
  • 网络Information Network Security;Netinfo Security
  1. 软件VPN技术在水利信息网络安全中的应用

    Application of software VPN technology in water conservancy information network security

  2. PKI在电力系统信息网络安全中的应用

    Application of PKI to Information Network Security for Electric Power Systems

  3. 阐述了信息网络安全解决方案&公钥基础设施(PKI体系结构)和权威认证(CA)的逻辑构成,同时说明了计算机应用系统与公钥基础设施(PKI)和权威认证(CA)的集成方案。

    The solution of the network information security-the Public Key Infrastructure ( the structure of PKI ) and the logic construction of the Certificate Authority ( CA ) are illustrated along with the integration method of the computerized system and the PKI / CA.

  4. 本课题是福建省重点科研项目《信息网络安全防护技术》(项目编号2001H103)的一部分。

    Our work is a part of a key research project of Fujian province-Information Network Security Protection Techniques ( No. 2001H103 ) .

  5. 宁夏煤业集团公司信息网络安全解决方案

    The scheme of network security in informatization in Ningxia Coal Corporation

  6. 浙江省烟草行业信息网络安全保障体系的构建

    Constitution of Security System in Information Network of Zhejiang Tobacco Industry

  7. 烟机企业信息网络安全防护体系的建立

    Establishment of Information Net security Protection System in Tobacco Machinery Enterprise

  8. 信息网络安全&我们面临的机遇和挑战

    Information Network Security - Opportunity and Challenge We are Facing to

  9. 论保护信息网络安全的技术性和管理性法规

    Study of Technological and Managerial Law in Protecting Security of Information

  10. 城域林业信息网络安全管理模式研究

    Research on Information Network Security Management Model of City Land Forestry Resource

  11. 重庆钢铁集团信息网络安全解决方案设计

    Design the ChongQing Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. Information Network Security Plan

  12. 能控性与能达性信息网络安全可控性分析的过程模型和评价指标

    Analyzing Process Model and Evaluation Indexes of Security Controllability for Information Network

  13. 借鉴现实社会中治安管理的思路,建立信息网络安全管理框架是一个有意义的研究课题。

    There is no uniform framework for network security management .

  14. 其他危害计算机信息网络安全的。

    Other activities which harm the network are also prohibited .

  15. 物流园区信息网络安全研究

    Research into Safety and Security in Logistics Park Information Network

  16. 探讨城域林业信息网络安全的理论基础、技术基础和集成方案。

    Its theoretical foundation , technological foundation and integrated scheme are discussed .

  17. 浅谈消防信息网络安全体系建立

    Discussion on the establishment of fire safety information network system

  18. 计算机信息网络安全的法律对策

    The Legal Countermeasures of the Security of Computer Information Network

  19. 电力企业信息网络安全的研究

    The Research on the Network Security for Electric Power Enterprise

  20. 信息网络安全立法探析

    A discussion on legislation of safety for information network

  21. 电力企业信息网络安全管理系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of an information network security management system for power enterprises

  22. 公共图书馆信息网络安全管理策略

    The Study of Strategy for the Security Management on the Library Information Network

  23. 基于组件及信任域的信息网络安全控制

    Component and trust domain based security control for Info-net

  24. 论我国信息网络安全的保护对策

    On the Protection of Communication Network in Our Country

  25. 安全隔离技术在电力信息网络安全防护中的应用

    Application of security isolation technology in security protection for electric power information network

  26. 发电企业信息网络安全策略

    The security strategy of power enterprises information network

  27. 湖北电力信息网络安全体系建设的发展思路

    Idea for the Development of Security System Construction of Hubei Electric Power Information Network

  28. 谈数字化校园信息网络安全发展策略

    On the Development of Digital Campus Network Security

  29. 与此同时,信息网络安全防御体系也越来越引起人们的关注。

    Meanwhile , information network security defense system more and more cause for concern .

  30. 加强医院信息网络安全管理

    Enhance the security management of hospital information network