrics over Rice Lognormal Fading Channel

  20. 一种适合于低压PLC信道的组合译码混合ARQ算法

    Adaptive Code Combining Algorithms for Hybrid ARQ System Based on Low Power PLC

  21. Turbo均衡技术利用Turbo原理将信道均衡与译码结合起来,通过不断地迭代来消除ISI。

    Turbo equalization joints equalization and decoding to cancel ISI through an iterative approach .

  22. 基于HMM的信源&信道迭代联合译码

    Joint source-channel iterative decoding based on hidden markov model

  23. 基于SAGE算法的STBC+OFDM信道估计和译码方法

    STBC + OFDM Algorithm for Joint Channel Estimation and Detection Using SAGE

  24. Turbo编码GMSK信号准相干解调时的迭代信道估计和译码研究

    Iterative channel estimation and decoding algorithm for quasi-coherent demodulation of Turbo coded GMSK signals

  25. 对卷积编码、通信信道和Viterbi译码整个过程进行模拟并比较译码器在各种参数和实现方法下的性能。

    The process of convolutional encoding , communicating channel and Viterbi decoding will be simulated by the software simulator .

  26. Nakagami衰落信道下基于译码前向的合作分集性能研究

    Performance of the cooperative diversity over Nakagami fading channels based on DF protocol

  27. Turbo均衡是利用Turbo原理,在接收端,把信道均衡与译码联合处理,即利用一种迭代算法对同一组接收到的数据进行重复地均衡和译码,以获得更好的系统性能的技术。

    The technique , processing the equalization and decoding jointly at the receiver , that is , equalizing and decoding repeatedly to the same data block using an iterative algorithm , is Turbo equalization .

  28. 证明了在Nakagami信道中和积译码算法的信道初始化消息的概率密度函数满足对称性条件,并推导了Nakagami信道的稳定性条件。

    It is proved that the PDF of the initial channel LLR message in sum product algorithm satisfies the symmetry condition and the stability is given when the channel is Nakagami fading channel .

  29. 多个可变长信源的联合信源&信道卷积码译码

    Joint Source-Channel Decoding of Variable-Length Encoded Multiple Sources

  30. 基于空间迭代的信道估计和译码联合算法

    Space-iteration channel estimation and detection joint algorithm